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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. Get on MSN Simon and I'll give you some advice. Play it my way and you'll get yer hole nae bother!
  2. He looks a wee bit like Tevez. If Patino had been a destroyer like Sparky or Marv I'd be inclined to agree but I thought he was a bit soft.
  3. That is a fair point actually. I've had my differences with kilt re the constant reminders that he is a Pagan but when I think of it, an appreciation of stuff that you can see happening is nowhere near as daft as the good versus evil pish that Christians go on about. Kilt is an easy target, as much his doing as anyone elses in my honest opinion but P&B would be a wee bit less entertaining if he didn't post.
  4. I was bored at work one night and took it upon myself to count how many sections there are in a spreadsheet. I must have been pressing down on the cursor for about 10 minutes before someone pointed out the wonders of the 'end' button.
  5. I was shattered at my work last night so at my break I went out to the car and had about 15 minutes kip. Went back in to work feeling totally refreshed. Petty thing about tonight though is that I might not see any of the Scotland game as I've changed seating areas.
  6. Nah, I cannae be arsed. I might heckle the bible bashers outside Burtons the next time I see them though.
  7. Those are just words. I'd have just as nice a day if you told me to go f**k myself. Hope your girl's doing fine with her pregnancy G_man.
  8. Sorry Kilt, but I'm sick to fucking death reading about Pagan pish. We get it, you're a pagan. You don't need to let us know with virtually every post you make.
  9. Kilt, please stop being a pedantic pain in the jugs and just refrain from posting tits outwith the NSFW forum. Cheers.
  10. As has been pointed out Kilt, someones boss may take exception to an employee looking at some T&A during their shift. I'm fairly certain you've been asked not to post that pic in GN before. There's a nightshift section for pictures of naked, face painted weirdos standing on top of each other to make a stupid fucking face-painty, weirdo naked pyramid. Also, try telling your boss to stop being "Prudishly judgemental" and see where that gets ye. P.S. - I'm all for a return of kilgour11 but the mods at the time banned him for a reason so it'd be them that made the final decision on that one.
  11. Kilt, I shifted that whole post as you posted the photos with tits and arses in it again. When deleted they appear at the bottom of the edit so I had to delete the whole post. Bear in mind folk may have a wee look at P&B at work.
  12. I often think of sketch show clips when I'm bored at work. The best one I've came up with so far is about a couple of guys who look after a lighthouse. One of them is rather mischievous and continually makes the other guy think that he's dying. When the other guy realises that he is being pranked he says, "Please refrain from doing that". I'm on to a winner I reckon.
  13. I was already quite ashamed at unintentionally teaching the boy that but she has strong shame escalation powers. My Dad used to shout me in when he heard me swearing whilst playing football with my pals. "Where did you learn that" "You" "Erm.... do as I say, not as I do!"
  14. My wee boy was running around the house the other day shouting "FUCKING INDICATE!" I can't even blame his Mum as I have the cars seats in my car.
  15. I could certainly live without a woman like that. Bin her! Fuck putting up with that.
  16. I've liked Simmons since he came to us. He'll be vital this season I reckon as he's our only player capable of putting killer balls in for Tadé and Weir to utilise their pace.
  17. I believe doctors know what to tell you for certain ailments but I lost a bit of faith in them when I broke my leg. I was told that the painkillers I received would take the pain away but I was in total agony for weeks. I don't use any painkillers at all as I don't think they work and tend to just deal with any pains I get, all the time having faith in my body to sort it out. Bloody hell, that sounds like something Kilt would say! Blessed be everyone.
  18. You're every bit as mad going by that post! I usually have the remote on the top of the couch or lying on my chest. See if you pointed the remote at your eyes and tried to change the channel, would that be detrimental to your eyesight?
  19. Don't even get me started on pillow openings being on the outside of a made bed. The horror!
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