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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-67101381 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-67125964 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-gloucestershire-67144175
  2. When i was on holiday this past week my dog was left with a lovely local dog sitter who knows him well and he's comfortable at their place to the point that he commandeered her 2 year old dogs bed with no questions asked. Talk about respecting your elders. Apparantly the dog isn't too calm with other dogs and is very energetic but he clearly respected my old boys lazy nature.
  3. The beyond transparent and hilariously desperate attempt to deflect from Humza and therefore SNP criticism by referencing the people's champion PM in waiting is very amusing imgho. Labours plan in the story posted seems like it's costed however with Humza has he yet specified how the CT freeze will be funded so local councils don't lose out and have to cut spending and reduce services elsewhere? As far as I'm aware and perhaps insider @SandyCromartycould confirm or deny this he's had had a lot of backlash from essentially every single person that is involved in local government from COSLA to councillors and internal staffers? I think we're nearing Forbes by February territory.
  4. In fairness I only ever actually played the MM one which I believe is a lot shorter. I just got back from first time visit to NYC so I've buckled and have it downloading now
  5. The game in question being - Making political predictions on what you believe to be likely outcomes..
  6. Let us know how you get on. I'm seeing if I can hold out til Christmas time but after seeing some gameplay on Twitter it'll be a struggle. I'm thinking if I do a run through of the last one it might slow me down a bit.
  7. Anyone mind that time back in the Bojo days when people who were predicting Keir would win the next GE on here were getting derided and told there was no chance and that they couldn't even get a hung parliament? Some of the predictions that get made on here should have people stepping away from the game and holding themselves accountable for being horrendously inccorect whilst shelving their keyboards but they'll continue to get angry and be wrong on almost every political prediction instead.
  8. Recently got back from NYC for the first time. Had a terrific time, did pretty much all your touristy stuff, times square, rooftop bar, central park, staten Island ferry, sightseeing bus and top of the rock. Hailed a cab, went to MSG to see the Knicks and went out to New Jersey to watch some Ice Hockey, much preferred the hockey. Only ate cheap ass unhealthy food like hot dogs and fast food. Was underwhelmed by the hot dogs, didn't really enjoy any of them however we did go to a pizza place with a 4.4/5 on Google which was the best pizza I've ever had and it was 10 inch for 10 dollars which was cheaper than 99% of stuff I had. We were blessed with sunny weather for the most part and our hotel was 55th inbetween 5th and 6th avenue so was pretty much walking distance for most things. On the last day we did a Harlem walking tour with some hip hop artist that was kicking about when it all started, some crackhead type in a wheelchair started shouting at us that if we went to the bodega we'd get blasted at which was hilarious. The high line was also really cool, I think every city should aspire to have something similar. It is a very lively city and I'd definitely like to go back again but it was pretty pricey generally speaking so will only go back if I have a solid list of activities to do. 9/10
  9. Enjoying the Celebrity Race Across the World. Thought it would be shite but better than the regular season 3 for sure. Find it very hard not to root for Billy. Amusing to me how everyone else is essentially middle aged and spoiled where as him and his sister are just cracking on with it. Usually in the normal versions they have some coming of age storyline going on where the kids that haven't left their parents house grow as a person and take the lead in travelling whereas with this they're doing that same arc with 40 year olds. That Alex guy struggling to swallow calamari and the all Saint girl getting praised for getting on a train leaving her maw behind is very odd and uninspiring.
  10. And at the time it was posted someone on here claimed this was made up... Despicable c**t deserves the worst treatment possible.
  11. Jude Bellingham could actually be the best player for his age I've ever seen. Rooney in Euro 2004 was special but the way Bellingham plays like he's the main character is frightening, the kid is 20 years old and is comfortably England's best player, 10 in 10 for Madrid and he's already England's main focal point. I know some people don't want to acknowledge it but he is incredible.
  12. "You lost your mind?!" "According to my last psych evaluation, yes."
  13. I know it's nowhere near the best if you're a movie buff but for me it's in my top 5. Absolute classic. Some great acting, some great cinematography, some great lines, perfect length of film and a lovely soundtrack.
  14. I must say it's impressive that @Granny Dangercan have such utterly shite and consistently incorrect political predictions and still find the confidence to subject us all to them.
  15. RuMoore


    Watched the Knicks lose vs Timberwolves, I'd imagine it wasn't too informative considering it was pre season but enjoyable experience. The players are so fucking tall in person, the crowd stuff is hilarious, a lot more exciting than I thought it would be. Didn't realise quite how many fouls and free shots there were in basketball games.
  16. That's me just back from the NJ Devils losing at home to a team from Arizona, minter getting beat at Ice Hockey by a team who's entire state is a desert. Fantastic experience though, the scran was ridiculous and everything was so over the top it was brilliant to witness. The whole national anthem bit was very surreal, had no clue they had to take off their hats lmao. Never thought I'd be interested in the sport but I can see myself following it going forward.
  17. RuMoore

    Week 6

    Are KC good or are the Broncos just shite? Got a soft spot for the KCs as a non NFL fan but I'm finding myself wanting the Broncos to actually get a point here. ETA - Go on bois.
  18. Of course, I love it. I'm just surprised I've not seen their negative stuff considering I'm terminally online. I'm always intrigued with personality types and what content gets pushed towards them. Probably fair to say the two mentioned are popular dislikable figures for your more left wing types.
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