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Posts posted by MEADOWXI

  1. Just going back to RTC and the hint at people receiving EBTs not yet named. Have we any clues to who these people are? Smith and McCoist are obvious names. Who else could it be that would cause more of a stir than that? Hugh Dallas perhaps or opposition managers/chairmen?

    The perfect names would be someone like Dalglish just after he left Celtic,

    or Granpa Watty when Scotland manager for making sure Rangers players were rested and not overplayed on international duty.

    And with the stuff that has come out in the last weeks almost anything is possible.

  2. Was Motherwell not two years? As weird as it's been since Feb, this amount of time is nothing really.

    But it is the lack of visible action in addressing the financial situation and reducing expenditure in these first months that is extrordinary. The period to issuing a CVA is for restructuring to continue in some form - not to carry on regardless and blame every other person on the planet and demand special treatment

  3. Billy Dodds in todays Sunday Herald trying to justify himself

    Couple of points ya bam;

    'I refuse to believe that major players evaded millions in tax' - They have already accepted the wee tax case for £4.1M for two players (Flo & de Boer) ya clown

    'I was shocked to hear that 87 players and staff were involved in the EBT scheme at Ibrox - but it should be remembered that the trusts were not illegal' - Nobody has said EBTs are illegal, using them to pay regular payments/wages instead of as discrectionary payments is Halfwit

    Then has a deflecting go at Yorkston

    Can Billy Dodds be upgraded from halfwit c**t to Baby Cockwomble to join Doncaster in the Family Cockwomble

  4. The prize for most ludicrous piece of tripe of the day has to go (again) to the Daily Record.

    Instead of focusing all their efforts solely on the the issues and fallout surrounding the BBC prog., they chose to publish an article:

    "Rangers are going through hell but top stars still want to sign for us, says chief scout John Brown"


    INCREDIBLE journalism on so many levels. I think the only worthy comment is: :guns

    Tho I did giggle at this line from the article: "Brown is gearing up for a summer of watching DVDs". what would those be? The Harry Potter ones? The Lion King?

    Have these stars been told the contract they sign is singular, just the one and no 2nd contract is available to top up the basic they sign for and that is passed to the SPL. We need transparency, we have a right to know.

  5. Leggat is madder than a box of frogs and a self-confessed bigot. Some of the vitriol he comes out with is potentially actionable.

    Leggat is a complete fruit-loop basketcase however amongst his rants of today he has one decent point (Scary, I know).

    Duff & Phelps were aware of the contents of the programme, the were asked to be interviewed and pulled out last minute, and due to the speed of their statements in repsonse.

    If they knew when they refused to be interviewed about the allegations why no application for interdict to halt the programme.

    This threatened libel just drags things out rather than having the interdict thrown out prior to the programme, which would only give the allegations more weight.

    So many leggat blogs and one gem of a point has at last appeared.

  6. Think the program should have made more of the info getting put on the BBC News website as the program went out - there is just so much that even as someone who has followed the whole story it is almost unbelievable.

    The two biggest losers last night are SDM - borrowed to buy, does not appear to have put a penny of his own money in but took a lot of tax free money out, very different from what he has always presented.

    And secondly Haudit & Daudit if they have not served the BBC & Mark Daly with a writ for libel that looks as if it is for real by the end of the week it is time to clear their desks at the weekend and scuttle off with their reputation fairly tarnished

  7. I need someone to put a comforting arm round me and tell me that Rangers won't be playing SPL football come August.

    If they are I hope they are so hindered that they are strong favorites for relegation.

    The opinions of the following matter, in order of importance,

    HMRC - The BTC verdict and their ability to say NO to any and Piss themselves laughing at the offered value of the CVA

    Other Creditors - Do Rapid Vienna, Ticketus, Hearts and everybody else too big to be threatened by them want a couple of pence in the pound for what the are owed - NO

    SFA - Sitting crapping it ever time the phone rings and the receptionist says that UEFA on the phone for you regarding unhappy screwed over member clubs in England, Austria and elsewhere - what are you doing about it or what will we do to make you do something about it.

    Neil CockWomble Doncaster - If I vaguely talk of things that have happened in 'UK Football' I am aware it makes me a bigger dobber than Seb Coe but I need this paycheck. I got hunted from Norwich, have no chance of a decent paycheck elsewhere with this on my CV, please nobody rock the boat.

    The implosion of Them as the money runs out, no new owner is in place, no CVA is possible and the fact that the SPL should be phoning Haudit & Daudit and asking can you guarantee that Rangers will be financially viable for the forthcoming season 2012-2013 so they can put your name in the schedule.

    The schedule is out before any deal can go through on the correct CVA timetable, and that is even if it is accepted, which it won't be. The Cockwomble is sitting on a farcical nightmare of a start to next season as this deal collapses and Haudit & daudit are forced to admit defeat or buy the fuking thing themselves (using the fees owed to them as their purchase bid - thus putting them in further debt ).

    They are knackered financially based on Huadit & Daudit figures that they currently run £1M over budget every month already.

    It is cut or die - and any self-harmed survivor will be so weakened it will be pathetic.

    (Sorry got a bit rambly and ranty but the starting to get right on my tits and should be dead by now).

  8. In other words, £8.5m is going to turn into practically nothing, once it gets down to being split up for Ticketus, HMRC and all the other creditors.

    It wil be practically nothing before that, read the 2nd last paragraph.

    Haudit & Daudit take 100% of what they are owed from the £8.5M first, then it gets divided between the creditors, if the hit more than 3p in the pound I will be surprised.

  9. Think everybody preparing for the next week of rollercoaster activity.

    We have the will they won't they SPL meeting tomorrow (expect the will do neither and just procrastinate again - its Sunday a big word day)

    We have the much trailed BBC Doc on Wed and the possibly there is more muck to arrive at the doors of Murray/Whyte/Ibrox/.........everybody else that knew things and did bugger all or hid the facts

    Plus will Hughie Green still be hanging in there or have dug deep enough to realise it really is a bottomless cesspit and done his non walking away scuttle for Yorkshire.

    Thats why it quiet. We're all out buying Red Bull and Lucozade (is that a Mars product?????) to have enough energy to see this to the end.

    I have read every page of this story and i am suffering laughter and shock fatigue

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