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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. Where does 50 year olds commenting on teenage lassies OnlyFans pictures on Twitter rank on the deviance scale?
  2. Course I had cheese. I feel like they were trying to be nice considering I wasn't utilising all the options I had so they overloaded the ham.* *Probably the most boring sentence I've ever typed out in my life.
  3. Just purchased one of the Asda make your own pizzas (top tier scran) and as I'm a basic person with the tastebuds of a toddler I just asked for ham as a topping, they asked if I wanted 3 scoops, I agreed to it without truly knowing the quantity of said scoops, never again, my pizza probably has half a pig on it.
  4. Aye we've had similar drama, I don't really need to be careful as I have absolutely zero desire to spend any time speaking to these people. I actually left the group and got added back in by a manger. I don't mind working with others or in an office environment but the idea I have to be friends with the people and care about their fucking cats birthday is a limit. Hope you're doing better nowadays but I fully agree! I don't mean to minimise anyone's struggles and its of course complex but it just baffles me how often people willingly subject themselves to things that make them miserable. Lots of people used the chat to vent and let off steam and it's absurd they should have to bottle it up or act all fake nicey nice over 1 person who shouldn't even be reading this stuff anyway.
  5. That's so very true. If the sunscreen approach isn't for you then just pay someone to hose down your really, really, really bizarre shaped body.
  6. The older I get the harder it is to get excited over players I know nothing about however its good to see we're strengthening in key areas. I don't think we had signed anybody this time last year... We need another striker and at least 1 other winger, hopefully get the Ecuadorian we're linked with over the line but that seems to be taking a long time I wouldn't be surprised if it fizzles out.
  7. I agree with every word you just said but... Look at him.
  8. Physical - 100 is a good watch for the strength/endurance stuff. Essentially a range of Olympian athletes and bodybuilders, sports stars, fitness vloggers etc.. all competing in different physical challenges to see who wins. They have some really cool challenges and some seriously impressive performances. Would love to see a UK version.
  9. You have to f**k up on a serious scale to have the majority of people cheering on the Zuck and enthusiastically rushing to get in on one of his products.
  10. Looks like the Green party prevented SNP getting 2nd. What a genius idea it was getting into bed with them
  11. We have this work chat thing where it's meant for folk basically letting off steam or chatting about non work related stuff, generally just filled with people asking what's for dinner or moaning about their jobs, there's this one girl who's been off with anxiety for about 6 months who is chatting away on it all day, recently someone was moaning about being back to back workloads and she posted a massive spiel about how reading this stuff heightens her anxiety and if people don't stop moaning she won't be able to return to work. This chat is on a work laptop that she's choosing to look at to wind herself up. It's almost impressive.
  12. I was going to post about this in the pish adverts thread the other day. The current crop of Air BnB ones are horrific. Over bearing owners that won't leave you alone, can't mind which one but the guests ask where to go out to eat and they end up cooking at the gaff instead. Brutal stuff.
  13. It's weird how you can live through times that seem normal and then suddenly within a few years it seems abhorrent. I always thought Jeremy Kyle was wrong-un fuel but that time period was pretty mad in general. The UK definitely had a poverty porn issue. The scheme and that show with Fat Dee were so perverse looking back.
  14. I'm sure he played along a few times but I still think it's atrocious patter.
  15. The problem with using a Limmy sketch to try and prove your point is that the guy is doing a bit. If you're trying to be difficult and a pedant then it's probably worth considering the defintion of something "rhyming" doesn't mean that every single part of it has to "rhyme". By a dictionary defintion pork and fork and twenty's plenty definitely do rhyme.
  16. 100% I'm really no prude when it comes to tolerance and people being overly cordial but from what I saw he seemed authentic yet easily rattled. Not anything posted in this thread but some of the low hanging fruit jokes implying he was pished when he obviously wasn't is a bit weird and I think quite a deplorable route to go down. I don't think he was an addict but to try and make fun of someone for those reasons is pretty grim patter. Sure make fun of his political takes as lots of people did bit some people definitely took things too personally and could probably do with logging off themselves.
  17. I'm still not getting the difference however quite disgracefully my "free" and "three" sounds the same so I'll gracefully retreat.
  18. Kincardine actually posted about football...
  19. Isn't Fork four k though? I've spent far too much time today saying both words out loud... I even went as far as letting Google say them both and can't hear a difference, they describe them as Fawk and Pawk but.
  20. I'm genuinely confused whether this is some massive in joke to suggest Pork doesn't rhyme with Fork...
  21. I'm guessing you were pissing yourself laughing when the damn exploded too... The likelihood of this attack happening can be debated of course but I just find it pretty weird to refer to it as funny, I'm sure the people nearby aren't scoffing about online hot takes.
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