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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. Know where to contact.... Production Glassfibre in Kirkcaldy. They pay shite money but they taught me how to laminate and I get offered jobs in England on stupid money by having that as a skill. The best offer I had was doing chassis' on the Koneisgeigg (sp?) supercar but it was in Derby. 01592 650444. Tell them you'll never be off and you'll be a manager in no time.
  2. Tell me about it! Think yourself lucky that you probably just need to piss into yours.
  3. *Caught with the pants down* "C'mon eh! I don't believe in God so the adultery commandment doesn't hold any sway with me and I still haven't told her that I love her!!" That still isn't going to work although I see where you are coming from.
  4. I doubt that would go down too well if you were caught baw deep. "But I haven't told her that I love her!!"
  5. I took my PSP the first time. "Andy, Andy get the nurse!" "Haud on the now, I'm playing tennis." Good luck everyone.
  6. The girl said that almost word for word. I hadn't read the book for comparison but the film is well reccomended.
  7. Large supermarket chains like Asda, Tesco etc should all have the same layout so people in different towns or cities still know where to find stuff. For example:- Aisle 1 - Veg. Aisle 2 - Dairy. And so on. Cheers pal!
  8. Angels & Demons Fair enjoyed it. Thought it was better than The Da Vinci Code. 7/10.
  9. Sorry man! Just remember that Craig carries out John McGlynns great work though.
  10. Did you tell him Wils would smite him? By the way, McGlynn is God. Craig Wilson can be a Jesus type felly Ok?
  11. A skint paedophile. "Give me 15p for this Boost son and you can come in my car".
  12. Have you 'no got Savos arse to kiss? I've left a message on the mans clip, hopefully he'll be able to tell me.
  13. See your signature Domino link Monster, where have I heard the music that comes in at 54 seconds? It's driving me insane trying to pinpoint where I've heard it.
  14. The football is a mere sideshow to the evening session. Come through with us and we can reminisce about playing for the supporters club football team and taking half time pens!
  15. Get going! It's a great day out. On the topic of meeting people that you knew at school years after you've left. I find it quite satisfying to see folk who thought they were better than you at the school, because you had quite a poor upbringing, doing shit.
  16. Anyone watching BBC three just now? Why do Christians ALWAYS feel the need to convey their beliefs through Puppeteering? I hate normal puppets never mind puppets that are trying to convert me.
  17. Why are you bothered your arse what they think? Surely if you like her and find her attractive then that's all that matters? Are your pals 10 years old or something?
  18. I'm 30 and get an hellish pain in my left knee after getting it cut through to get a pin in my broken leg. The doc warned me about it though shortly after I broke my leg when I was 18. Cheers Doc, no more playing 11's, big scars on my left leg and permanent pain for the rest of my days. Braw!
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