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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. From RTC :- Barcabhoy says: 30/05/2012 at 11:37 aM If any club should be screaming about the SPL enquiry it is Dunfermline. Rangers played illegally registered players in the season just finished. Rangers rather than Dunfermline should have been relegated. However Doncaster has deliberately ensured that the SPL enquiry did not report during he season, despite there being absolute Prima Facie evidence that a case existed. RTC detailed that in a recent article. Doncaster has acted in favour of one member club to the direct detriment of another . Rules applied without fear or favour my bahookie Barcabhoy says: 30/05/2012 at 11:14 am 8 0 Rate This Spartans were thrown out of the Scottish Cup because they only put one date on a players contract, rather than the required 2 signatures. They were also fined £4,000 , which is approximately 5% of their total annual income. Thrown out, as in banned from playing in the competition for an entire season. Compare that with the possibility of the SFA applying the same sanction to Rangers, and fining them 0.2% of their annual income. For a list of proven offences which are growing by the day, and already are unmatched in the history of Scottish Football. Rangers and their apologists are looking for a less severe punishment than that meted out to a club who missed out one date on a contract !! We all know what they are guilty of , they have already been found guilty. We know there is more and worse to come, much worse. The SPL enquiry has to find them guilty of illegal registration. The evidence in the public domain isn’t anecdotal, it’s Prima Facie level proof of guilt. Billy Dodds helpful intervention merely confirmed the direct involvement of the owner and chairman . The fact that Rangers paid Souness at a time he was not employed by Rangers, not once but multiple times, and at a time he was employed by a competitor European club, is beyond anything Redknapp and Allardyce were even accused of. And Souness isn’t the only one with something to fear. There were others who were not named in the BBC documentary who received payments. However that’s for later. The fundamental point here is that Rangers are demanding a punishment less severe than Spartans. That cannot even be a consideration for the SFA. A year long suspension from football is the very least the SFA can now hand down to them
  2. Loopy Leggo getting all froth-tastic today :- http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/ "Green appears to be on the very brink of pulling off a major coup which will make him a multi millionaire and place Rangers in danger, for I seriously doubt if Rangers supporters have the will, the organisation or the unity of purpose to do what is needed." Even if they did have the will, they don't have the wherewithall Leggo, you fud. Boycott season tickets ? Good luck with that !
  3. They'll bottle it again. Although I would just love it if Rod Petrie would take a stand on his "Sporting integrity" statement and try to force a vote.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLXU-Sa_o_I New RTC - http://rangerstaxcase.wordpress.com/2012/05/
  5. Yep, truly risible attempt at reporting a huge story. No Scottish TV journos worth their salt. Would love to see Paxman v. Craig Whyte & Hughie Green in the studio. That alone would be worth the TV licence fee, not that it will happen........
  6. Barcabhoy says: 29/05/2012 at 8:29 pm For anyone asking, the “nuclear” news is that Souness received much more than £30 K , and more than a single loan payment. On its own it doesn’t seem nuclear, however i would ask everyone to apply an element of logical progression to that news. There is more to come, and for clarity there is no evidence i know of relating to bribing officials, match fixing, or bank misbehavior . Nuclear is a fairly straightforward matter. Rangers supporters, Scottish football administrators, and the legal authorities in Scotland deserve to know why he received this money a decade after leaving Rangers’ employment? Why were Rangers putting significant amounts into an EBT scheme on behalf of an ex employee. Is there anything that the authorities should be concerned about. Should there be an innocent explanation it should be put into the public domain. Remember a loan has to be requested by the employee or ex employee. What made Souness think that he could request a loan from an ex employer when he was at the time one of the highest paid people in the UK. What were the repayment terms? has he repaid ? or has the loan period conveniently been extended by the Trustees to avoid triggering a repayment ? Lifted from RTC.
  7. Don't if this has already been posted :- But leading sports lawyer Dan Chapman, of Full Contact Law, told Sportsmail: 'If the courts were to say that they wished to overturn the transfer ban, the SFA will have to say they don't recognise the decision of the court. 'And, if Rangers want to impose the decision upon them, the SFA will have no choice but to expel them. Otherwise, the game is in utter disarray and anarchy, with no one paying any attention to a decision by the governing body. 'If the Court of Session find in favour of Rangers, the SFA certainly don't have to accept. 'They will say: "If you want us to accept that, you are further breaching the rules - which means we'll expel you. In that case, your legal remedy is pretty pointless because you're no longer a club allowed to play in our leagues". 'It would be a futile victory. It seems to be that, for want of a better expression, it's been a bit of a cock-up.'
  8. Very interesting point Chris. Makes you wonder about Hughie Green and his pal MacDonald. Green has previous at Sheffield for this kind of strategy though. Asset strippers are repugnant by their very definition but they are certainly no mugs. Presumably whyte / Green / D+p / Ticketus will be having yet another celebratory dinner as we post in order to high five each other in their succesful overturning of the transfer embargo. Of courseDavid Grier will be in attendance but shall be kept in the dark as to the nature of events.
  9. Nice wee post from Paul67 on KDS :- Ogilvie was born for this moment as SFA to consider expelling Rangers Posted on 29 May, 2012 by Paul67 Although Rangers won their case at the Court of Session today, they have the option not to serve the ruling on the SFA that its Judicial Panel’s 12 month ban on player registration is illegal. Winning the point in law might sound like a victory, but taking the Association to court breaks membership rules of the SFA, rules imposed on all associations by Fifa. We will find out soon enough the reach of SFA president, Campbell Ogilvie, who was one of the recipients of an EBT which precipitated Rangers crisis. Rangers are deep in Sion territory now. Either they walk away from this showdown, the SFA expel or suspend them from football, or Fifa will shortly remind the SFA of their duties when a member club takes action in the civil courts. Campbell Ogilvie was born for this moment; it justifies him holding onto his position all these months despite being “heavily conflicted”, according to his chief executive. I do not expect this to end well. Despite an independent judicial panel ruling against Rangers, there is no way the office holders at the SFA will expel Rangers, no matter what they do. They would rather jeopardise the Scotland national team and every other club’s European participation.
  10. Will the criminal Campbell Ogilvie be sitting on the SFA panel that now has to decide what to do with H*ns ?
  11. Cara Suliemanþ@carasulieman Judge decided the registration ban was not a sanction which was available to SFA disciplinary tribunal for bringing game into disrepute. (My original source is a cretin - post deleted. Sorry for the feck up.)
  12. UEFA Statute / Article 64 states that clubs who are in dispute with their National Associations SHOULD go to CAS and NOT to an Ordinary Court of Law.
  13. Aye, the January 2012 Management Accounts apparently valued property freeholds at £109,000,000. The asset stripping has begun ?
  14. What's that coming over the hill, Michel Platini, Michel Platineeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!
  15. For anyone wanting a wee break from all this H*nnery and schadenfreude, could I just inform the board that the Archers has just started on R4. Thankyew.
  16. I thought it was the SFA that requires 3 yrs. audited accts ? Feck, I'm suffering information overload, brain beginning to get a bit frazzled......
  17. Hence the reason Doncaster came out and said the SPL would grant them a licence ? Hence the reason when the H*ns go "BANG" Doncaster can say it was the SFA's / FIFA / UEFA's fault ? Or am I just havering ?
  18. STV journo at CoS allegedly :- https://twitter.com/#!/carasulieman Judge to give decision toaday at 3.30pm, apparently.
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