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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. I don't think there is any chance of it being a great raw in the true sense. I think the best they can hope from a show like this is a 'fun' show. I imagine there will be very few matches and the ones there are will be squashes or very quick. A lot of people moan about the legends etc but I don't tire of guys like piper, slaughter, snuka, duggan etc showing up once or twice a year. I grew up watching these guys in late 80s and early 90s so in a way I'm far more attached to them than most of current roster. Once in a while is fine
  2. I have change up and real steel on my sky as well, I take it I should be deleting them
  3. How good will it be if they have go up against Think its possible?
  4. Just saw the full list of who is returning for RAW! Ooooooft
  5. Anyone else thinking 2012 is shaping up to be one of the best years in a long time for cinema? A whole bunch of great movies out already and some belters to come no doubt Edit: Top ten movies I have seen in cinema so far this year are probably 1. Moonrise Kingdom 2. The Avengers 3. The Dark Knight Rises 4. The Cabin In The Woods 5. The Muppets 6. The Hunger Games 7. Battleship 8. American Reunion 9. The Artist 10. Amazing Spiderman
  6. I stopped reading this thread when it was confirmed division 3 for Sevco, what have I missed? Anyone fancy summarising?
  7. Was Drive on TV? Everyone seems to have watched lately, I keep meaning to catch it
  8. Season two was probably my least favourite series but I'm pretty much alone on that view I feel as most rate that as their favourite
  9. Bret Hart announced to be on as well. And a Raw pre show in youtube
  10. Undertaker will come out and batter Slater
  11. I think Dean Ambrose might interrupt wedding and be revealed as AJs physco ex or something. Bryan vs Ambrose at Summerslam
  12. Predictions a plenty, get some points dished out forehead. What will happen during the wedding? Punk/Cena Brock/ HHH Unannounced returning legends Possible debuts
  13. As for the epsiode itself, thought it was decent, although I'm not sure how the first scene ties in with rest of episode? I'm guessing set in the future like many of the other openings
  14. Ziggler will be a face in next 3 months, its been coming for a while now
  15. Just seen some stats for 2012 so far, I believe it includes house shows but not dark matches: With John Cena winning at Saturday's SuperShow in Tucson, he won his 100Th match in 2012. He needed 108 matches for that (4 losses and 4 draws/no contest). Daniel Bryan has the most matches in 2012 so far with 113 matches (35 wins, 74 losses, 4 draws/no contests). Impressive statics includes Brodus Clay (78 wins, 1 loss) and Ryback (52 wins, 1 loss).
  16. Just finished 4th season, really enjoyed it. I'm not sure if it would make my all time top 10 or anything though. Filled a gap in my schedule though and watched all four series in about 10 days. Will def keep watching Saul and Mike are my favourite characters. Both Skyler and Marie would get it.
  17. 14 New characters/actors for season 3 I recognise the wee boy from Love Actually and the guy from Pirates of Carribbean and thats it
  18. Season 3 trailer!!! Prepare to jizz your pants
  19. What an ignorant bstard Rob McLean is - clearly didn't like what Alloa guy was saying so grumpily just hung up on him. p***k
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