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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. I never thought I'd be in a position to say this but I'd actually like to see Matondo on the pitch...
  2. That's unfair. We have been shite tonight but we certainly turned up for a lot of the big games that year.
  3. Ahahaha I literally typed this out and was about to hit the post button seconds before... "Abdallah Sima is proof that the Brighton scouting department isn't quite the insanely effective unit some would have you believe" Take it all back. They can't miss.
  4. Lewis Saunderson is the best actor of this generation.
  5. Everyone knows this Is this your first time on the Internet? Literally every news source online does this to try and compete, the National do it, your favourite source and mine both do it, this isn't some grand conspiracy.
  6. I think Jeremy Corbyn is shit, I think that Brexit is shit and I think Kate Forbes and her opinions are shit. It is however always amusing to see left wingers that support Independence saying Corbyn is shit whilst trying to defend Kate Forbes.
  7. That's probably worse than anything she's ever done imo.
  8. Cheers for the response. Some food for thought, someone else did actually mention the free ferry, can you see the statue of liberty from there? Also presumed the ground zero would just be a depressing museum but might take a wander through the park area. Brooklyn Bridge sounds good hadn't even thought about that.
  9. RuMoore


    A lot closer to my trip now so just wondering if I'm missing anything obvious out. In Toronto for 4 days and so far on my list of things to do I've got CNN Tower, The islands, Hockey hall of fame, check out the markets (saw Anthony Bourdain trying out some peameal bacon I'd like to try) day trip to Niagra falls and checking out the by the lake town people have recommended, also just try some poutaine and enjoy some drinks and maybe a nice meal. First time going and open to all suggestions.
  10. On my list of things to do I've got MSG Knicks game, Ice Hockey game, Rock building, Times Square, Bus Tour, Central Park, High line, Rooftop bar and of course try some cheap ass hot dogs and pizza. Of course we've all got different tastes and this is my first time going but just wondering if any of the people who've been recently or even frequently have any good suggestions of things deffo worth checking out. (I'm not fussed about statue of liberty, ground zero or broadway shows)
  11. You're exaggerating on every single point you've tried to make. Fair enough if you don't like the song, it's not for everyone but it's clearly done well at least due to the part a lot of people enjoy it and that it resonates with them. I can see why some short Kings may be upset but on the scale of good guy - wrong un in the music industry this barely scrapes the side. Any argument to try and turn this into some moral or overly political debate is absolutley reddit incel patter.
  12. Neither do I but I was hoping someone would've had some deranged suggestions..
  13. RuMoore

    EA Sports FC

    Next game... Arsenal.
  14. RuMoore

    EA Sports FC

    Just trying out seasons, they would usually choose teams that are the same star level or similar and this year there's an option to either have random teams or a "restricted" selection that's meant to give you players with appropriate skill levels, I tried that and.. I go Rangers and I'm faced with Bayern Munich, Man U then PSG... I don't know if it's coz I'm tremendously skilled and win seasons every year but it's kinda bullshit. If that's the set up I'm not sure I'll buy it, hoping it's just a beta issue.
  15. Some of those dives were absolutely pathetic. Celtc are atrocious, everyone is going to take points off them this season.
  16. Celtc have got so much worse so quickly. Who'd have guessed it... Killie winning the lot imo.
  17. Why is nobody mentioning the elephant in the room here?
  18. That's really clever of you but my man doesn't know how to appreciate Dat Ass IMHO.
  19. It's worth it for the phoenix rebirth that is Messitundo.
  20. I'm just glad none of our players suffered life ending injuries.
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