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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Sorry, misunderstood your post. I thought you were saying that McCracken was signed to replace Grant.
  2. This is a list of CD's that have played for the club since Watson signed -Grant, McCracken, Gasparotto, Muirhead, Balatoni, McGhee, Brough, Dallison, Harrison, Edjenguele, McKenna, Buchanan, Durnan, & Toshney, Of those I would have Grant, McCracken, Balatoni, McGhee, Edjenguele & Toshney ahead of him so I think he would have done a decent enough job at L1 level.
  3. That's actually a very good piece of defending, if he had been the, err, defender...
  4. That was McKinnon's fault though, not Miller's. He was very consistent once he was brought in, good contender for POTY if he'd been used earlier. Agree that Gomis struggled to do a full 90, was usually better in the 1st half, but was still an obviously very good player when he was on the pitch. I'd be happy if both are with us next season with Gomis as back-up to Miller.
  5. Garry Miller was excellent for us as a defensive midfielder, so was Gomez in the same role.
  6. Telfer was considered a top prospect when he was a laddie with Dundee Utd, IIRC, paying a good amount of money to Rangers for him. That promise didn't seem to materialise though and he drifted a good bit, even plunging as low as playing for Morton, before he joined us. He looked very good in a few early games but again started to drift and hadn't shown very much at all for the majority of the season. He's lightweight and not good in a scrap. Compare him to wee Connolly though who's much the same stature but can get stuck in when required. I think he's given up on doing anything particularly notable in the game and will be looking to go part-time soon as he's studying for a law degree, so is preparing for football to take a back seat.
  7. I think that's true up until, probably the Linlithgow tie when he discovered that he could cross a ball properly rather than continually floating it high into the box. Whilst basically sound, he's been caught out a few times playing centrally, notably the hash he made of defending a ball in the second Clyde away game when it got caught under his feet and he allowed the forward to run past him to score.
  8. You haven't seen Alston play? He's a very good player and would skoosh L1 but he's not a 'leader' type.
  9. Not so sure about that. They're re-opening everything else too early so I don't see why football should be any different!
  10. That, I don't disagree with. When you think of the difference that this will make to the Ugly Sisters, they would do themselves more good by saying 'we don't want it, split it between the rest'! That extra would be the equivalent of about half a home gate for the likes of Stenhousemuir or Cowdenbeath etc. Actually I got that wrong, it would be a full home gate!
  11. How can it be 'iffy'? The government add gift aid to charitable donations, they're not going to question what it's used for. The guy wants to help clubs get through the current situation and apparently has decided that this should be split equally between all clubs. The SPFL can't then say 'thanks for your dosh but we're not going to spend it on what you wanted us to'. Don't think the clubs would be very happy either.
  12. Dunno. I always thought she was a pop singer though!
  13. Of course it's not, however I was just reacting to your saying that I was overestimating the fan base's willingness or ability to raise funds. And, yes, I do agree that they should be canvassing season ticket holders now to see what sort of take up would be likely. It would have to be a two part question though asking how many would renew for playing in L1, or playing in a one-of league competition (which would result in us being demoted no matter what final position we attained.) I think that most would renew for the former but a lot fewer (myself included) for the latter.
  14. I agree. For various reasons I can't see how the lower league clubs will be able to play, that's why I'm saying that we shouldn't be thinking about selling STs but should instead be considering fund raising. I'm sure that you're right in that the BOD will have been looking at various scenarios to get us through but we can't be selling STs just now for some airy-fairy league that may or may not happen.
  15. I'm not sure that I am TBH. I think that there are a good few fairly well off punters out there who would be willing to pump thousands in if it saves us going tits up. I think that a crowd funding effort would raise a few hundred thousand too from poorer folk like myself!
  16. Would there? I'm desperate to watch us play competitive football again too, but it wouldn't be competitive would it? Costs would obviously be reduced considerably as well with no players to pay and a skeleton staff to run things. I don't think Mr Alexander would be looking for his stadium rent either (surely tae f**k). Call me cynical (many folk do) but I reckon that the BOD are saying that we're ready to play in the hope that Budge's proposal is accepted and we're pushed up to the Championship officially. That would then give us a competitive league to play in and the board would be able to set a price for season tickets to be bought.
  17. You're clearly forgetting about the £1000sssssss that we'd have from virtual macaroon bar sales!
  18. So you'd quite happily play in a 'one-off league' and return to L1 the following season even if we won it? I think the cost would outstrip the income and could put us in significant financial difficulties at the end of it especially as we have no idea if the virus is going to make a comeback (although most experts are confident that it will). We would, most probably, have to shelve that season as well anyway. How many people do you estimate would but a season ticket to watch a series of friendlies? I don't think the take-up would be very high although, conversely, I do think fans would donate to keep us afloat for a season.
  19. So it's a non starter then? Think you might as well just drop it mate!
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