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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. https://twitter.com/PhallusCrystal/status/1658199405466382337?t=xllj0_BZRUsQl_6Dg0h_FQ&s=19
  2. Not really a rule so to speak but I used to work in an accountants office and would put down clients I didn't like (for petty reasons) on my timesheet for chargeable time when it had been quiet and I'd done f**k all.
  3. Laughed out loud when he said "us critical thinkers". It's always those pesky critical thinkers that manage to, you know disregard and abandon any form of critical thinking to believe their tinfoil hat pish that they'd like to be true.
  4. That's one way of viewing him receiving a FPN for breaking the rules the dopey c**t put in place. Not aiming this part at yourself but some of the people trying to give Boris plus points for not actually getting arrested are terminally online.
  5. Of course, what I was getting at really. You may be a lot more informed that myself but my understanding was that at this point they essentially need to compile their evidence after speaking to all the accused and then send it to the PF to see if there are grounds to charge. Releasing her doesn't mean they don't have evidence or enough grounds to charge in the medium term it just means they're not ready to go for the charges as it stands. I also could be wrong but I believe that process for crimes like this would take a while. It would have been pretty crazy if she was charged after that first arrest. @Inanimate Carbon Rod might be able to clear it up?
  6. Yeah that's what I thought would happen too but I did see a fair amount of people, maybe not on here, acting like the idea this would happen was some made up Yoon fantasy. I'd imagine we'll not hear anything either way for a month or so...
  7. I don't think anybody is surprised she's been released without charge at this point. The surprise was she actually got arrested in the first place or were you already certain that would happen?
  8. I believe that JFK knew of the existence of Nessie and that's why they faked the moon landings to divert attention from the Bermuda triangle that Paul McCartney had recently went missing at, before the 5g cloning kicked in of course. Also I would probably hug Tupac, coz he's still alive but Bigfoot would probably kick my c**t in. Hope that helps with any future threads.
  9. Skye is my favourite dog I've never actually met. Gorgeous fella.
  10. I once saw two dogs fighting, not serious stuff like clamped jaws or anything, both had their dogs off the lead and they turned corners before the owners had got there. The man was wearing cammo and smoking a rollie and the woman was a bit posher and started shrieking her lungs out, she ran up to the scene and kicked the guys dog (to try and get it off her slightly smaller one) and the man proceeds to then walk up and boot her dog as some sort of leveller mid scrap. Was very bizarre. Those dogs kinda gave up after a few lunges and tangles but what I'm sure most would agree is frightening is the lockjaw these Pitbulls have, you can hear someone in that video asking why it won't let go, seems like as soon as they clamp on you'll need either good luck or herculean finger strength to prise them off whatever they've bitten in to.
  11. And due to not wanting to support Corbyn. Anyone expecting Labour to reopen this argument is doing so in bad faith.
  12. I watched a video on this guy a while ago. It's so much weirder than it all sounds.
  13. I've seen another video from the same incident and it's the most horrific dog attack video I've seen. I wouldn't recommend watching it. The white dog you see is just picking the guys face off like you would chicken from the bone.
  14. Got rich from exploiting disadvantaged people and their social situations whilst in the background getting involved in infidelity, addictions and debt.
  15. I agree mostly with this part however we're not talking about people being left or right when it comes to policy when the "left wing" option has leaving the UK as their main policy. Of course Unionist parties will vote tactically to avoid that. There are plenty of left wingers that don't support Indy and there's plenty of people that lend their vote to Labour and SNP without really considering Indy as the main factor. If Indy wasn't on the table I seriously doubt what some deem as "British nationalist" voices would have any prominence in Scottish politics. In an ideal world whether within the UK or not we would have PR and people's left or right wing views could be better represented rather than all parties trying to hoodwink centrist voters.
  16. Lmao, no i don't. If anything it seems like you think SNP are entitled to these votes, how dare I suggest some centre type voters would choose to vote for another centre type political party.. It would probably help if you dealt with what has been said rather than what you think people mean, which you seem to struggle with quite regularly on here.
  17. Stating my political prediction has nothing to do with entitlement just because you so happen to disagree with it and the Limmy reference is a shiter tbh maybe take a little time to think things over.
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