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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Today's LoopyLeggo piece is cobbled together from forum posts mainly from Kerrydale Street, the information being posted there weeks ago. Leggat is an utter sadsack. Speaking of sadsacks, any updates on the whereabouts of cheeky chirpy chappy Chico ?
  2. Hellboy is taking these clips from KDS. He could at least acknowledge the creators. Plagiarism is not cool.
  3. You're a trier, and there's not many H*ns we can say that about. P.S. Next time you're talking to Charlie the Saviour, ask him if he's got another suit / change of clothing. The minging tyke twat has been wearing the same clobber every day. Multi-millionaire ? Not bloody likely !
  4. You mean that odious wee cant Jimmy Bell ? Here's a pic of him and Wiggy Smith at last years SashFest.
  5. Damn, I can't do that screenshot thingy but Joey Barton is having a laugh.......... Joseph Barton Joseph Barton ‏@Joey7Barton_ Rangers FC 2013 - Naismith, Naifuture, Naiclass, Naimoney, Naistadium, Naihope, Naitrophies, Naiprospects, Naifans, Naimanager, Naiplayers. Reply Retweet Favorite tes from Joseph Barton Join Twitter today and follow what interests you! Text follow Joey7Barton_ to your carrier's shortcode © 2012 Twitter About Help
  6. CHARLES GREEN, who is leading a consortium purchasing Rangers Football Club, issued the following statement tonight. He said: "I had a very constructive meeting with the Rangers Fans' Fighting Fund today and we discussed a wide range of issues. "We are united in recognising that a successful outcome to the CVA proposal is extremely important for the club, our fans and many businesses who have dealings with Rangers. Approval of the CVA would give everyone a huge boost of confidence. "I provided the fans with further details of my consortium's vision for the future of Rangers. Understandably, supporters are wary given the recent past at Ibrox but I will continue to have dialogue with the fans and inform them every step of the way. "We will be taking Rangers forward to better days and one idea I put forward today is my plan to rename Murray Park. "Following discussions with the supporters, we will be asking season ticket holders to vote on whether to rename Murray Park as either the Moses McNeil Academy or the Davie Cooper Academy. We will be asking supporters to vote when they renew their season tickets. "We also discussed the situation with the SFA player embargo and I made it clear that the club's position remains that we want to see a satisfactory outcome. "We hope that in trying to achieve this there is general recognition this has become a difficult and complex issue for everyone." _____________________________________________________________________________________________
  7. Fuxake, I thought Mother Theresa was deid. How you doin', hen ? No, no and thrice no. Murray and his acolytes systematically and with malice aforethought sought to lie, cheat, swindle, use financial chicanery ....in fact anything they could get away with in order to gain advantage over other clubs, all the while being aided and abetted by a compliant media only too willing to bend over and take it up the shiter. (Chico and Traynor still are.........) You ask " Is it really too much to ask for a degree of sympathy from fellow football travellers?" The answer is a resounding "You fuckin' better believe it, sunshine" Away wi' ye, ya slaverin' wretch.
  8. Regan and his mates have testicles. Whooda thunk that ? (Wonder how EBT Ogilvie voted ?) http://sport.stv.tv/football/104990-sfa-claim-rangers-will-have-to-provide-full-disclosure-on-new-owners/ Have to say, Regan's comments regarding Ogilvie is a pathetic attempt at sophistry. Ogilvie was thick as thieves with Murray, was most likely involved in setting up the EBT scam and the dual contracts yet Regan defends CO's position by saying it is not a football related issue. Gie's me the boak, so it does.
