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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. My left knee has been giving me bother for weeks now and as a consequence, whilst trying to protect it I'm now getting bother with my left groin. I'm falling to bits. As DhD stated above the golf day is on the 28th of August at Falkirk Tryst.
  2. I'm working tomorrow so today is the only time we can spend together as a family. If I'd went today the next time that I'd be seeing Carol would be next Saturday. Would be great being there but family comes first. You going to the golf day Dunc?
  3. My lasting memory from the 5's last year was this big chubby guy backing his arse into my groin all the time. He kept doing it even after I had pushed him quite forcefully off of me until I changed tactics and asked him if he wanted a ride. Didn't see him the rest of the day!
  4. I don't think KftS is too interested in looking at things from that perspective. I wonder what he'd rather, Livingston survive and the supporters still have their local team to go and watch or Livingston go bust and some of their fans find themselves on one of the many buses heading towards Parkhead or Ibrox?
  5. Massone appears to be winging every situation that running a club throws at him. He reminds me of when I got my first flat and didn't really have a clue about how to run it or budget for things that would be needing paid in the future. I ended up flying by the seat of my pants and fortunately was able to sell the flat at a decent profit to cover the debts that I'd racked up through missed payments, bank charges etc. Luckily, I didn't have a cleaner otherwise she would have had me at a tribunal regarding missed wage payments. Massone has his first club, he doesn't seem to have a clue about how to run it or budget for things that are needing paid in the present never mind what bleak future Livingston FC may have. He's flying by the seat of his pants but unfortunately there appears to be no easy get out clause like selling the club at a profit to wipe out all the debt. Livi may be franchised but you have to feel for the hardcore element of their support, men women and children who, believe it or not, will love their club as much as any other teams fans and invest time and effort into saving their team.
  6. I was convinced that I saw a tadger in Isla's 2nd scan and had happilly resigned myself to the 'fact' that I was getting another son. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a wee girl come out!
  7. Or send a circular.... 'Wearealldoomed is scratching his tit because a midgie bit it, not because he is trying to turn you on'.
  8. Just announce out loud that "A MIDGIE HAS BITTEN MY TIT!" then folk'll know that you're not being pervy.
  9. Fair enough. I see where you are coming from. Personally though, from a non mod point of view, I would just ignore the poster/postings if they got on my nerves instead of going on some moral crusade about something that ultimately does not concern me. Thankfully, we're all different.
  10. In a break from the norm, I've only been on P&B 23 hours per day rather than my standard 24. I'm not being facetious, just merely wondering if I've missed Kilt posting this ladys address details?
  11. We obviously differ in opinions my good man. Possibly. I'll cross that bridge if I ever come to it in 18 years or so after being alerted to the postings by some morally outraged person who really shouldn't give a toss but decides to stick their nose in anyway. Seriously Swampy, why does it bother you so much? If there were to be repercussions regarding Kilt's postings, they wouldn't affect you.
  12. Nowadays anyway. Let's stop all the Kilt bashing eh. Folk take advantage of the mans good nature and see him as an easy target. What is the big problem about him mentioning a name on a website anyway? It isn't the first time that it's happened and it most certainly won't be the last. People pick on folk like Kilt as they don't think he'll give them as good back. I'd love to see those people trying to give the likes of Monster or Gaz (for example) the same level of shit but I never will as the passive aggresive among us know that they'd get the total pish ripped out of them. Give the man a break and put him on ignore if the innuendo or name-dropping becomes too much for your delicate little eyes. Heid up Kilt.
  13. I wondered that too. Hopefully John Drysdale will announce what's coming in to the club shop soon.
  14. New shirt sponsor announced....... New shirt sponsor. Dennis O'Connell does the hospitality for the club and often lays on a cracking buffet for the 200club. Very nice man who doesn't pass anyone by. Hope it works out well for both parties.
  15. You need to go and kick some arse. Stop being a fucking pussy and do something about the folk that are pissing you off. No murdering or that like but a few good kickings.
  16. It's trying to make a comeback in Kirkcaldy but the Winter is putting up a good fight.
  17. It's great eh! My wee lass isn't talking coherently yet but if you ask her what a dinosaur says she does the cutest little "Rarrr" and then smiles like she's really proud of herself.
  18. That accurately portrays the change that my attitude went through too. Now, on the odd occasion that I go out for a drink, I'm weary about getting too blootered and wasting a day on the couch that could have been used taking the kids down the park or just out playing in the back garden.
  19. Best advice on here fafc. Having movie star good looks like me would help but give it a bash anyway.
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