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p&b is a disgrace

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Posts posted by p&b is a disgrace

  1. Also in 1963 -

    Great Train Robbery

    Beatles take over the world of pop (I know their first hits were 1962, but this year was the lift-off)

    John Profumo got caught with his pants down

    The Great Escape was released

    Oh, and very small, but perfectly formed (;)) WRK made his debut at Irvine Royal Infirmary.

    P&B is a Disgrace was born

    Auld Joe Tito came to power

    Brady & Myra start their rampage, and

    The Littlest Hobo is born

    All together...........

    "There's a voice that keeps on calling me

    Down the road, that's where I'll always be.

    Every stop I make, I make a new friend,

    Can't stay for long, just turn around and I'm gone again"

  2. I hope so. I'm struggling to keep up with the Euros and the Rangers situation. And Wimbledon and the Olympics are coming up. How can anyone be expected to juggle all that. Hurry up and kill them off and let us enjoy some fair sport (tongue firmly planted in cheek. I'm supporting big Olga the Russian synchronised swimming champion :rolleyes: )

    If the fuckin hvns hog the limelight and ruin the British Open for me I'm gonna go on a rampage with a sawn off shotgun!!!

  3. I think we all need to be really wary of the footballing authorities apparent determination to punish Newco for the sins of Oldco. Morally, this is simply not on and Green will take court action - and most likely win that action. Theres already been enoigh embarssment on that front.

    The fit and proper way to deal with this is to invite Newco to apply for the vacant SFL3 place along with any other candidates for that vacancy. If they pull together a decent enough application then they will succeed on their own merits.

    This shouldn't be seen to be a witch hunt and fairness does need to be seen to be paramount......

    .........although I cannot say I'm not enjoying what's happening to them.

  4. Indeed. Rangers fans support a club which reached the top of Scottish football (and maintained it's place there) through exploiting religious bigotry. Anybody who goes to Ibrox is surrounded by thousands of people singing sectarian songs. That poison is at the very heart of the club. If fans are content to accept all of that and still support the club then they are hardly to abandon it on account of dodgy financial dealings.

    Sorry - had to give you a red there.

    There needs to be an acceptance that this club no longer exists. Any reference to fans being bigotted and singing sectarian songs needs to be consigned to history. It doesn't exist any more an we need to give any fans of Newco an opportunity to build their own history without prejudging that they will follow on from the nonsense of the oldco.

  5. Look, what exactly do you expect Rangers fans to do??

    "OHHH, you know what? See that club I've supported all my life of which 99% of it's employees are innocent of wrong doing? I'm going to stop supporting them 'cause David Murray and Craig White are a couple of crooks"

    Rangers' accounts and dealings were scrutinised VERY heavily in the last few months, and a lot of the players and such are clearly guilty of accepting payments in methods that are unlawful, do you think that we are the only club to have done that? Football is currupt as f**k and not a team in the world has played by the rules at all times. I'm not saying it's right, and from what it looks like Rangers were involved in quite a lot of dodgy dealings but it's the actions of individuals within the club. You can't exactly just 'turn off' your liking towards your favourite football team.

    Am I ashamed of the things Rangers did in the last 20 years or so? Of course. Am I going to stop supporting them or apologise for the actions of individuals within the club? Will I f**k.

    So what do you expect decent Rangers fans to do in this situation???

    Any decent Rangers fan will post in a manner that makes it clear that they accept that the club the supported no longer exists. Yes - you can continue to support Rangers but in doing so you are supporting a club that is dead.

    Your choices now are

    1. Switch your allegiance to the newco - and accept that your club is only a few days old

    2. Switch your allegiance to another Scottish club

    3. Stop supporting a "living club"

    This is a great chance for "genuine Rangers fans" to start from scratch. You have the potential to start a new club, ditch all the bile from the past, show a little humility and build a club that can truely be a huge club which represents Scotland at the highest level.

    .....or you can continue shaming our country and our national game.

    That choice is now for yours and your kind to make. Whats it going to be?

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