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Posts posted by MEADOWXI

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-17600284

    This would seem to suggest a fairly open timetable in that as of 05/04/12 Haudit & Daudit have to list to creditors their proposals - and will this be the first opportunity to see a full list of creditors and the true amount of debt to all (??).

    And if all creditors get to look at it and pass opinion until 20/04/12 and this is the stage before CVA how can anybody buy before then - getting more confusing.

    And still to hear of the Tax Tribunal outcome, SPL investigation into double contracts and SFA into general scum-bag behaviour (bringing game into disrepute charges) and refusing to cough up the cup money which should see them banned from next years Scottish Cup.

    Its sales of headache tablets that will be soaring to follow this not popcorn

  2. Loks like the boy at STV going a bit mental;

    @STVRaman: Craig Whyte has agreed to sell his shares to Blue Knights consortium, STV has learned

    @STVRaman: We understand Brian Kennedy bidding is back on the table....administrators expect 4 or 5 bids by tomorrow's deadline

    @STVRaman: RFC administrators reveal Rangers have applied to the SFA for a UEFA licence

    @STVRaman: Administrators also reveal they have spoken to SFA, SPL and UEFA re consequences of a newco

    Amongst others in last few minutes,

    Please lets not have a miracle of something raising from the dead at Easter :angry:

    The the good news arrives;

    @alextomo: Craig Whyte tells me any notion he's selling his shares to PM is "absolute nonsense." - Could haudit & Daudit be firing shite stories at the media again to drum up ongoing interest??

  3. ... and still the big tax case judgement to come, Haudit & Daudit's final bill, and a first team squad who have only taken temporary wage cuts, not permanent ones, and some of whom have said they're offski if Whyte isn't got rid of.

    Aye, it's an attractive package.

    I had to stop listing the debts after a bit - couldn't see the screen for eyes full of tears of laughter.

    Haudit & Daudit - The Laurel & Hardy of the Administration world

  4. I want to buy Rangers, what income can I expect next year;

    European Football - Zero

    Season Tickets - Very limited, 1st 25,000 sold belong to Ticketus

    Merchandise - JJB get most of that

    Pies & Bovrils - Most of that sold off to cover refurbishments

    Player Sales - They can go for HOW little after agreeing the pay cuts

    Scottish Cup Run - What the SFA have a meeting at the end of April for breaching rules in not paying Dundee Utd this season - possible punishment could be thrown out of next seasons tournament

    So its a League & League Cup double to aim for.

    At some point somebody has to admit its all over, who is going to spend a fortune clearing debts with future income fuked.

  5. @mikefstv: Rangers owner Craig Whyte ordered to pay estranged wife £5000 a month http://t.co/fdm89h5F


    My favourite bit;

    Further procedure was carried out and earlier this month an email was sent by his lawyers saying that he had promised to put it in the post, although it later appeared to have gone astray. The counsel said it was learnt last week that "in any event the defender was not willing to adhere to the agreement".

    The last excuse of the desperate - It's in the post, honest LOL

  6. Can't remember who tweeted it earlier (think it may have been the journo Gerry Braiden), but they said something to the tune of Glasgow City Council being a confirmed creditor, to the tune of 90k+. I'm sure it said that this was a debt that's been accrued since admin started.

    It is amazing it has taken this long for another creditor to be mentioned.

    We know about HMRC, other clubs and the court case to get Ticketus changed to a creditor, but surely they must owe a lot of money to lots of suppliers - who all appear to be keeping very quiet.

    If the Ticketus case in Edinburgh (to get the money looked at purely as part of creditor list) goes in Haudit & daudits favour would this have an effect on the JJB deal, and could they get back those rights and similarly was there not a deal in Whyte's time that funding the food stalls refurbishment by future sales as well. They could end out worming out of a lot if the judge tomorrow goes with Haudit & Daudit.

  7. Thought the point of the case was everybody agreed the EBTs existed, and they are loans but it is whether the scheme in the Rangers case was administered properly - ie were they discretionary as required or were they regulary supplementing the acknowledged contractual salaries as a way to avoid tax.

    Everybody has acknowledged they exist - its were they done right is the arguement.

    And going by anything administered and requiring due diligence and care in Scottish Football in the last few years what are the odds on them being handled correctly............

  8. Alex Thomson tweets definitely building up C4 news tonight. The latest;

    @alextomo:#c4news EXCLUSIVE fmr Rangers director makes new claims on how RFC broke SFA rules on player eligibilty

    The Ticketus case in Edinburgh - the nrews this morning was saying direction from Judge by emnd of the week,

    So Paul Murray may not have everything sorted before the weekend game as he hoped LOL

  9. @alextomo: HMRC says tax and national insurance liabilities covered by EBT cases in UK are around £1.7bn

    This would suggest that HMRC have a lot riding on the Rangers case, prove this case could open the door on a lot,

    don't deal and open the door on a lot.

