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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. Any story about landlords complaining and similarly people complaining about the wasted costs on office space when people prefer working from home.
  2. That's an insane way of spending your time. Mad b*****d probably has Stockholm syndrome.
  3. I volunteer as a mediator. I can speak the language and could broker some sort of collective agreement
  4. RuMoore


    The timberwolves who have got to be a bunch of shiters. If I had went a week earlier could've been against the celtics which could have made it more appealing
  5. As MT says.. I'm not arguing that and nobody else is. A soft decision in this case is fair imo whether it was ultimately wrong or not. If Dessers had 2 footed the celtc CB this wouldn't be a talking point. I've already said our shite display isn't covered by this decision, we didn't deserve to win or draw no matter how that decision went but let's not pretend it's not relatively contentious therefore a talking point.
  6. If we want to be pedantic there's definitely such thing as a soft foul as in if you're a referee and someone two foots a c**t and sends them 2 metres in the air that's more of an obvious foul than someone slightly knicking into someone's trailing leg.
  7. RuMoore


    I must say I don't really like basketball too much as a spectator sport, I just don't get it, fun to play though. Anyway I'm off to NYC soon and got tickets for a Knicks game, just curious coz it's a pre season game how competitive it will be, is it the football equivalent where it'll be like a fitness test or will there be some good basketball on the go, anything I should look out for like decent players or anything?
  8. Just catching up on Black Mirror, haven't seen the last 2 seasons, just watched USS Callister- Could be my favourite one yet. Definitely up there White Bear and Shut Up and Dance.
  9. Yeah I think everyone has the same monstrous expectations which nobody could live up to. I dunno about a flop but I think they've dropped the ball a wee bit and have lost some goodwill from the way they killed RDR2 online, then they fucked everyone about ironically porting the previous GTAs when people expected remastered versions, same with them doing that for the og red dead. Whenever it comes out it will break all record sales still.
  10. When it does arrive it's going to leave lots of people disappointed. There's no shot it can come close to people's expectations considering the long wait.
  11. I think the goal disallowed was a shit decision but that barely helped celtc win. We had enough possession and half chances to win that on a different day, of course celtc also had chances but this is deffo one of the ones where even if we could be described as unlucky we were shit up front and deserved to lose. I don't think there's much between either teams but this was a terrible result self inflicted imo.
  12. Regretfully it has came to my attention that my account was previously hacked and some trouble maker has besmirched my good name with unfounded braggadocious predictions and claims. I have enabled 2 factor authentication to prevent such further issues. Apologies to all concerned.
  13. Sadly I'm now of the opinion Twitter is on the way out. I thought Musk buying it was shit but didn't realise how quickly it would spiral downwards. It used to be great for random patter and good journalism and now it's just right wing yank crypto bros. Monetising the content has made it utterly shite, everything promoted is blue tick rejects farming engagement, no matter how many times I say I'm not interested I still see shite cat videos and brutal violent fights. The replies on tweets used to be funny and now it's just only fans people or "out of context" accounts.
  14. How many hours have you sunk in?
  15. Do we know who we'll get in the qualifiers or does that all take place when the Champions League teams drop down?
  16. Can't lie you've got a group where you could do well from. No easy games but certainly has to be an expectation of 3rd at least?
  17. There's a brilliant episode of Atlanta that takes place in the US in a world where the courts are essentially demanding people pay reparations. Would recommend anyone to watch it just for a laugh, about 30 mins long and is a stand alone so you don't need to know anything about the series. Some very funny concepts and wider commentary at play. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Big_Payback_(Atlanta)#:~:text=The episode focuses on a,the protagonist of the episode.
  18. Well aye that was talking about how shit celtc are nothing about us against PSV. I've said we would get beat numerous times. Let's not pretend this PSV team wouldn't destroy you guys in a similar fashion and that we won't comfortably beat you on Sunday... You're going to get humiliated in the Champions League whereas we have a chance of going on a decent Europa run.
  19. Amusing considering he was having a go at us for kicking the ball into the stands after the first leg.
  20. Dessers is looking pretty shite imo. So far he's been similar to Fat Morelos but shown zero to think he might have anywhere near the ability of an on form Morelos. Cifuentes is good at running but isn't quite as exciting as I had hoped. Cantwell needs on the ball more, pretty much what I anticipated with this one. They've created a few decent chances and are alright in possession but this isn't outwith our reach currently, either gonna be 3-0 them or we'll sneak it.
  21. Meh If we win it's grand but I'd also be happy with Europa, just need to avoid an absolute pumping and then bring on Sunday. Very interested as to whether Marondo will revert back to the player he was last year or if he'll have a stormer. Also Danilo must be utter shite in training. Beale already given up on him?
  22. Selling jars of fart and used bathwater ideally.
  23. Just had pasta, cheese and bacon, got the end bits of the garlic bread, gutted the innards and then stuffed the bacon, cheese and pasta into the crust. Glorious.
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