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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. Can we include Tescos and Asdas?
  2. Considering there isn't a vote for independence on the cards then these people's opinions are irrelevant really, as you say they're not going to vote for parties likely to have any power, will they abstain or vote for the Greens or Alba? Either way that suits the Unionist parties. Of course it's possible to support Indy but not the SNP however they're the only viable vehicle people have right now. If the SNP support drops significantly at the next election but polling for Indy remains relativley high then what's the next step?
  3. I must have a shit tv coz I've got the latest updates and it's still a bit patchy which is a shame because I'm really enjoying it all so far. Did you have any issues with the bounties? I have a rumour that is to speak to the bounty lady in the saloon but I've spoke to her loads and she never actually gives me a bounty. Also unashamedly would like to admit I'm doing it on second hardest difficulty but turned it down to story mode for Oggdo Boggdo's offspring.
  4. Do you sell drugs out of curiosity?
  5. Clearly the fine people of Pie and Bovril weren't put off by this classic.
  6. It's apparantly some shit joke which would also fittingly describe his existence on this planet.
  7. The moderators up all night haunted by this face .
  8. Basic offering but definitely worth some praise.
  9. Hopefully Raskin isn't another one to add to the injury list, after a few mediocre performances I think he's definitely came onto a game recently. I must say McCrorie looked a bit flappy today but I'm happy with a basic spine of Souttar, Goldson, Raskin and Cantwell.
  10. Not at all but i accept your opinion that he'd achieve something if he used more public transport.
  11. So aye as I presumed nothing would constitute as an achievement in your eyes given their circumstances. That's fair but it's also completely devoid of logic to then get upset that they don't do the very thing you're of the belief they're unable to do.
  12. Very fair criticism but when it melted enough you could drink it like a slurp juice.
  13. Ice Cream - Mars Ice Lollies - Twister Honoruable mention - Calippo Shots
  14. In fairness what do you think he could do that would constitute as an achievement given the circumstances he was born in to? Without sharing an opinion on the royals in general or his relationship with the family surely his work with things like the Invictus games could objectively be considered good achievements no?
  15. There's no amount of tummy rubs and treats and nicey nice treatment that will remove a Pitbulls violent natural tendencies. They are ticking time bombs, sure you can mitigate the likelihood of a violent attack but these people that refuse to acknowledge the evolutionary element that they have a killing machine in their possession are completely delusional. I dont care if you think your gudboi is special, owning Pitbulls should be banned across the country.
  16. Do you personally know the victims family? I have local knowledge of the story and i would be surprised that they've known Miller for years tbh. Sure everyone knows of a trans butcher but I don't know why a child would know this adult man/woman unless the family's were friends or something which definitely doesn't seem to be the case. I don't see why the reporting would be false here.
  17. I agree with all of this, I'm pretty sure your post wasn't aimed at mine in particular and I don't want to seem like I'm rallying against your post but the point I was making that seemed pertinent was that this person has presented publically as female for a long time. It isn't a sudden development. Of course long term escalation type psychology is at play, as you say the way the house was modified and local knowledge points to behaviour that would imply this person was prone or vulnerable to such behaviour prior to this incident which is of course legally speculative but I think when Cherry and others online try and say this person has only decided to transition after the fact it should be challenged as that's not accurate.
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