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Virtual Insanity

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Posts posted by Virtual Insanity

  1. 5 hours ago, Morton Supporter said:

    Thank you.

    If anyone did say anything along those lines it’s understandable he’d react the way he did.

    I will say I was at the end of the stand where he began reacting and I never heard anything - moreover I don’t think he’d have been able to hear anything given the distance and the amount of things being shouted.

    Yet incredibly you have managed to hear every single thing shouted. 

    You're having a shocker here, I'd maybe take a few hours away from the Internet until your rage has settled a wee bit. 

  2. I think he definitely has a tendency to drop Gilmour for games where he thinks they'll have less of the ball/territory, and consequently potentially more setpieces to defend, which is understandable. I think he now starts the vast majority of 'big' games where de Zerbi expects Brighton to dominate possession. 

  3. On 23/10/2023 at 13:25, craigkillie said:

    The fact it is a league designed primarily as an entertainment product means that the majority of the spending goes on attacking players, and there is very little investment in good defensive players. That's why you've got situations like Lionel Messi regularly going up against jobbers like Danny Wilson.

    I think that makes it hard to judge the performance of any player versus those in Europe, where there is typically more balance through the team. Forwards are going to end up overrated because they're generally up against players well below their level, while the converse is true of defenders to some extent.

    The MLS average goals per game in 2023 is 2.76 which is lower than the EPL for season 22/23. Certainly question marks about the standard overall but I wouldn't say attacking players numbers are skewed particularly. 

  4. 8 hours ago, Sugar_Army said:

    We have applied for every available match allowed in an application, from opening game to the final (22 games). 

    The various combinations mean every match in the tournament is covered. 

    We have booked some in fan category, some in cat 3 and some in cat 2.

    I think we have about 16 applications in and out of them we think would be extremely lucky if we even get one match between us.  There will be resale/swap option and I doubt you will have trouble shifting your tickets.

    I think you'll be surprised how many tickets you end up with. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, chattyman said:

    1 game will become 2, then 3 then permanent. Then the pitch will become the same mess it did when QP shared with us but nobody will be able to complain because you have to be seen to be doing the right thing yawn. Hardly think 300 fans constitutes playing at Firhill, if their stadium cannot handle 300 they should look to Lesser Hampden for the gig.

    Cheer up you miserable b*****d. Z

  6. Truth is United are just much, much better than us all over the pitch. Even at 1-0 I thought they were strolling the game, thought they could/should have tried to put us out of sight earlier when they were clearly better but Goodwin can't seem to help wanting to try to just shut the game down rather than letting his team play. I'd be amazed if they don't kick on and win the league by a distance, excellent players at this level in every single position, like the look of Fotheringham too, classy player. 

    Good to see Watt has finally found the level where his talent matches his ego, thought he was different class today. The constant desire to cheat must be exhausting though. Neilson did well I thought considering but the rest of them were miles off it, perfectly summed up by Graham's embarrassing attempt to catch Docherty. 

  7. Brown probably did enough in that one cameo to nail down his place in the squad next summer, he's playing at a better level than Dykes and Adams and hopefully can really challenge them for a starting spot over the next 9 months - thought it was telling that Clarke went through almost his entire team praising performances last night but omitted Taylor, Patterson and Adams. I didn't see all the game, the bits I saw I thought Patterson did OK and putting him at fault for the first is very harsh, I think we don't lose that first goal with Dykes defending the front post. Ferguson grew into the game, it's hard when you're stepping into a reserve team but he looked strong and really puts himself about, definitely a viable McGinn alternative. McTominay was very very good but needs to try and not do everything himself sometimes, you can see going forward how much he backs himself now which is good but sometimes needs to play in others earlier.

  8. Not really a fair comparison giving someone a shot in a second string side (never mind the fact its against the best side in the world) . We know exactly what we get from all of these guys with the exception of Ferguson probably. McLean and Kelly are purely reward picks, nothing more. That said, if that's what Clarke values over giving a full strength team a crack, he's earned the right to make that call. Also protects us from any perceived "impact on momentum" to some extent. 

