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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Can't understand why they are letting the younger players go. If they need to cut costs it's the McThuggochs and the Dalys that need to be culled. Unless of course they are letting everybody go ...........it'll just take longer to sort out the big earners.
  2. I'd be inclined to disagree with this as the chances of a blind squirrel climbing a tree to avoid predators or running across a road without getting squished by a bus are remote. Ergo, nut-finding might be the least of it's worries.
  3. Shiver me timbers etc.............Haven't you got a boat refit to be working on ?
  4. Agreed. 'Mon the Imran ! LORD STARRED MOTION 4hrs CA131/13 Imran Ahmad v The Rangers Football Club Ltd BBM Solicitors No Law Lord named yet. And should that not read "Five-Starred Motion" ?
  5. Lassie on left. Walking water bed. Dead comfy, nae doubt.
  6. He does indeed Benny. Like wan o' these professional funeral attendees who never knew the deceased but just pitch up for a free scran. Basturts.
  7. A perfect storm. I've a bottle of 16 y.o. Lagavulin waiting to be opened....................
  8. Yon fat mess must be getting cheeky wee backhanders to spout his "Buy-A-Season-Book" pish on SuperSpunkBroad, no ?
  9. It's a safe bet she's been cocked more times than Davy Crockett's rifle.
  10. Phil MacBrobdingnag (yes,yes, I know ) hinting at a possible emergency board meeting tonight ?
  11. Love Unlimited - Walking In The Rain With The One You Love
  12. The Stylistics - Stone In Love With You
  13. I detect some 'Succulence' in that 'report'. Basically a poodle journo peddling any old shit in the hope of a few more Gulliblistas buying an ST ?
  14. John Cooper Clarke - Post War Glamour Girl
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