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Everything posted by ScottishLoon

  1. Matty Allan saving the pressure being ramped up higher on ray. I'm Hoping we can get Dunbar, cumnock or potentially musselburgh at home next round(so inevitably it'll be someone like Falkirk or raith away)
  2. Strangest thing from this game was that apparently Montrose's goalkeeper would inexplicably start playing the piano during a quiet spell.
  3. Mccawl was during the bollan promotion winning season in 2016-17 long before COVID and I'm not sure he was capped while he was was at us tbf.
  4. Oh here's one I think, Scott Gallagher for Scotland u21s when he was on loan in 2010.
  5. Just checked and stanger played for new Zealand at the 2019 u20 world cup but wasn't called up during his short loan in 2020. Can't say I know of any others since big odmar.
  6. Wee reminder of why we still appear to be so rent free in this poor wee guys heid... Almost 3 months later.
  7. Despite how close the table looks it's definitely not a 3 way battle. I don't see us finishing below Elgin and Clyde, they are on a clear different level of poor team compared to us.
  8. Crazy game. As bad as Munro was and it being crystal clear now that his time is unarguably up at the club, it was ray who's ended up losing us the game with his changes after we scored. First half we were controlling the possession without any threat or final ball and then second half we were dominant and running through them until ray completely loses us the game when he inexplicably changes the team and shape while we were looking the best we've looked at home all season. All that being said, you can see why Peterhead are top when they can play fairly poor but still be clinical and able to dig in when they needed to.
  9. Been raining all night and morning in forfar but should still be game on. its rare that we have games called off these days, even in this weather.
  10. You'd think since we were playing Moore at LB he would of been useful as an option in midfield.
  11. I just remembered that we still have another player apart from Darren whyte out on loan in Cammy blacklock. Still confused as to why the club never acknowledged his loan on social media.
  12. Yeah the number surprises you for a second but then you realise apart from I think daniel hoban having some games during the COVID year a few years ago Marc has played every game in the last 6 and a bit years. Crazy to think he's still only 30.
  13. Our biggest challenge this league season continues to be our own managers tactics and game management. Games there for the taking and we keep playing with the handbrake on until a last 15 minute flurry.
  14. What happened at the end there? It said we won a penalty and then nothing happened.
  15. Trouten has to be up there with Bobby linn for our biggest bogey player of the last 15 years, feels like he's always going to score against us.
  16. Unfortunate situation but sounds like this might just be a short term problem, hopefully he's back in after January.
  17. Well we've been drawn away to Huntly in the Scottish cup, a tougher draw than you might think because they seem to be doing really well this season. Also this his bad luck we have with being drawn away so much is getting a little out of hand now.
  18. He deserves it and the more he gets used to this level the more consistent he'll continue to be, also shows we don't need to persist with Seb all the time too.
  19. You're right everyone's position is set in stone, here was me thinking that we're only 6 games in... oh wait
  20. Just looked up the rule on goalkeepers handling the ball and based on what happened yesterday the ref was right, it doesn't matter if Marc fully picked the first ball up because the fact that he touched the ball two different times like he did with his hands in that scenario basically means it's a foul. It's one of those rules that you pretty much forget about existing because you never see it happening.
  21. Of course losing games and bad performances highlights your view on poor refereeing decisions it's only natural, and that's only because it can be so easy to get carried away in a good performance and scoring goals to not focus on the bad decisions in a match. I'd like to hope me included that supporters could start to get better at noting bad decisions no matter which way they go and not just revert to the general idea of "if you win stop complaining about it and celebrate" or "if you lose stop blaming the officials" There needs to be middle ground and nuanced discussion from every clubs supporters. We'll continue in this loop where the powers at be will just keep on doing the same things and also brushing most of criticism down to supporters being overly partisan.
  22. Why does anyone continue to moan about the managers interviews? We know they're bad, they're all bad. The standard is horrendous. (Interviewer and cameraman's good work excluded)
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