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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. Staring into someone's mouth when they're eating is a pretty weird description of social interaction.
  2. They're two people I often see referenced on here but very rarely ever see anything that they've said and I'm on Twitter quite a lot. I can't recall seeing anything detestable from them in the past decade, I'm going to go out on a limb and through judging the posters that have mentioned them presume they weren't a fan of Corbyn? Some people just absolutley love to consume content that they know will rile them up, a good ol' hate read.
  3. RuMoore


    Ahah cheers, I think. What sort of photos would have bumped me up a few ratings? Off to NYC today so I'll make sure to hone my skills and upgrade from auntie to favourite cousin.
  4. RuMoore


    That's me leaving Canada after 4 days in Toronto in the morning. Loved the place. Loads to do and didn't feel as cramped or hectic as I thought it might, had a really relaxed atmosphere mostly and everyone was stereotypically friendly and welcoming. CN Tower was really cool, definitely the highest place I've been, was decent weather so had great views. Really enjoyed the Islands, would probably be my top recommendation for others visiting. As someone with zero knowledge on the sport i enjoyed the ice hockey hall of fame. The interactive stuff was really cool, scored a few shots and managed a few saves and got a compliment from a local on my first timer technique. Also St Lawrence Market was class, enjoyed my peameal bacon roll and even had a pre rolled joint cutting about Kensington Market which was pretty trippy, definitely a hippy hotbed. Spent a day at Niagra Falls and then Niagra on the Lake and can only echo what others have said on here, felt like the scene of a movie and some of the houses there and surrounding it are mesmerising. I shudder to think how much even the smaller houses cost. Only ever so slight negative was the prevalence of homeless people/crack heads sleeping on the pavements above the air vents. Saw a couple properly tweaking out and seemed quite a juxtaposition from the kinda progressive values the city seems to promote. Unsure if I'll ever make it back due to the cost of it all but if I had lots of money I'd come back regularly. 10/10
  5. I know I've done the meme on him a few times but is Jinky actually Charlie Nicholson, he's like a dysfunctional AI system trying to have banter but doesn't quite understand what it actually is.
  6. There's hasn't been for a long time now yet some people don't want to move with the times. PnB definitely has a blind spot for this issue and undoubtedly we'll still see people desperately defending their right to post sectarian content whilst also getting upset about Old Firm fans using sectarian terms in their songs. Even on the last few pages here we've got some edge lord types giggling away about being warned for posting bigoted slurs... I mean I'd get it why some 12 year old might try and defend those terms to the hilt but actual grown ups doing so is pretty wild behaviour.
  7. Buy a stone island and swagger into work imgho.
  8. That position would be relatively acceptable if you didn't then spend half your time slagging off people that live in Scotland for not being subservient to grievance politics and basing their whole political engagement around such things like being inconvenienced by "imposed Brexit" when you actually voted for it.
  9. From reading other posts on here am I correct in saying you voted for Brexit? If so then your barometer is, if I'm being generous, completely fucked when it comes to defining such things as least worst options... Surely even the most ardent of New Labour haters would think voting this Labour over the Tories is a better decision than voting Leave over Remain?
  10. Don't think I've ever disliked a player as much as Dessers. January can't come quick enough.
  11. I spent a few minutes trying to come up with a good retort but I cba, we're fucking rancid.
  12. Raskin looks like the only player on the pitch that's ever played football before.
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