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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Update from our IT director on the website now. Looks like season ticket info and matchday prices will be out next week. We will be trialling e-tickets for the coming season too with the friendlies and league cup games being the guinea pig games Confirmation that a new website is coming too which is great news. https://www.stirlingalbionfc.co.uk/digital-and-it-update-tickets-shop-and-website/
  2. In the nuttiest of nutshells without details; There have been two warring boards - the trust board that own the club and the club board that do the day to day running of the club. Over the past few years there have countless attempts to remove, embarrass, insult, withhold information, publicly humiliate each other. There were supporters (and still are) on each side. This got significantly bad last year at the start of the 22/23 season. Genuinely humiliating for all involved and especially supporters. The club board were eventually removed/walked and over the course of the season just gone the trust board had established an interim club board and now as of about two months ago, a new permanent club board is in place (although nobody has heard from them yet). As I stated before, regardless of who was in right and wrong and sides people were on. It's all behind us now, it was utterly embarrassing as it all played out and I (like most fans) have no desire to go into the details of it or relive it again. There is nothing now to hide, it's all mostly in the thread in the league two forum if you really want to indulge in the worst of it all. There are of course fans who can't let it go and will consistently bring it up and use it still to point score but the majority of supporters (on both sides) just wish to move on. Hope that helps
  3. The above being said, questions can and should be asked of the current club board and trust board when appropriate. They are in charge now and ultimately responsible for running the club and are accountable to supporters in the same way that the previous boards were.
  4. Regardless of what "side" anyone was/is on, it's all done, dusted and in the past now and it's time to look to the future and move on together as one club. The infighting helps nobody. People have three options now; 1. Accept what's done is done and move on with supporting the club. 2. Not accept how things went and quietly walk away 3. Take a break from following the club and come back when good and ready to carry out 1 or 2. Sniping, causing arguments, personal insults, hurling abuse from the sidelines, in person or online helps absolutely nobody. We are only a small club with a relatively small fan base, I would rather not lose a single supporter however if you aren't prepared to accept what has happened for the good of the team then its probably best to take a break from the club completely.
  5. St Johnstone, Ayr, Alloa and Stennie in the League Cup group. Quite happy with that travel wise and the competitiveness. Does anyone have any idea when our pre season starts or any friendlies planed?
  6. Don't think he has had an appearance for the first team yet, certainly not the season just gone. We had 10 youth players make their debut this season (albeit mostly once the league was already won) and he wasn't one of them so that may indicate he isn't that close to first team action yet but honestly not a clue. It wasn't a particularly great season for our under 20s team as we finished third from bottom.
  7. 2017/18 - 8 appearances, no goals, 1 assist 2018/19 - 34 appearances, 1 goal, 0 assists 2019/20 - 20 appearances, 0 goals, no assists 2020/21 - 25 appearances, 1 goal, 0 assists 2021/22 - 37 appearances, 1 goal, 0 assists 2022/23 - 38 appearances, 3 goals, 1 assist Crazy to think that Kyle Banner is going into his seventh season with us and he is only 23 years old. A very useful squad player for sure and has come on loads since his move to midfield. Had he continued at centre back I don't think he would still be at the club. Along with Ross McGeachie (who is in his testimonial year with us at 29 years old) he is among our most successful youth players to come through to the first team in a long time. An important player and I'm glad he has signed on for the new season.
  8. You paid us 20k for Andy Ryan, I'm assuming it didn't work out for him back at Hamilton? Just seen he is over in Northern Ireland now. He was smashing for us
  9. Can a Hamilton fan summarise what's gone wrong at the club in the last few years? Its been so long since we have been in the same division, like the Queens fan, I haven't really been following your story?
  10. We have someone new in running the day to day of the club and we haven't heard a word from them at all about anything! Literally nothing from the new club board. At the moment they have a little bit of grace from me because they have just been put together and I'm sure it's a bit if a shambles getting everything in order but even a statement saying things are being done and these are key dates for release of things would be appreciated. I understand Stewarts frustration and do agree that they really should be striking before the iron cools off.
