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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. If you insist... Now tell me who you trust as a politician in the UK currently?
  2. You'll need to be specific on his views and I can tell you what I agree with and what I don't. I think Keir has played a very good game when it comes to the media and the previous issues the Labour party struggled with. He's moved the party into a position where it can win an election which isn't something we've had in a long time, very generally speaking I have a strong dislike for the Tories and the SNP so I see Labour as the most viable option for what we're stuck with.
  3. Aye hopefully we'll see some Dessers today. I'm not one of these people that pretends to know about new signings so have no clue what to expect really. What's your thoughts on Barisic going into next season? I'm seeing a lot of fans being imo overly critical of him. Not convinced Yilmaz is as far ahead as some believe.
  4. I think describing everything you dont agree with as Tory is extremely lazy and if you follow this primary school level train of thought then you could describe the SNP, Labour and Tories as being very similar parties so it ends up being a pointless exercise. We need PR but as it stands that doesn't seem likely. Also basing your political decisions or beliefs on trust is a dangerous game. Who do you trust as a politician in the UK?
  5. Presumably the solution is to offer nothing productive at all and label everything under the sun as Tory. It's really intellectual stuff.
  6. I think we definitely need another striker. Danilo looks an exciting player but hard to see from compilations and such if he's got the ability to hold the ball up, our play style so far has relied on physical forwards so hope we can adapt. Also slightly worried at the lack of links to wingers at the moment. We can't be starting Wright, Matondo or Sakala next season.
  7. Like a shite Scottish version of the Joker from Batman imo.
  8. https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/23664969.police-probe-snp-finances-moved-beyond-initial-complaint/
  9. I don't wanna brag but I once met Foxy from Pop Idol.
  10. Based on the first 45 against Newcastle, Sima will be electric, Lammer will be good but score f**k all and plz can we resign Morelos* *Danilo might suffice.
  11. Is the Canadian RB injured? Interesting that you're still plundering the Asian markets after Ange, he had a good knowledge of the area so will be interesting to see if the new guys in charge can pluck a few gems. Probably a load of shite but I saw something on Twitter just then about one of your new players saying they're going to be the best player in the team, quite a bold statement to make on arrival. I'm still hoping we see some late bids for Kyogo and Hatate, understandably I think you'd be panicking without them.
  12. Oh wow, I did see you had signed one player from Australia, are you excited by some of the other ones? Anyone you reckon will be one to watch?
  13. Have you guys signed anyone yet? I know the good posters of PnB aren't suitably represented by the Twitter lot but I've seen a few posts from unsatisfied fans when it comes to recruitment. Considering you guys don't need to buy anywhere near as many players as us this window I don't quite get what they're getting worked up about. Have you guys seen or heard anything from Rodgers that has you guys excited or enthusiastic? General thoughts going into next season?
  14. I agree with most of your post however I think it's far too easy to lay all of his failures on the door of the media. He didn't exactly make it hard for them. There was a lot to have a go at him for that wasn't just media concocted bullshit. I agree on your first part and have a goldfish memory so don't actually know if you're contesting a point here or agreeing. On the second part I don't know if it's as straight forward as that, thankfully Starmer isn't some far left fruit loop and if I could be arsed would probably argue he's still the candidate for lukewarm social democracy. I think it was @scottsdad who previously posted about under promising and over delivering which I believe is their strategy at the moment. Starmer certainly knows how to avoid setting up these media open goals that the previous leader struggled with.
  15. Nope, you're wrong, as per usual. There was lots of different reasons Corbyn failed. Multiple of them were valid, a few were a load of shite. Your last part is very unserious, as expected.
  16. I did say generally speaking as in when presented with two options in my life time they've generally went for the centre types. Cameron and May had success from the centre ground as did Blair and Co before. You're correct that Labour policy under Corbyn was popular but he wasn't the man to deliver it and voters hated him for multiple reasons. Brexit played a massive part but it wasn't the only factor in his failures, Keir has done well to mitigate these factors and win voters back that would have never entertained Corbyn being in charge, anecdotally speaking moronic voters view "leftys" as a threat to what they believe in and taking Brexit off the table Keir appeals more to these people whereas lazy communist scare tactics worked so easily with Corbyn.
  17. Lucky for you my area is SNP or Tories at present... Lib Dem vote utterly collapsed in recent years. I wouldn't really say I support any political party fundamentally and feel comfortable voting for the lesser of two evils at different points. Of course this is extremely controversial and worthy of vitriol but generally speaking I thought Blairs Labour were good, introduced progressive policies and made some noble changes in society. I don't think Starmer will be able to do as good considering the decade + we've had of Tory cost cutting policy but it's certainly better than the current crop of Tories in charge.
  18. Does your statistical analysis account for the fact he's got long hair and does questionable wee dances, in fairness to the diddies of course.
  19. 1. Rangers 2. Celtc 3. Hearts 4. Hibs 5 Aberdeen 6. Motherwell 7. St Mirren 8. Kilmarnock 9. Livingston 10. Dundee 11. St Johnstone 12. Ross County
  20. If this is aimed at myself it's hilarious to think I'm a Labour "fanboy". What's your suggested alternative? That's all completely fair and reasonable. Is the area you stay a straight shoot out between Plaid and Labour?
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