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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. My post is quite clearly not framed around any SNP obsession and it wasn't directly aimed at your post otherwise I would have quoted you. It shouldn't need to be explained further if you had properly read and understood my post but for the benefit of doubt I reject the idea that Labour are currently merely "Tory-lite" or Diet Tories or Red Tories or whatever creativity devoid name on the go. This is lazy framing and has zero real world application of nuance and balance. Also as a side note it's always funny to see people struggle with the concept that even if Labour were Tory-lite that to most people that's preferable still to the full flavoured version. Considering the options for the electorate it's either vote for Labour or get the Tories. Most people don't view them as the same party no matter how much some will try and frame it. Who would you personally and realistically recommend the UK electorate to vote for if they were to want an improvement in their lives?
  2. I think a lot of people on here are failing to see things from the perspective of the electorate. Of course Starmer isn't going to announce some major socialist agenda after winning power, people don't want that even if you personally do... The framing on places like here are that you only have two options which are "Socialist agenda" or "Tory-lite" but outwith spaces like this people don't really view it like that at all. They want rid of the Tories and generally speaking the electorate are centrist leaning. This is not the same as being Tories no matter how hard some left leaning types try and claim so. Starmers Labour won't inspire people that want radical change but it will be preferable than the current crop of Tories that we're stuck with. SNP supporters are very salty at the thought of losing seats to Labour so these boring attack lines have ramped up, they don't work offline though so it's just keyboard thrashing we'll have to put up with til after the general election and like some have mentioned if your end goal is Independence it doesn't really change anything on that front either, people are still as entrenched as ever and there's no prospect of a referendum in the next decade at least.
  3. gang gang Yes yes yes Ummm ice cream so good.
  4. If it's a fast food burger then it's slices but if it's on the barbecue you need to add some proper cheese.
  5. In many cases that is true but I don't think the nutters should get a pass just coz the guy recording is a loser, having said that if they ain't shouting "WORLDSTAR!!!" over and over I don't rate them anyway.
  6. It's not that deep, just a little thing I noticed language wise you sometimes do. I'm sure it's perfectly innocent and generally speaking from what I've seen you post i think you're a good dude.
  7. Similarly when you make a post and someone responds and starts with "correct" like they're the boss of it all or when you make a post and someone essentially elaborates but starts of with something like "The bit you're missing" etc. There's an expert Google searcher on here that starts 99% of their responses with this sort of dismissive language and it just comes across as so unlikeable and weird.
  8. We did make a mistake letting him go, I don't quite get the take that this is moving backwards when he's coming in as a squad player on low wages. He's reliable backup imo.
  9. Balogun would be a brilliant and a sensible option as a squad player.
  10. I'm not ASD but I quite often get keen for a new game, download it and then don't play it for ages. I know that I'll enjoy the game but I don't wanna commit to it and then when I eventually do I always think why the f**k didn't I play that straight away. Kinda similar to how I couldn't be arsed to watch a 3 hours film on Netflix but I'd happily watch 5 hours of shite on YouTube. I'll play Fifa, F1, Fall guys half the day even though I wanna play something with substance I just overthink it and don't bother.
  11. RuMoore

    EA Sports FC

    Looks like a mobile game.
  12. The quote of your post was you directly responding to someone responding to me about big Huw's arse pics...
  13. I was also referring to Huw's arse pics btw.
  14. I've not followed this one too closely but was the picture doing the rounds on Twitter earlier completely unrelated? Was it an old picture or something, I didn't really check the source as I was too busy trying to find bleach to scrub my eyeballs with.
  15. No, you've shat the bed trying to justify war crimes. But but but please can't we understand why Russia is killing civilians and then being unable to articulate why we should understand these actions is shitebag behaviour.
  16. Shat it. No I mean what Russia is doing in Ukraine, obviously. Your infantile post might have some merit if I supported the Iraq war which I didn't. You keep on playing whataboutery with war crimes though! Classy.
  17. Jesus christ what a head loss this has been... Let's hear their valid reasons for invading a country and mercilessly bombing civilians and commiting countless war crimes...
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