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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. I was trying to forget that had happened and erase it from my memory permanently tbf.
  2. Butland is class. Dessers is a donkey that makes fat Morelos look agile. Cantwell struggles at this level and Kevin Thomson said "tracky backy" earlier. That is all.
  3. I'd imagine it's more to do with the legal precedent that was recently established which confirms the term is sectarian, nothing to do with some Rangers fans campaign. https://www.scottishlegal.com/articles/celtic-supporter-who-called-policeman-a-***-correctly-convicted-of-uttering-sectarian-remark-sheriff-appeal-court-rules
  4. I watched a few episodes, it's probably closer to Top Boy than it is The Wire, probably worth watching if you're looking for something but I wouldn't have massively high hopes for it. You tried Snowfall that's a belter.
  5. Oh look, it's that thing that never happens happening again.
  6. You clearly don't frequently read this section of the forum then, can't remember their name because there's a million similar usernames but one of the "highland" boomers that frequently posts about his hatred of Labour has clarified that position multiple times now with some other forgettable posters agreeing.
  7. This is very true but at the same time to counter that a few people that support the SNP on here have openly said they'd prefer the Tories to win the next election to further their independence cause.
  8. I would love to see the reactions from these people to being described as centrists.
  9. Not as wild as the guy who woke up to a monkey sucking his cock in my humble opinion.
  10. Far too young for Subbuteo but the way people older had spoke about it I had way higher expectations from what it actually was. Closest we had was the figures you'd get alongside some advent calendar tasting chocolate. Used to be perfect stocking fillers or if it was a mates birthday.
  11. Yeah it would be the opposite of savvy if Starmer were to offer a referendum from a position of power.
  12. I stopped watching after your admittedly very well played opener. Looking at the score line is it fair to say one of your better performances this season?
  13. I'm still happy with this assessment. He's the opposite of Kent who seemed to look good whilst doing f**k all whereas Sima can do a lot wrong but still come up with the goods and occasionally be unplayable.
  14. Surely you can at least on the most minor level of condemnation see the distinction between making a crude joke in private and literally putting stickers on at the location of the tragedy that you're mocking?
  15. And if any of that despicable shite gets posted normal people like @kingjoey usually call it out for the repulsive shite that it is rather than getting on some weird edgelord pedestal.
  16. Well that was a pumping. Imagine being so bad you let Dessers score against you...
  17. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-67101381 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-67125964 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-gloucestershire-67144175
  18. When i was on holiday this past week my dog was left with a lovely local dog sitter who knows him well and he's comfortable at their place to the point that he commandeered her 2 year old dogs bed with no questions asked. Talk about respecting your elders. Apparantly the dog isn't too calm with other dogs and is very energetic but he clearly respected my old boys lazy nature.
  19. The beyond transparent and hilariously desperate attempt to deflect from Humza and therefore SNP criticism by referencing the people's champion PM in waiting is very amusing imgho. Labours plan in the story posted seems like it's costed however with Humza has he yet specified how the CT freeze will be funded so local councils don't lose out and have to cut spending and reduce services elsewhere? As far as I'm aware and perhaps insider @SandyCromartycould confirm or deny this he's had had a lot of backlash from essentially every single person that is involved in local government from COSLA to councillors and internal staffers? I think we're nearing Forbes by February territory.
  20. In fairness I only ever actually played the MM one which I believe is a lot shorter. I just got back from first time visit to NYC so I've buckled and have it downloading now
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