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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. Something that's always mildly amused me is Bear Grylls has 3 sons. "Jesse" which is arguably a normal name and then "Huckleberry" and "Marmaduke"... I can imagine Jesse playing his PS5 and looking outside the window to see Huckleberry and Marmaduke in the back garden scranning worms with Bear clapping in the background.
  2. This story is absolutely horrific. It's really frustrating to see how people on "both sides" of the debate weaponize stories. It is a fact that presenting as a female helped this nonce c**t commit this unforgivable act however Cherry and other grifters are acting like this person opportunistically decided to dress up as a woman to do this which is bullshit considering they presented as a female for about 6 years prior to their diabolical actions.
  3. Not necessarily a dodgy tattoo but this thread reminded me of a story which I'm amazed isn't made up. https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-31153964
  4. Perhaps I'm too young but I don't really get the appeal of Souness being any way involved in anything other than media appearances for us. He played his part in our history and there's of course a lot of love for him from our fans but the idea he should be a DOF and this would be positive is one for the birds imo. He was outdated when he took the Newcastle job over a decade ago so I'm glad these rumours are just rumours. Very positive to see talk about our improvement on our frankly disgraceful disabled facilities. Safe standing is good talk too but I think some fans are grasping at positivity straws after our recent OF victory. I'll wait to see how our summer recruitment spree actually goes before I pass judgment on Bisgrove.
  5. I always thought when it came to select committee stuff they chose people who were well regarded as being good at cross party stuff and were essentially the hall moniters of Westminster but now I'm wondering if it's like jury duty.
  6. Salmond rehabilitation is always very confusing for me to witness.
  7. Don't try and act like these parties are equal. The guy filming didn't seem angry at all he seemed very rational considering the situation. The lady was acting beyond unhinged before the guy made the husband jibe.
  8. That's superb. Looks like one of those photos that get nominated for cultural photos of the year where they have some poor impoverished child working in a mine.
  9. On a holiday as a kid in Ireland we were going up some hilly type place and my dad backed up into a ditch, we got a lift to the nearest town from an American couple and the guy said he was a drummer in a band called Clutch. He kind downplayed it and I didn't know the band but not too long after i saw the band on an episode of Viva La Bam which was one of my favourite shows so was pretty surprised. Think they supported Green Day back in the day.
  10. The GOAT https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/furious-gran-76-forced-sit-14167517
  11. WFH - Had overtime scheduled for this afternoon. Log in and the system has wiped my OT. Took 30 mins for someone to confirm I wasn't needed. Unpaid of course!
  12. I couldn't quite work out if this convo was in any way related or reflective of Tav but just in case it is I need to clarify Tav is not an outstanding penalty taker we just get so fucking many it looks like he is good at them.
  13. What's a good TLDR of both candidates so I can decide which one is the good guy and which one is the w**k?
  14. Really enjoying the new Jedi game. They have fast travel which is a lifesaver. A rare game where the sequel actually seem to have retained the fun aspects of the first whilst managing to properly upgrade and switch things up in a positive manner. Something not quite right with the graphics. I'm on PS5 and mostly it's fine but when in the really large areas with lots going on it seems to be a bit jumpy. No excuses by the devs considering Hogwarts and Ragnarok were fine with no issues but still tremendous visuals.
  15. Aye that's the one. Definitely not as enticing or crisp as I recall
  16. We're like 13 points behind right now and he's been class since he's joined and is still getting called all sorts so...
  17. This would be applicable if the team had done relatively well and he was an outlier by playing shite... He's played well against the diddies and looked class but then struggled when the whole team has struggled and been outplayed. He was shit when we lost to you guys and then Aberdeen. Since then he's been man of the match against both you guys and Abedeen, scoring the only goal versus them and then the important goal against you guys whilst running rings round your midfield... Even if the game today means f**k all to you guys (if you pretend enough) then you can surely at least appreciate there was a lot of pressure on the Rangers side today, even if no trophies were on the line it's beyond ridiculous to pretend this wasn't a high pressure game for the Rangers side.
  18. I love how annoyed some people are that this man is turning out to be class. This game was fun of course and I'll enjoy this next week even though it was obviously too little too late. Promising going forward that Raskin, Yilmaz, Souttar, Cantwell and McCrorie all played well. Add in better wingers and a clinical mobile striker and we're looking not too shabby. Forget talk about hoping Ange gets poached I'm hoping someone signs CCV because imo he is crucial for celtic.
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