  11. Good summary BB Bino Optimism indeed circles the club at the moment on the playing side, hope the players can kick on this season and secure a comfortable mid table finish in the league which in my opinion should be the aim for the forthcoming season. Avoiding relegation is obviously the priority and whilst sneaking into the playoffs at the other end of the table would be amazing, I don't think anyone will be expecting that. Consolidating ourselves for a couple of seasons in this league would be absolutely fine as we look to build and stabilise off the park. As BB mentions, there is alot of work to be done off the park for the club. I have no doubt the wheels are in motion but we have yet to hear from our new club board at all. Brian Hamilton has been our new 'Operations Director' for two months now and we have heard absolutely nothing from him - no video, no interview, no social media, not even a statement on the website. Assuming he is the person 'leading' our club from the playing side of things, he has been an absolute ghost so far. I'm giving benefit of the doubt so far that he is waiting until new season before springing alive and coming into the foray. Would be nice to hear from him and have regular club updates. There has been zero updates regarding season tickets, pricing, strips, merchandise, pre season friendlies etc. Again, I'm sure all is well in hand but communication is a little bit lacking at the moment. I would have expected to be bombarded with emails trying to sell me stuff at this time of season whilst morale is at an all time high. I get the feeling at times, we probably have one poor lad who does the social media that gets drip fed bits and pieces to put out. The least said about the website the better, its an abomination that I suspect Robert Clubb (our IT Director) will have made a priority. If the above sounds like a whinge, it isn't really. I think we are on the right track and relying on volunteers to get a number of things sorted and that of course takes time. Looking forward to the new season
  12. What happened to QOS last season? Poor signings? Gibson leaving? Combination? I figured you guys would bounce right back to Championship Much more confident this time around?
  13. What is the away fans rough numbers for the teams in the league? Edinburgh worst supported?
  14. Hopefully a moderator can move this thread to the league one forum
  15. Hello League One fans Anyone care to give a summary of what we can expect from the existing league one supporters on this forum? Who has the soundest fans?
  16. Add us to the good guys list. Stirling vote no. 20% voting yes is way higher than I thought it would be mind.
  17. Stirling have confirmed that fans/supporters trust members will decide how the club votes. Voting opened today and will close on Friday 2nd June. I haven't seen any Stirling fan on here, the Facebook group, social media, or spoken to in person that is in favour of it. Barring the allmightiest of arse collapses, Stirling will vote No to the conference league
  18. Wouldn't mind a cheeky offer to Robert Snodgrass as I think he is still without a club since leaving Hearts. We could use a wide player but not sure how his legs are these days, but surely enough for league 1. Suspect he will have plenty full time Championship offers though
  19. Mark Weir signed up again. Does that make Danny Denholm the only player released? I cant think who else we are waiting on, I believe everyone else is announced or already on a 2 year deal
  20. I think he was playing amateur last season after being punted at Darvel. Big experienced centre half that knows the club well. Solid signing
  21. He came on loan to us (Stirling) during covid as Darvel didn't play any games and we were doing the closed door ones. He was bang average at league two level and struggled to force his way into a poor Binos side . You are right to be weary of that signing
  22. Hows Callumn Morrison got on for you guys this season? A player I would love to see back at the binos
  23. That interview oooooooooft If I'm a Dumbarton fan, I'm livid at that. Even as a neutral watching that thats a clear as day "fcuk you" to the fans from him. Essentially calling of you nutjobs Good luck with him next season Sons fans
  24. Had it confirmed by my club (Stirling Albion) that they haven't received any proposal yet regarding the Conference League. The club can also not vote for the idea without the Supporters Trust approval and the Supporters Trust has confirmed it will consult the trust members on it. Safe to say Stirling will be voting naw to any conference league.
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