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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. Sweat was pishing off me when I was cutting the grass. Might wear shorts in to my work tonight.
  2. Do you think it'll benefit us long term if John McGlynn panic buys a load of shite that he doesn't think will fit in to his plans just to appease fans who think they know better? No, it wouldn't, therefore the manager is being sensible playing a waiting game to see what loanees become available. If any teams fans should know that shitey, short term solutions don't bode well for the future it should be Raith Rovers fans.
  3. I'll introduce you to the girl if I ever see you at the airport. You're no' getting to rattle her though. As I said on the other thread, just get on with things wee felly. Life always seems to sort itself out one way or another.
  4. Morton brought a fair amount that day considering what a trek it is.
  5. Aye, you're probably right Vt. It makes sense that the other two big teams in the league will bring the biggest amount of away fans.
  6. Sounds exactly like me Toma. One night on the Guiness and my eyes are redder than a T-800. I had to stop wearing my glasses to work though as the headaches I was getting whilst wearing them were worse than the ones I got without them.
  7. The last time I was in was when I went down with my Dad and my wee boy to see the Raith exhibition. Actually today just before we left the kids with their grandparents to go and watch Terminator the wee man asked where we were going. When I told him "The pictures" he asked, "The Rovers pictures?!" Poor wee bugger thought we were away to the museum without him.
  8. Where in Kirkcaldy is she from Kilt. I might know her. I once used the 'Getting back with the ex' line on a beergoggle bird that I woke up with and every time she saw me in the street for the next year or so she and her big pal would roar abuse at me. Bullet dodged that time anyway.
  9. Why the annoyance regarding Kirkcaldy, Kilt? Is that where the wifey that bumped you comes from?
  10. I think like that. I couldn't be arsed feeling like I have to look over my shoulder all the time so have never been one to shite on my own doorstep.
  11. Put a full stop instead of an exclamation mark. I was trying to make out that I was shouting No! as if to remind you about the furore the last time you posted a persons name on here. I now realise that I probably should have put No! in capitals in that respect too.
  12. I'm monitoring the situation Fudge. If they weren't two good c***s they'd be out of here by now.
  13. Mad Cyril, Saints1884's night in shining armour. What a moron. I tend to overlook HSF's posts on the presumtion that she has posted about doing something in Sweden.
  14. Congrats on showing yourself up as an illiterate, condescending halfwit.
  15. I properly pissed myself laughing at that. I realise that it's no laughing matter for Livi fans though.
  16. I'm scared of sea dwelling crabs. My feet automatically lift off the ground if one comes on the telly. When I'm sitting down of course as I can't levitate yet.
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