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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. Don’t think our 9 - 1 formation is working [emoji30][emoji30][emoji30]
  3. I’m getting this but haven’t paid anything!!!!! ???????
  4. Come on Ayr - one last effort please. Do it for every man, woman and child that has ever had a flicker of affection for this club!
  5. Some players are bricks and others are cement. Bell and Geggan were definitely cement
  6. So, as this is going to be one hell of a Friday night, instead of the usual meal ideas, what’s everybody getting tanked up on? I’m going for 1 can of Brewdog IPA then straight onto the Southern Comforts with a dash of traditional lemonade, with ice
  7. The guy is playing to his strengths and I’m sure we will all benefit from it in the years to come Plastic glasses I would imagine for the beer garden as the killie away support troop past to the away end [emoji50]
  8. I know what you mean, but after years of supporting the bookie’s holiday fund, I’m over donating my money to richer people than me [emoji4]
  9. I’m in - I’d lose a bet on a one horse race such is my track record on sports betting Now need to work out how much money I’d happily donate for Ayr to stay up? We could all do it, and then if Inverness win, we could donate the money to the AU500 for next season!
  10. I'm going into this on Friday as drunk as a skunk - don't know about anyone else!
  11. The worst case scenario - we go a couple of goals down early - so this is what will happen
  12. Hilarious to think that players haven’t had interaction with fans for over a year, then when they come across a few, it’s square go’s all round - Scottish fitba, ye cannae beat it!
  13. A goal from us and the pars = season saved!!!
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