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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. I’ve got a previous email detailing my Membership ID after buying my new season ticket at the shop. I clicked on the link to Total Tickets that was on that email and went to their site. it then asked me to sign in with my email address and password, but I haven’t registered with them so I don’t have a password. I then clicked on the ‘forgot password’ link to see if that would work, asked me for email address, but no such luck either. Any help / suggestions would be very much appreciated
  2. Oh my f*****g god. What a total shambles. And people think the Russians / Chinese / North Koreans are the dangerous ones. This reminds me of trying to get a parking permit for where I live in Glasgow. I had to register on a website, log on to another, add a scanned photo of my council tax bill, V5 and a completed application form. It crashed. I was told on live chat to use another device. I did. Did the same. Found a phone number. Called them. They gave me an email address. I emailed them. They emailed me back asking for the documents to be emailed to them. I did. They emailed me back asking me to call them. I did. They then put me on hold. Then they transferred me to an automatic payment service. Holy f**k!!!!!!!!!! I can order a 3 course meal in about 3 taps on my phone, cooked, hot and delivered to my door in 30 mins!!!
  3. Let’s face it - none of it is making any sense any more - think the stance spreading from Westminster is f**k it, most people have been jagged now - and I’m sure Bute House may or may not dampen some of that
  4. It’s a shame there is such a huge gap in wages from top flight down, as you would see in the past players taking a step down and shine in a lower league, but so many are making sideways moves to keep the money rolling in.
  5. I was agreeing with you - in that if we had got it right up front last season, things could have looked very different - and that is why we need to get it right from the start this season - so we are nearer to 4th than bottom
  6. I know what you are saying about Tommy Sloan - I know him personally and is a brilliant manager - but who would turn down the Talbot in the junior scene? Not many. I don’t think we have that same draw in the Championship scene
  7. Were we not something like 5 goals away from finishing 4th? (5 goals in 5 of the draws we had - changing them to wins - extra 10 points? I know it’s never as simple as that)
  8. Definitely seems to be a lack of quality out there. Loanees will be crucial and getting the right ones with the right attitude as we all know can be difficult and may end up vital to where we end up this season. At least we are not the only ones in the same boat. After last season, I’d settle for mid table obscurity but heart pleads for top 4 - at least to flirt with it for a while. Just read somewhere Morton have only 15 signed players.
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