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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. I worked in the public sector for a while and had a 6 month review, they said I was adapting to the role very well, showing great promise, quick learner etc.. The manager conducting the review put in the room for improvement section that I should consider wearing a tie. I said I wasn't going to, it wasn't in the job requirements when I was hired and I don't even own a tie. Next day turned up to work and there was a tie sitting on my desk, handed in my notice about a week after that. Perhaps petty on my behalf but the place was packed to the brim with utter workshy weirdo control freaks.
  2. Looking forward to this one. Aside from McCrorie and Davies I'd imagine that will be near to our strongest side. Additions of Cifuentes and Danilo will will probably see Dowell, Dessers and Lammers rotated. Keen to see some more of Ykeko and Rice, they've both looked very capable and I'd like to see us actually trust some of our youth players this year, would also love a Lovelace cameo.
  3. I've been playing the F1 game on the PS5 and been enjoying it, I play near enough the easiest settings so I can actually compete, managed to win with McLaren and then then half way through the next season with me on top of the leaderboard up came the contract renegotiations, I don't fully get how that part works and after asking for too much money I've now been dumped and picked up by Haas. Devastated.
  4. I propose inventing a metric based on the severity of the crime in relation to the punishment called "Schofields". A 1 schofielder level criminal is only allowed to be battered occasionally whereas a 10 schofielder level criminal is allowed the full boiling water and chibbin treatment with no repercussions.
  5. Nah. I fully get and see the emotional side that leads people to momentarily wish we had it but as a society we should never be comfortable giving such authority to the state that's proven to be open to corruption and mistakes left right and centre. However I'm more than comfortable looking the other way when it comes to prison vigilantes dishing out a bit of retribution on the worst offenders.
  6. I think the fact mostly only his loser mates and right wing grifters pay for Twitter means these guys are amplified loads more than the normal accounts. The worst being that Ian Miles Cheong guy. Grotesque in every way possible.
  7. Easily. The transition from Fat Ange to Rodgers will be very noticeable. David Brent style management will not cut it when faced with Big Beale and his band of brothers. We look like we've improved our squad and I don't actually follow celtc so I don't know but I'm going to blindly say they've stagnated. Inshallah they manage to better our record of worst champions league team ever. Sharks for Christmas imghfo.
  8. Multiple reports Danilo is agreed as is Cifuentes, hopefully have them both announced by the weekend.
  9. You could always just demolish the shed and try and build one with twigs and saliva and whack a flag on top of it.
  10. The last few pages have been filled with disingenuous suggestions so forgive me for reading between the lines and then adding one of my own. It's abundantly clear that in the event of an Independent Scotland we would need to have some level of austerity imposed on us, that's before we even start to discuss the economic outcomes related to trade and such. Just like the economic foreshadowing of Brexit were obvious to anyone capable of rational thinking, i don't support making everyone's lives worse because some people have insecure identity issues.
  11. Last few pages show how many people on here view the GE and Labours success as part of their wider hopes and dreams of Independence. Hence why they're so over the top critical as they know it would be a set back on a vehicle that's not even moving in the first place. The mask has been dropped and we can stop pretending to have arguments about policy and austerity and how harmful Labour will be whilst simultaneously advocating for harmful economic outcomes but in an Independent Scotland. The most realistic positive outcome for normal people in the UK at present is to have a Labour government, you can argue the outcomes would be minimal but anything else is just fantasy birthday card pish or letting off steam on a football forum.
  12. Realistically if we can't get past these teams then we don't deserve to be anywhere near CL.... ... which might not be the worst thing in the world for us this season.
  13. We definitely need another CB but Yfeko has looked very promising. Dessers looked quite good too, seems to be able to do some good link up play, Lammers was also impressive again. Sima had a poor game but we can't read too much into it. Matondo was utter shite, his touch and decision making is criminal. I know he's fast but I still struggle to understand how he has made a living from football. It's an absolute fantasy but if Kemar Roofe could stay fit for the season then I think he'd be massive for us, so many little things he does that proves his quality, he gives his all and then some at every opportunity.
  14. So just to confirm everything is Tory unless we mention things that aren't Tory then we'll just say they're lying anyway. You'll perhaps understand why this seems a bit of a futile exercise for me.
  15. So you're drawing a willy on your ballot paper I take it?
  16. I don't think that's all that will change, I don't agree with the premise Labour are the same as the Tories, I've said previously how using this sort of logic you can shove all the major political parties into the same group. As another posted mentioned above the whole green element of Labours current proposals is relatively exciting and something we won't see with the Tories.
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