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Posts posted by MEADOWXI

  1. Green states that Ibrox and Murray park will not be mortgaged or sold

    My link

    Well, other than having been bought with £8.3 million of debt that is

    On the grounds that one of the first things he stated was Rangers would never be in debt again, and when the CVA came out the first thing he had done was organise putting them in £8.3M of debt I would expect his shiny face and suit to be appearing at a branch of GSPC very shortly. If he told me it was Thursday I would check the day on the front of the Record or Sun as far more trustworthy sources of imformation.

  2. That might carry some weight if it wasn't days old and Charles Green has totally rubbished that story.

    Anyway any chance you can answer the question from last night? How does Regan KNOW what sanctions , if any, the independent panel will hand out?

    Becasue the sanctions are limited to fine + expulsion / suspension / cup ban

    ie those specifically in the rules they cannot be lenient and imaginative and offer say a registration embargo when you are already unable to sign anybody as you are in Administration and if you come out of it will be too skint to buy or owed by a new crook that isn't going to spend anything anyway. The court case ensured this. I vote for suspension

  3. I'll be interested to see the detail of this. Today's Scotsman says it will compel outgoing owners to conduct proper diligence into whether the people they're selling to are fit-n-proper or not. It sounds a good idea - but given someone selling is likely leaving Scottish football, how do you subsequently punish them if they don't do it?!?!

    Think it more a rule that if you sell to a crook it is wrong that a McCoist, Jardine, etc club representative can come forward and say it all everybody elses fault that we are now fucked and try to blame the SFA/SPL/ All of humanity bar themselves for the situation.

    Hence forward know as the Murray Whyte Rule.

  4. Since nothing seems to be happening, a quick question.

    Rangers have 21 days from the CofS decision on the transfer ban to appeal the fact the judge referred the decision back to the appeal board and not the original panel - is it possible the appeal board can sit inside this 21 day period when Rangers could still be considering an appeal? And if so, could Rangers then return to the court if they didn't like the new sentence handed down saying they weren't giving up their right to appeal that the court didn't refer the decision back to the original panel?

    What would the rangers appeal be - 'look I know we thought we won, I know we claimed we won but in retrospect we've made an even bigger mess, if possible, and were wondering if we could get you to re-think your answer on the grounds we need to rethink the question we asked you, Your Honor.'

  5. The SFA could torture Rangers if they wanted, all they need to do is announce the date of the appellate tribunal re-examining the appeal to be one day after the CVA meeting. That way regardless of the outcome Green will not have his funds in place to finance the CVA. Who is going to invest in the Green Brigade when there is doubt over the very existence of Rangers?

    Funnier if they booked it for the same date and time as the CVA meeting (June 14th).

    Can imagine the calls between the meetings, 'have you made a decision yet?' , 'No we're waiting on you', 'Snap',

    They could all be locked away for months seeing who blinks first.

  6. Worth reading Leggo to see which "seriously sensational story" the papers are covering up: http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/regan-sfa-and-threat-to-lee-mcculloch.html

    Love leggo for a laugh.

    He attacks the poor english used by Regan :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    And maybe I missing something but he twice accuses Regan of 'blatant apparent collusion'.

    You can have blatant collusion,

    You can have apparent collusion,

    But surely blatant apparent collusion is a fucked up description ?!?!

  7. I've followed the thread closely, read every single post, until today - I've been out at work, came back to check on The Great Love Of My Life Mark II (this thread) when I noticed I'd missed too many threads to read through. Which is my long-winded way of saying sorry if this has already been posted.

    The latest BBC Rangers story is about the SFA accepting the court ruling. If I were Rangers, I'd be shitting myself at the following 2 statements:

    "The right of appeal is now open to the Scottish FA through the Court of Session. However, by so doing, the very principles on which the Scottish FA - and, for that matter, Uefa and Fifa - are founded, namely football disciplinary matters being dealt with within its own jurisdiction, would be fundamentally compromised. "


    "Therefore, it is our intention to accede to Lord Glennie's request and refer the matter back to the Appellate Tribunal, which will consider the remaining sanctions open to it. "

    They wouldn't. Would they?

    Maybe they could make it look like an act of kindness. We will suspend you for a year which will give you time to sort CVA or liquidation and newco Will also let the dual contract investigation be concluded and the BTC case.

    Come back clean for season 2013-14, if you make it through everything and let us get on with playing football

  8. @BBCAlLamont:...to come up with such a test that's fit for purpose. To illustrate his point he offers the following quote...

    @BBCAlLamont: ND: "Ghandhi I think may have had a criminal record and ultimately you could say he'd be a fit a proper person to run a Premier League club in Scotland, but he might be forbidden by such a test."

    I did not think the Cockwomble could get worse but HOLY f**k.


    Will have t watch Newsnight Scotland now to see these words actually emerge from its mouth

  9. There crimes were not 2nd only to match fixing :rolleyes:

    They should be fined..and they were. They should be punished but our greatest punishment was having SDM and Whyte owning the club. The shame they have brought upon us will take a lifetime to get over. We as fans are not totally blameless as we maybe should have asked more questions but at the end of the day you expect those in charge to at the very least to act within the law and pay the taxman

    Do you think they should be thrown out the game because the Chairman robbed the taxman? I wonder if you would think any other club would deserve to be thrown out of the game for such an offence...I seriously doubt it.

    I would think most supporters would have sympathy with any other club who had suffered from such gross mismanagement. It will take the club years to recover from this shambles if they ever do.

    The classic 'A big bad man did it and ran away' defence. Been at least a dozen pages since last seen that one.

    Cannot seperate the crimes of the individual they were done with the clubs money in the clubs name.

    The fans are suffering for the ongoing wrongs of the club not the indviduals.

    The only punishment the this court action has left the SFA is expulsion or suspension. - Congrats to Haudit & Daudit & Green for that.

  10. @STVRaman: Inverness criticise Rangers' decision to challenge SFA in court: "Taking sporting matters to the Court of Session was a serious mistake."

    @STVRaman: "we are as fustrated as SPL colleagues... Rangers having gone to court.. raised threat of FIFA action against Scottish football as a whole"

    @STVRaman:So ICT statement indictes that Rangers' decsion to go to court has hacked off all of the rest of the SPl clubs. #courtgate

    Good going Rangers when you have hardly any friends left in the wold make sure you piss them off as well.

    The club chairmen were the only people remotely offering any get out - and know you can add them to the list of the peoples enemies. Know one likes you ........ are you surprised.

    CoS - Best Own Goal Ever

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