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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. The worst thing about how this thread has went is how little respect is being put on Tynchy Stryders Rangers credentials.
  2. Of all the things that's going on in life to get yourself worked up over...
  3. I don't really know if after quoting me before this is aimed at me or the wider fanbase but I honestly don't care if random losers on the Internet mistakenly think I'm a bigot for no other reason than the football club I support because my parents and grandparents chose to support them too. I know Hibs fans that gleefully sung about Skacel being a refugee and one of them is probably the most racist person I've met so I cut ties with them and called them out on that. There's zero chance I'm dumb enough to then go and associate Hibs fans as being racist due to this person's warped behaviour. Obviously it means very little in the context of our wider fanbase and I'm nowhere near trying to say Rangers fans are therefore good guys or whatever but I've been at a game vs Hearts where some dickhead made a racist remark and got shouted down from the majority around them. Obviously these same people may turn a blind eye to sectarianism which you could certainly argue is shameful but the idea everyone that supports a certain club is scum or whatever dehumanising terms you wanna use is just ridiculous.
  4. Worry away then, 90% of the posters here are pretty sound if you can take a fair slagging.
  5. One summer me and my mate were walking between our houses and there was a guy who looked passed out in the front seat of his car but parked out front of his house, we thought he might have been sleeping but he did kinda looked slumped over the wheel, we walked back about an hour later and he was still there, in a slight panic we told my big sister we thought we had found a dead guy, she didn't pay us too much attention and told us to go back and knock on the windows, went back and he was gone. Just goes to show you that you should never intervene in such circumstances to avoid social embarrassment. Also one time walking back from a camping party I fell asleep by the roadside and the police picked me up as there had been reports of a body, what heartless b*****ds that drove by and failed to check to see if I was alive or not.
  6. If you escape prison they should let you off with it imgho.
  7. These hypothetical arguments are always so pointless to me. Every single team from both leagues would perform similarly to the others ones now as the money is the main factor on how well teams perform. The notion Rangers or Celtc would do well because we're bigger clubs means f**k all, we'd do as well as the money given allowed as would Man City and Liverpool if dropped into our league.
  8. I haven't a clue, there might be a smaller one somewhere, as Bennett posted I think Gersnet started off a bit more sensible. The reddit page seems to stick to football whenever I have a look but they might have to adhere to different standards on the overall site that forums can evade. You'd probably have more of the normal types post on here if the place didn't have it's own biases and hostility towards Rangers fans. I don't mind as I'm weirdly quite comfortable being an outlier but I'd imagine some people finding it off putting.
  9. I haven't posted on either after getting banned a decade ago but I always thought FF was more for the conspiracy da's whereas RM was for the younger wannabe edge lord types. I know you probably mean in the wider sense about calling things out but anyone that does so on those types of forums gets labelled a tim and banned instantly.
  10. That's new Top Boy out. I hate myself for it but I've watched 4 episodes in the last day just because people are horrific with spoiling new shows, almost like it's a competition for people to watch it and post about it first. Last year or whenever the last season came out I was watching some random UK Twitch streamer on the day it was out and someone in the chat posted the 10th episode spoiler, they literally wouldn't have had the time to watch it all they just went to the end to spoil it. Spoiler free first episode thoughts is it's looking very good, no shit episodes so far. Wasn't a massive fan of the last series but this one is back to the top tier imo.
  11. As a boring ass pedant I'd say being somewhere for a second counts as being there. I'd never say I've experienced the culture or anything mad, I'd always clarify I've only been there momentarily but it's just a good wee fact. We just went outside the pyramids, some guy asked to take our picture and then tried to charge us after, also checked out the museum and saw the Tutankhamen mask, Israel was mad coz they had so many c***s rocking about with guns, saw the wailing wall and the place where yon Jesus was birthed and the crucifixion place. My main memory was it was far too hot like 40 degrees. Learn something new every day!
  12. I went to Egypt and Israel for a couple of days from Cyprus when I was a kid on some promoted tour thing. I was too little to fully appreciate what I was seeing but I like the fact I did it so I can say I've been to Africa and Asia even though I've spent less than 24 hours in each place.
  13. This is up there as one of the biggest VL comments I've ever read on this forum.
  14. Oh aye, his "detention" seemed to be a bit of a leading term but probably accurate to an extent. I've got a lot of time for the guy but can't say I support the decision for any of these guys that go to such places.
  15. Can someone break this down into de facto Referendum terms?
  16. Something else I find odd about vaping is that it seems like parents nowadays are more lenient towards that compared to smoking. As a dumb teenager I started smoking to get my hole and I used to spray my self with deodorant before I went home thinking I was a genius til the parents started asking why I always smelled of deodorant when I walked in. I gave up smoking years ago but I don't quite get if I'm being a boomer by thinking parents seem a lot more okay with their kids tanning vapes over smoking cigarettes back in the day.
  17. RuMoore


    Is there anything you'd recommend on YouTube like some easy guide to understanding Basketball type video. I can of course appreciate good dribbling and 3 pointers but I get very confused when it comes to some of the tactics and rules around fouling. I had no idea they even did a world cup, I saw something on Twitter recently where some player made fun of the idea the NBA winners are world champions which was quite amusing, seemed to get a lot of flack from the other players. I'm sure I'll enjoy it and appreciate the MSG no matter how the game goes anyway.
  18. And that's him now in Afghanistan apparantly detained by the Taliban...
  19. Wondering what happened to the "Millwall f**k em all" kid.
  20. Another thing that annoys me about vapers is I always get stuck behind them in the wee shop I go to, there seems to be a million and one different flavours and names, (like weed dealers that just make up shite and combine names to appeal to folk - Ultra Alien Blue Dawg Cherry Haze type beat.) It always ends up with "What flavour you after?" "What have you got?" * Cue 5 minutes of them reading out every known variant and flavour known to man only for the person to go with the first one they said.
  21. Obviously you get a lot of mingin smokers but I feel like they're generally speaking aware they're exhaling something that stinks, I get the impression vapers don't realise this and think their fruit flavours smell fine for everyone else, they don't.
  22. You had me in the first half. Excellent tv show, I can't say I ever noticed the poor fellas balls though. ETA- Don't Google what happened to him.
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