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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Kate and Anna McGarrigle - Heart Like A Wheel
  2. They still have Blackthorn ad in the bottom right hand corner of form. No sign of 32Red. Plus this wee nugget in the small print :- Rangers is a credit intermediary of Zebra Finance.
  3. Wee story that RaBerrz might find interesting :- http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/01/world/europe/fans-lose-soccer-team-then-build-their-own.html?WT.mc_id=D-E-OTB-AD-WORLDNEWS-OS-0514&WT.mc_ev=click&bicmp=AD&bicmlukp=WT.mc_id&bicmst=1398902400000&bicmet=1401667200000&_r=0
  4. "I wrote to Dave King seeking his intentions and offering to sell my shares to him as a token of his intentions," he writes, "suggesting, that since I saw no real way forward for him to invest, that perhaps he should consider doing the honourable thing by those fans and investors who did put their hard earned cash and savings into the club and given his resources, he should buy our shares and take the reins he obviously thinks he should control, in order to recoup monies previously lost." According to MacKenzie, he was told by King: "”Why should any new investor bail out existing investors because they made mistakes in overpaying for their shares. The club needs money not complaining shareholders.” Dear Alan MacKenzie, You must have wealth off the radar if you can afford to blow 500K on the hybrid pile of steaming keech / parcel of rogues that is SevcoRangers. You must also be completely off your head. I hope your wife batters you stupid for your fiduciary ineptitude.
  5. Nah.......Terry's regular TV tearfests make Andy Murray look like Jake the Muss. However there's more schadenfreude with Mourinho - one minute he's trying to justify his anti-football tactics and being the Manager-Philosopher-SmartArse in his interviews. Fukkum.
  6. Of course you realise that the addition of a 'v' and an 'n' could have Dhenboy hiding "in plain sight."
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