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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. Keenan was a rare breed who actually gave a f*ck, and still does. Deserves as much adulation from Ayr fans as they can give. A ratio of 1 Keenan to 50 wage thieving imposters, I would guess.
  2. Adeloye looked like had had a bit of pace and guile about him.
  3. Totally freaked McCall out - he looked like the end of days had begun
  4. I don’t think we have had a manager that has split the support as much as Hopkin. I really hope for his sake, but more so for the position that the team will be in, that we get off to a blinding start. That would probably include a result at Rugby Park. I’m somewhere in the middle - optimistic and patient, but with the sound of fear lingering in the background!
  5. Yip, I remember Falkirk telling us the same - that worked out well
  6. Too bloody right it would But who do you think we can or should be going for?
  7. I’d much prefer we had our full squad in place, raring to go, but I’m not that naive to expect that to be the case. We have had another huge rebuilding job to do and we are not known for having a huge budget, or paying excessively for players wages, so what REALISTICALLY are everyone’s expectations at this stage?
  8. Sounds to me like he has been offered better terms at Morton, and maybe the guarantee of first choice striker. I’m hoping that that was not the case with us, and maybe Hoppy thought of him as a decent squad player. I wouldn’t imagine Morton would be offering more than us for our “number 1 forward” if you get my drift. Then again, I could be completely wrong.
  9. Can’t be easy trying to assemble a squad at this level and trying to avoid: 1. Merry-go-round championship journeymen who always look as if they could do a job, but never really do. 2. Your ‘who is that guy’ who shows well in 1 or 2 trial games then doesn’t even make the bench. 3. Used to play for me so I at least know what he is like. 4. Untested kids. 5. Loaned untested kids from elsewhere.
  10. Every year there are usually a number of willing volunteers who are keen to do a little bit around the ground in pre-season. Might be an extra bonus this year having been locked up for most of the past 18 months. In my opinion, I don’t see it as tinpot, I see it more of a bit of engagement with the community. Opening Somerset with weeds everywhere - that would be tinpot
  11. From 19 July, seated outdoor stadiums would be able to host 2,000 fans, and standing venues could accommodate 1000. Applications could be made on a case-by-case basis to swell that, as was done for Hampden's Euro 2020 matches.
  12. They have been toying with the prospect for so long, they just can’t hold back now. It’s a bit like when the food banks open
  13. To be fair, if I was made to walk around Girvan I’d head for the highlands too
  14. @Thumper @diegomarahenry Can you private message me your addresses please Thanks everyone for joining in
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