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p&b is a disgrace

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Posts posted by p&b is a disgrace

  1. I don't think it's being suggested that SFL would die... but it does appear to be suggested that [1] their finances might be damaged (particularly the annual settlement) and [2] they may lose clubs to the formation on an SPL2 to the exclusion of those against Newco.

    SPL won the tribunal case into forming SPL2 a couple of years ago, and a threat of doing it (if some clubs are willing) creates a different complexion - one of fear - for SFL clubs.

    Or SFL club could stand firm, live within our means....... and f**k them? Thats a much better option and will ensure that Sevco 5088 need to follow the standard election process and screw their plans for SPL2. Those who defect from the SFL will then need to be invited into SPL 1 - or get left high and dry by SPL! Hmm..... I wonder which?

  2. I dont believe this pice of blackmail makes the slightest bit of difference. The sequence of events will be something like

    1. SPL will refuse entry to TCFKAS

    2. SFL clubs will vote on their application for entry to SFL1

    3. There will be a no vote

    4. SPL 2 will be created

    5. All but a handful of SFL clubs stand firm against this blackmail

    6. SPL2 will form with SEVCO 5088, Cowdung and maybe 3 of the diddiest of diddies

    7. SPL2 will not be viable and SPL will need to reorganise before its even begun with leagues of 8 & 9 or 1 league of 17 ( or maybe a 12 - 5 split :lol: )

    8. Chaos ensues as theres no time to reschedule or agree TV deals or shit.

    Fans and Chairmen on SFL clubs just need to stay strong. Bombard your clubs. Let them know that you'll walk away rather than accept this. Force their hand. We don't need to accept this and if a small number of clubs do desert we elect other clubs to fill the space created.

  3. When this thread started on 14th Feb, I really didn't think I'd be sitting here less than 5 months later and actually feeling sorry for fans of TCFKAR. They really have lurched from one crisis to another - and there just doesn't seem to be any let up.

    That said, it is great to see what fan power can do and it makes me proud to be a diddy. Also really proud of TH - its not like him to get it so right.

    C'moan the rovers.

  4. FAO xbl, arab fc, the todd, kyle and fanny danger...


    In particular I'd like to draw your attention to the following part of the interview with Neil Doncaster...

    Doncaster also admitted the Old Firm's inclusion in the 60-game package needed to be a locked-in guarantee.

    He said: "Yes, that's been the case for a number of years. It's the case with all the major sponsorships we enter into.

    "One of the conditions is Celtic and Rangers remain part of the league. It is also a condition they play each other four times a season. That's been with us for the entirety of the deal with Sky and before that with Setanta."

    No need to apologise lads, the fact that I know you are all feeling like utter,utter cocks is enough for me.

    Quoting one of the biggest liars in this whole sorry affair as your evidence is desperate.....desperate. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Edited due to a Your/You're f**k up

  5. I'm seeing him in Manchester at the Etihad Stadium the night after. Can't f**king wait.

    Me too.

    i heard an ugly rumour that the Etihad is a booze free venue. Can you confirm?

  6. Certain SPL chairmen been bullied by their baying fans and try to portray it as "sporting integrity". We'll see what happens. 8)

    I'm ok with fans lobbying their own clubs. However, I'm a bit uncomfortable at the suggestion that fans bombard chairmen of other clubs to try to get momentum up. It doesn't feel right that we descend into a baying mob and bully other chairmen.

    Bullying to rid the world of the big bully can not be condoned.

  7. Certain SPL chairmen been bullied by their baying fans and try to portray it as "sporting integrity". We'll see what happens. 8)

    I'm ok with fans lobbying their own clubs. However, I'm a bit uncomfortable at the suggestion that fans bombard chairmen of other clubs to try to get momentum up. It doesn't feel right that we descend into a baying mob and bully other chairmen.

    Bullying to rid the world of the big bully can not be condoned.

  8. From the Daily Mirror:

    Rangers owner Charles Green is putting together an emergency plan to move the Glasgow giants to ENGLAND as he battles for the club’s future.

    Green has bought the Ibrox outfit and is taking them out of administration, hoping to persuade Ally McCoist to stay on as manager.

    But there are huge doubts about whether they will play in the SPL next season, or be forced to drop to the fourth level.

    And insiders close to the Yorkshireman’s camp reveal that Green is lining up an astonishing bid to buy a lower club in England and take their place in the Football League instead.

    Green, formerly chief executive of Sheffield United, would have to clear several hurdles to make the move possible, but he is actively investigating the scheme.

    The plan would see Rangers try to climb the divisions in England yet continue to play their home games at Ibrox, their Glasgow HQ – their large support will always follow them over the border.


    The Mirror has learned that League One club Bury are in Green’s sights, as they could be bought for a modest sum and present Rangers with a place in English football.

    Bury chairman Brian Fenton said on Wednesday night: “We have had no contact with Charles Green or Rangers Football Club.”

    Green and his financial team have , however, been looking at Bury in particular – although the historic move would cause outcry at many levels.

    But the rewards for Rangers are great if they can switch to England as they would have a great chance of rebuilding in a new country’s league.

    Rangers will find out at the start of July if they are to be readmitted to the SPL.

    Scotland’s top-flight clubs are voting on their fate.

    If the once-mighty club are snubbed it may speed up their own escape bid and the gloves would come off as they take on the authorities to make it happen.



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