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Posts posted by Molotov

  1. Jim Goodwin was a fierce competitor on the pitch.

    There is no doubt that he over stepped the mark at times during his playing career with certain challenges. 

    When I have met him he came across as a thoroughly decent human being. 

    He will have done his best to bring success at Aberdeen but ultimately circumstances and results proved all too much. 

    I honestly believe he has been let down by these modern day journeymen footballers who are often only with clubs on a short term basis. 

    I sincerely hope he recovers from this situation and takes some lessons. 

    There will be many critics in the media and on social media ripping him to shreds. 

    But at least he had the conviction as a player and a manager to stand up and try to do his best for every club he was employed by.

    Many of those dishing out insults don’t have the courage or the mental strength to take on the challenges that he has faced in his career.

    I wish him all the success in what he plans to do next. 

    Btw I’d have preferred if the Dons had kept him until after midweek game against St Mirren as I fear the dreaded bounce that those players will ultimately have a point to prove to the next manager.

  2. 1 hour ago, Stylish Kid said:

    I don't understand why he didn't go out like the dressing room door or something? I know nothing of the geography of ER, perhaps it's a quicker way out? Is it closer to the train station/his car? I feel it raises many questions 

    Probably because he would be hounded by the media going out the front entrance.

    There is a car park is by the front entrance but there is another at the back.


  3. 10 hours ago, derrybiy said:

    I've started a job with three Fifers who all support Celtic and don't seem to know much about the rest of Scottish football. Wish me luck.

    That reads to me that they probably don’t ever go to any matches. Or they only watch the “big games against Them”

    Or the usual type of response “ma da was a Sellic man, so wiz ma granda. So that’s how I’m a Sellic supporter!”

    ”but what about your mothers side?”

    ”aw naw they’re aw proddies!”

    Eh good luck.

    Just wind them up by knowing more about their team and history than they. 


  4. 2 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

    Important thing first - like most of us, I have encountered some shoddy service and have had frustrating run-ins with different companies down the years, but I’m not the kind of guy who would stand outside a business with a placard saying ‘never shop here’ and look like a moon howler with a grudge. Standing the in rain, shouting at passers-by.

    Just want to put this out to anyone on P&B who might, just might, have been thinking about the following, or know someone who was thinking about it…

    Never buy a Mazda car from either Western Barnetts at Newbridge Car Village in Edinburgh, or Arnold Clark Mazda on Kerse Road, Stirling.

    No need to into full details, this is just my advice, based on one full calendar year of Mazda ownership, and dealing with these two establishments. Actually, my personal experience means this will be the first, and last, Mazda I ever buy - and I appreciate there may be folk reading this who own a Mazda, and have had no problems at all. Me? My next car will likely be back to a VW.

    Anyway… no ranting, no raving (much). Feel free to ignore this post if you wish. I would highly recommend avoiding both of these dealerships though, should you choose to buy a Mazda from somewhere.

    Is the problem here the franchise or the car?

    Even with certain premium brands I’ve had horrendous issues with the dealerships.

    The turnover in staff in many of these places leads to really poor customer service. 

    I have been waiting 2 weeks to take ownership of a car that the dealership, the leasing company and the manufacturer HQ are arguing over an item that was originally ordered (Harmon Kardon) but was removed prior to build as the supplier of the speaker system probably couldn’t meet with demands to reduce price by MINI. 

    The last three days I’ve not even bothered phoning. They just don’t seem to give a shite about customer service. 

    Seriously considering cancelling the order and losing my deposit and let them continue to argue. 

  5. 30 minutes ago, accies1874 said:

    I was re-watching Gone Girl (still great) which chucks in Don't Fear the Reaper at point. There can't be any song that's appeared in more films/games/TV episodes than this has? It's popped up millions of times for me in the past year or so. 

    I’d see that as a bit of a worrying sign. 

    You either have voices in your head or you watch too much TV. 

    Did that song ever appear in this film series?


  6. 3 hours ago, Dirty Sanchez said:

    I always remember Thommo being on Off the Ball when the theme for the day was to name your favourte Irishmen.

    When Thommo left Goodwin off his initial list, he still declined to add him even when specifically prompted about it. 😀

    Is that not related to the time when Gary Teale and Jim Goodwin took over from Tommy Craig?

    I believe Thommo felt overlooked by the club as he had been doing or completed his coaching badges.

    Thommo has a safe gig these days. 

    Gary Teale blinds oncoming car drivers with his smile 😊 

  7. 3 minutes ago, NorthBank said:

    Jim needs to drop Stewart and find a new captain. Someone that can actually lead and knows how to pass forward and doesn't get sent off. That alone would be a massive improvement in the team.

    Given JG had arguably a worse record I’m not sure that he would be able to find a solution.

    It must surely only be a matter of time before he is released from his duties as manager. 

    The pay off settlement will also have to include his back room staff.

    Sad to see it not work out as he is a very decent man.


  8. Jim Goodwin harbours ambition of managing at international level with Ireland.

    It was highly unlikely he was going to achieve that staying at St Mirren. 

    He got the move to Aberdeen on the back of an undefeated run that could have gone either way in many of those games. 

    I like Jim as a person, but I do feel he is not that good a tactician required in the modern game.

    He gave up a part time gig with Alloa to join us. 

    Most of us if we are honest would have moved onwards to a greater challenge with a bigger club. 

    It will be difficult for him to turn this around but I’m sure he will not give up.

    I wish him well apart from when he plays against us.

    The players really need to take a good look at themselves. 

    Too many are on very good wages and don’t seem to have the desire to go on and compete in these cup tournaments which really are the only opportunities that clubs outside of the ugly sisters have. 


  9. 7 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

    That is a superb playing surface for Scotland, in January, in what has been cold weather. At top flight level, that would be one of the best playing surfaces. Excuse my ignorance about Darvel FC, but have they a benefactor or a bit of cash that they have spent on their pitch?

    Certainly more than the SFA at Hampden!

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