    Howver if they deal on it they not going to get a lot of that money - Don't think HMRC will set a precedent of dealing.

  10. That's assuming that they receive some actual bids :P

    The telephone call;

    'Hello is the Haudit & Daudit, Adminstrators of Repute and Competence'

    'Yes, who is this'

    ' This is Brian Kennedy, am no really interested but if nobody else calls by 16:59 give me a bell and I will make up some figures and sent them in'

    'Mr Kennedy, that is the best offer we have had, and in fact expect to get, speak to you later'

  11. So if I'm picking this up correctly - Ticketus have no interest in becoming part-owner of Rangers...they're only doing it because of their 24 mil deal, and are looking out for themselves. D&P have no desire to see Ticketus become part-owners either, they want to win the court case against them, see the 24 mil deal ripped up, and Ticketus GTF.

    Seems then that a Blue Knights consortium that features Ticketus cannot possibly be deemed fit and proper owners, any more than Brian Kennedy's bid - how can a man who says he doesn't even want to own Rangers be approved by the SPL to be anywhere close to being fit and proper?

    Kennedy is damaged goods, Ticketus and the Blue Knights are damaged goods... where does this leave Rangers?

    Thought I would add a list of those involved / interested that are not damaged goods;

    Ooops, Finished.

  12. I thought they were trying to get the court to get them out of honouring the original deal, letting them add Ticketus to the list of creditors, rather than being due revenue from season ticket sales.

    I still think the 2015 is in reference to the length of the agreement, rather than a proposed future payment date.

    Yes but there had been suggestions that Rangers owed Ticketus zero, the agreement would be torn up and Ticketus would have to chase Whyte. What I was stating was this is an acknowledgement by Haudit & Daudit that the £24Mill Ticketus deal is Rangers problem and they will have to deal with somehow.

  13. My interpretation of the wording of that was just that the current agreement runs to 2015 ie Ticketus are due money on sales between now and 2015. I could be wrong, of course.

    What is does suggest is that if they not trying to get the agreement nilled as not legal, they are accepting that a debt (appreciate that it is for purchased future sales) is due, arguement is now whether it's now or can it be paid later.

  14. Even if there was no FSA administration 'cock up', the chances of tomorrow being a 'deadline day' for bids was absolutely zero. Haudit & Daudit are just trying to hurry certain people along (Paul Murray), and trying to flush out any oversees (sic) interest. It'll be just like the 'deadline days' for talks with the first team squad - each new day brought a new deadline and more talks, while our popcorn wilted. Tomorrow will be no different. This administration will rumble on, and on, and on...

    ...and on....

    Just shows what a shambles the whole thing is.

    Anybody says this is going to end quickly or cleanly is insane.

    Every other day there is another cupboard opened a more crap falls out.

    Hugh Adam today basically called Murray (David) & Ogilvie liars – EBTs + Double contracts existed and as he knew about then so did that pair.

    How are you supposed to close definite bids tomorrow if the Admin is sorted till next week and there are 2 court cases pending this month

    Next week in Edinburgh into Ticketus status as creditor (which would also question Ticketus status as part of consortium buying club),

    and end of the month in London into who’s the £3.6Mill is.

    Also verdicts due on,

    SFA – Lord Nimmo investigation that is to go to a Judicial Panel,

    SFA into none payment of Dundee Utd for cup game,

    SPL into double contracts,

    And that’s before anybody mentions HMRC – Its insane.

  15. http://news.stv.tv/scotland/west-central/300551-rangers-administrators-in-court-move-over-clubs-fsa-membership/

    Seems like a formality but will cost a few more precious pounds no doubt.

    "This consent has now been sought and granted and our appointment has to be ratified by the Court of Session on March 19. It is envisaged that this hearing is a formality and that the process will not impact in any way the progress of the insolvency.

    At least they are acknowledging Rangers as insolvent. But it must effect the flood of bids that are surely winging the way towards Ibrox for the Friday 16th deadline if they still sorting their role in court on the 19th.....

  16. Feasibly, but I'd think they'd be more likely to run with Duff and Phelps. That would be utterly hilarious if Rangers looked like they'd been clawing it back, only to hurtle back in a spiral to the abyss.

    Must surely call into question their completence.

    And does it effect the little they've done - agreeing to pay the PARS & ICT, The 4 departures and the wage re-negotiations?

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