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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. That bugs the shit out of me too. I can't sit and relax to watch a good film if the volume is on an odd number. I thought I was the only weirdo to get annoyed by that. Does it bug you when there is a slight opening on the blinds as well?......
  2. :lol: Sarcasm isn't always the lowest form of wit. Hope you are alright for your time off.
  3. Share the wealth Fudge. Make a topic called 'Fudges betting tips' or something!
  4. Davo's hot and cold. His suspect temperament lets him down no end. There's a decent player in there somewhere though.
  5. That's really good actually, I'd change to that for a month if I could.
  6. Bullshit rumours invented by wee boys very rarely materialise after all.
  7. If Livvy are staying in the 1st division I hope they get skelped with a massive points deduction. That'll virtually guarantee that we have a playoff at least to maintain our 1st division status and hopefully establish ourselves as a first division club the season following. I bear no ill-feeling towards the Livvy fans who will love their club as much as I love mine but any advantage we get this season is extremely welcome.
  8. Congratulations Debbie. Just thinking of the great feeling I had holding my newborn kids for the first time makes me kinda sad that I'm now a Jaffa.
  9. Carol never lets me forget the time her waters broke..... "Andy, my waters have just broke!" "Are ye sure?!" Wasn't the brightest of things to say after following a trail of splashes through to the bathroom. All the best Reina. No feeling has ever come close to holding my new born children. Apart from our cup win in '94.
  10. Just watched the video there. Lovely wee finish from Bryce. Hopefully he'll get a good amount of time on the pitch on Saturday.
  11. Massone has apparently said that he's there to save the club but insists that he will not sell his shares.
  12. I'm not stirring anything Kilt. Ive no reason to stir anything up with you apart from the fact that I thought the initial post I quoted was a step too far. You then pissed me right off by claiming that I was the pervy one because I interpreted your post as being perverted to hide the fact that you did mean it in that way and hopefully save a bit of face. The only pathetic thing is your denial.
  13. Yes, because that is the way it looked. It wasn't just me either. Why did you post this smiley. The smiley that denotes that you possibly shouldn't have said what you just did?
  14. Aye, I'm the perv because I took what someone who turns absolutely everything into innuendo typed as a pervy remark. Are you denying that your post looks that way? What was this emoticon for then?
  15. Fuck sake man! I'd be away seeing about myself if I viewed childbirth as a perving opportunity. All the best Reina.
  16. Deary me! Anyway, I briefly spoke to Lee Bryce before the last game of the season. Really nice lad, none of the supposed big headedness about him at all. It'd be fantastic to see him do well this season for everyones sake!
  17. Bugger that! I'd be wanting double time and danger money if I picked the short straw for that job.
  18. I always said about One that if he wasn't 30st and he learned to header a ball, he'd be some player. I don't think we'll re-sign him though. Not because McGlynn let him go previously but on health and safety reasons. If he hits a wayward thunderbolt and it strikes the railway stand, the Fife College guys would be killed in the collapse. No more videos because of Armand!
  19. I was going to write, "Blink182, I've not heard them for ages!!" but have come to the conclusion that it wasn't funny in the slightest. We're all a bit edgy right now regarding our striking options and it just wasn't appropriate.
  20. I haven't been keeping up with this at all so can some kind soul please summarise Livvy's current situation. Is today some kind of D-day for them?....
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