  9. I was thinking about this. Perhaps Leggo is advocating Conversion Therapy, just replace homosexual / homosexuality with Catholic / Catholicism. Conversion therapy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Conversion therapy, sometimes called reparative therapy, is a type of sexual orientation change effort that attempts to change the sexual orientation of a person from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual.[1] Conversion therapy has been a source of intense controversy in the United States and other countries.[2] The American Psychiatric Association states that political and moral debates over the integration of gays and lesbians into the mainstream of American society have obscured scientific data about changing sexual orientation "by calling into question the motives and even the character of individuals on both sides of the issue."[3] The most high-profile contemporary advocates of conversion therapy tend to be conservative Christian groups and other religious organizations.[4] The main organization advocating secular forms of conversion therapy is the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH); however, NARTH often partners with religious groups.[4]
  10. Shamelessly stolen from KDS. Big thanks to bhoy syd for his graphic skills :-
  11. Latest Barcabhoy on RTC :- Barcabhoy says: 05/06/2012 at 10:30 pm Proportionate…… Todays phrase of note, last week it was Quantum and before that Incubator Company. Lets look at proportionate in relation to Jim Traynors ludicrous statement that a one year Scottish Cup Ban is an appropriate punishment for Rangers year of serial cheating, tax dodging and conning of suppliers and opponents alike. Now if Rangers had merely been guilty of an amateur official missing off one of two dates on a players contract then a £100,000 fine and a years ban would have been in line with Spartans, even though the damage to Spartans was financially much more severe Spartans in 2010 had retained reserves of £10,546. Thats approximately 3 days wages for Steven Davis. The same Steven Davis who has played the bulk of his career for Rangers whilst illegally registered To put Spartans in context they are an amateur club, dependent on volunteers. As their balance sheet shows they are a tiny operation, however they are a credit in the role they play in their community. They have a Seniors section, a community football academy , a youth section and a women and girls section. Their error was just that….an error. A trivial one. However RULES ARE RULES as Rangers are keen to point out and Spartans broke one and paid a very hefty penalty. They were fined 38% of the entire value of their balance sheet. They were also denied a tie with Partick Thistle which would likely have drawn a crowd of 4,000 and gate receipts of £60,000, of which Spartans would have received approx 40% That lost £24,000 was more than double the full retained reserves . Thats the severity of the punishment the SFA meted out to Spartans. To treat Rangers proportionately would have required a fine of £27 million. Now whilst that would have been ludicrous for a trivial error, it does emphasize how severely Spartans were dealt with. Rangers of course have not committed trivial errors, they are at the opposite end of the charge sheet from Spartans For Traynor to suggest the same punishment for Rangers is mind boggling even by the standards he has set in the past. It won’t have escaped anyone that 2 days after Charles Green tells us that a Scottish Cup ban would be a very severe punishment, that Traynor , who is no stranger to Rangers owners setting his agenda for him, trumpets this as appropriate. Lets be in no doubt here. A Scottish Cup ban is a nothing punishment for a series of offences which are extremely serious in nature and deliberate in execution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If Regan and co. were to apply the same 'proportionate' punishment to the H*ns, I think we'd all be eating hats.
  12. I'll have a guess at Mike MacDonald, Reg Brealey and Stuart Hinchcliffe. Asset stripper partners-in-crime from Hughie's days at the Blades. I'll also wager there are no Asian businessmen. All smoke n' mirrors.
  13. If someone with a barrel of blood used some of it to fill a welly boot, it would follow that getting blood from a welly was child's play.
  14. Wait until all the evidence is collated with dates. Once it is proven exactly when the illegal use of EBT's / dual contracts / unpaid VAT & PAYE & NI used as cashflow / non-payment of transfer fees / unique 'funding' arrangements with BoS - all of these aspects will be shown that RFC enjoyed a massive unfair and illegal advantage over other clubs and any trophys and titles won during these periods should be summarily struck from the record book. We've all laughed in the past at stories about Real Madrid being Franco's team of choice and being funded partly through secret govt. cash. Similarly Moscow Dynamo / Dynamo Berlin during the Communist era. How will history view Minty's RFC once all the dirty wee facts are fully aired ?
  15. According to MENSA Online Rainjurz Meeja, it was allegedly announced on BBC Scotland at 5.40 pm today (feck me, they can read and tell the time). Presumably this was a "the BBC understands" piece of pish so best ignored. I'd be very surprised if FIFA made any direct statement to the press. Edit :- Who is Jane Lewis ?
  16. Great post. For anyone who can be bothered, you can download the Off The Ball podcast from 6th May with Graham Spiers being ripped a new one by Stuart Cosgrove, however at around 15m20secs in, Britney describes the whole meeting scenario with Murray. The whole show is 30mins. but the interesting stuff is from 7 mins. in. http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/otb
  17. What bugs me is having to listen to Traynor and Chick Faeces on Radio Scotland. The thought of these no-marks picking up a wage via. the Licence Fee is boak-inducing.
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