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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. This story is beyond fucked up. One of the guys doing the torturing got an 8 month sentence.
  2. Pure unfiltered nightmare fuel.
  3. Andrew Tate charged https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65959097
  4. Absolutley gone at the idea this credible guy in the medical professions reputation being ruined because he doesn't argue with a crank on Joe Rogan. If you're after lifting technique from those boys ill give you a great tip
  5. I don't know what this is about and i've missed all the drama but I can definitively say I think laughing at inbred royals fingers should be encouraged. If some right winger has acted like a snowflake because someone made fun of sausage fingers I just wanna clarify I find that more than acceptable and relativley decent patter.
  6. Nothing too crazy but I consistently have dreams where I'm struggling to get to sleep. It's always either with my friends and family in some hyper populated place wanting to do lots of fun things and I'm being boring and ultra conscious that I need to sleep to the point it's awkward or just in weird ass situations you would never sleep in, one last night where I was in a room filled with massive spiders but I was trying to ignore it and just fall asleep, it's mildly irritating because I often wake up feeling like I've had a bad sleep. It would make sense if I barely got any sleep but I regularly sleep for 10+ hours, I think it must be some mild permo from back in the day staying up til days on the gear, gives me the fear thinking back and I couldn't think of many things I'd least rather do than stay up til the early ours on it nowadays so of course that's what my brain likes to go to for a default dream.
  7. I was lucky if I got more than 3 tbh. I was more of a hard-core search and destroy man. In COD4 when they still had the ability to team kill and not get kicked there was no better feeling than evading the mad man aiming the RPG at the ground at the start, being the only survivor and then 1 by 1 taking out the other team and winning the round.
  8. Well on that first point hopefully you don't get arrested... The second point is that it's not being a keyboard warrior to point out your contributions are utterly shite and distasteful. You are the exact type of person most Indy supporters find repulsive to their cause.
  9. It's not really relevant to the current conversation, you can play whataboutery if you'd like, personally I have no issues with calling out the nutters on both sides. If people aren't willing to accept this then the debate becomes some boring race to the bottom top trumps style pointless convo.
  10. There's of course a nuanced debate that can be had about the subject but the idea Scotland isn't complicit in colonialism with the rest of the UK and bringing out Hitler patter is never a good luck or a compelling argument. I don't think these views are representative of the majority of Indy supporters so I'll avoid any sweeping statements but these minority types don't appreciate how ludicrous this patter is and how they really don't do much for the wider cause.
  11. As if you thought this thread couldn't get any worse...
  12. Nowhere near the worst things I've done but still probably the best to share. 1. I was at some friend of a friend's party, was quite a shit party, pretty much a meeting of wronguns on the weekend after dole day, the home owner was playing music through an old TV, one of the ones that had a DVD part on the side. After arriving I pretty quickly decided this wasn't what I wanted to be doing for the weekend even if the other options were limited so I bailed but before I went I thought it would be funny to put into the telly a Justin Bieber album, the owner wasn't in the house at that point and I turned it up full blast and left to go to the local clubs. Next day I wake up and find out the guy already had a noise complaint sort of thing so the police had came round and confiscated his TV as that's where the music was coming from, had to wait about a month til he got it back... 2. Years ago after watching the Prison Break finale I went onto Twitter and found people that had posted "#S4E13" or whatever the second last episode was and searched chronologically and posted the ending to all the people that had recently shared how much they were looking forward to the ending.
  13. Similarly to 2017 I think there will be a lot of tactical voting from the Unionists. Of course it's a tap in for Indy supporters to say they're wronguns for going for the Tory voters but if they boost the numbers and Labour win a decent amount of seats they won't care.
  14. The difference for me is if you're drinking it casually as opposed to being some mad goth that needs it coz they don't sleep and spend all their time on Reddit. I probably drink 2 or 3 red bulls a week, I used to work with someone in his 40s that drank 4 small red bulls in a shift. Would be amazed if he's still on the go.
  15. These are the type of posts that seriously make me reconsider my political opinions.
  16. I hate how c***s like this guy and Boris get away with reprehensible policy and voting records because they have funny looking hair.
  17. Humanity - the game makes me feel very stupid and then when I figure out the puzzle I'm a genius. On the ps plus game library, class if you're just looking for something light.
  18. I'm good. You keep up the good work though. Ahaha Jesus christ. Who is the writer I recognise that face from someone I've filed under the Twitter losers bracket before?
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