  9. Just now, Skyline Drifter said:

    I don't agree. Like I've said innumerable times already, it's obvious from the images they show him on screen for VAR what he's reviewing for.

    So with that knowledge, why did whoever is responsible for communicating within the stadium and to the worldwide TV audience, who presumably knew the ref had just made a straightforward signalling mistake then communicate that the decision was foul? 

  10. Would rather we stick with Hickey and Patterson, assuming Robertson is out for next month then I'd rather Hickey gets some exposure at left wing back and more game time with whoever (presumably McKenna) is likely to be playing LCB away to Georgia. Otherwise would go exactly with @Donathan except also would rather Hendry started. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

    The bigger issue with the frame rates are when the ball is moving in active play and there are players running in opposite directions - ie a defender rushing out to play offside as an attacker sprints through. A dead ball situation where the players are all basically just standing about is not going to have this issue.

    What frame rate do they use? How many frames is a foot in contact with the ball when struck? 

  12. 4 minutes ago, MarkoRaj said:

    That's his main attribute. Genuinely don't think he'd be near the Scotland squad if he couldn't hold it up

    The joys of football. Dykes couldn't trap a bag of cement and struggles to bring others into play in tight situations.

    He's in the squad because he's tremendous at attacking the ball in the box, he's an absolute beast of an athlete, makes life very difficult for centre halves and is defensively very responsible (as is Adams to be fair).

  13. 1 hour ago, lau03143 said:

    Definitely got to be Dykes up front for me... I think the ball sticks better with him, and we'll need an "out ball". 

    I actually think Dykes is hopeless at making the ball stick, Adams has far better close control, passing and works space for himself better. However, Spain will presumably be looking to build play a lot from the back and Rodri and Dykes is more of a "presence" in those phases of play and disrupted them at Hampden very successfully.

  14. 4 hours ago, accies1874 said:

    I probably prefer Adams in these games as he's generally a more reliable out-ball whereas Dykes prefers the rough and tumble which can be very useful but isn't always helpful. They're both capable of being brilliant or terrible tonight, though, and I reckon Clarke will try and go with as close as possible to the team that beat them in March so Dykes will get the nod imo.


    Porteous Hendry Cooper

    Hickey McTominay McGregor Robertson

    McGinn Dykes Christie

    This is what I'd go with. Torn between Dykes and Adams, I think Dykes weaknesses as an out ball are less pronounced against a team like Spain than they are v Norway where they really prevented us getting into the game much, and his defensive contribution especially on Rodri and physical presence is massive.

    Tempted by the 4-5-1 with Gilmour in for Cooper but there's a reason Gilmour doesn't tend to start Brighton's games against the bigger teams when De Zerbi thinks they'll have less of the ball.

  15. 3 hours ago, Skyline Drifter said:


    Won't drag this one out too much as it's a fairly academic debate but I would guess most of those in the 5-9 point bracket are there not because they're working their way up but beause they pick and choose their home games to some extent. That's evident from the general reduced attendances at Nations League games, kick off times and travel commitments mean people probably prioritise qualifiers. That might change from the increased pull of big teams in League A but I don't think there's a huge number working their way up on a constant march. For a large portion of the Supporters Club they actually don't particularly care about the points and just want a decent seat for the home games they do go to. I think for the foreseeable, if you've been in the SSC long enough and go to all the home games to get to 12, you'll have a shot at more away games than you don't get a shot at.

  16. 3 hours ago, honestly united said:

    Im torn, on the one hand I want an Ireland vs SA final so at least we can say its the best 2 teams that beat us in the group.

    On the other Ireland and SA are my 2 least favourite teams, I properly detest both of them and their fans, I would much rather one of the diddy teams like Wales or England win it than either of those, France is probably the best call.

    Wales would be completely insufferable if they won it (they already are). ABW.

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