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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I 10-2 think that that was quite a Spartan effort by Morten today, however at least you've got the luxury of a midweek replay against one of the seaside teams. You've done quite well against such teams so many times in the past after all!
  2. 3-5-2 had been fine for the last 4 league games. I tend to think that Muirhead must be the problem and I would certainly bring Harrison back in for him. (Not fuckin Dallison though) I had a feeling that he would leave Bauben out whether he was fit today or not as we need to keep him fit for the league. Deffo bring Mitchell back for Fartsan.
  3. I genuinely didn't realise Aero was playing until after we scored as the tannoy guy announced him as a sub. Somebody got injured and when I then saw Muirhead play the ball I thought he'd come on to replace him! Heard someone say that Harrison pulled out shortly before the game started; no idea if he was injured or had a falling out or whatever though?
  4. 24 was Harry Paton; smashing wee player who I'd hoped we would have gone for in the summer. He's currently on loan from Ross County and I was a bit surprised that they let him play as he was considered a first team squad player. I assume that Sevco and Dundee didn't give permission for Rudden and Haber to play? Dundee I can understand as McIntyre might want Haber back but surely Rudden's got no feckin chance of getting anywhere near their 1st team? Typical fuckin Sevco! As far as today was concerned that was absolutely fucking rancid! Heard a Stenny fan in the bar afterward saying that we were the worst team they had played all season! Nobody got pass marks, nobody. Tommy Robson was good in the 1st half but almost as bad as the rest in the 2nd. Anyone know what was wrong with Harrison? Didn't think Muirhead was any worse than the other two CD's today but it's maybe not a coincidence that we were so poor with him back in the team? The goalie's an absolute joke. Although Mitchell tends to make some high profile blunders I do feel generally more secure with him in the team. I'd certainly get him and Harrison back in for Fasan and Muirhead next week. The guy I was most disappointed with today however was Irving. He should have been pissing all over a team of Stenny's standard but he just didn't look up for it at all. There are too many of the same ilk in the team. Heads go down too easily and they can't seem to lift them again. Although I obviously wanted us to win I'd have been happy with getting through after a struggle rather than having an easy ride as I don't want McKinnon thinking that any of these players are good enough. At least he won't be thinking that tonight!
  5. Didn't know Hartley's assistant was ever Morton's manager. Poor try TBH,
  6. Can you tell me where you read this mate? Would like to check that out.
  7. Excellent run by big Brough in the 2nd half on Saturday. Just a pity that he didn't play Robson in when he should have.
  8. I wasn't specifically meaning that Ray had already told him, more that he knows where our deficiencies lie and knows that players will be leaving in January. Not much of a stretch to assume that he may be one of them.
  9. Don't disagree that he'll need more than just effort to make it and, in the past, he probably has given us that. However, when he came on against Ayr it looked like he wasn't bothering his arse! I wonder if he already knows that he's going?
  10. Lewis will play on Saturday I would think so he's got the chance to prove everyone wrong, and against a defence that is as bad as ours too. At the very least he needs to put in the same effort that the rest of the team have over the past few games. If he doesn't grab his chance he's only got himself to blame really.
  11. He's generally not very complimentary about anyone in the squad but his biggest bugbear is that we let Shepherd go whilst keeping O'Hara, whom he thinks is particularly shite. He reckons that Shepherd will prove everyone wrong and will be back to haunt us some day! So much so that many on here reckon he's either Sheps himself or a friend or family member.
  12. That would make for an interesting squad on Saturday!
  13. I'd like to think that Harrison's comments mean that none of them know who is being kept or asked to leave. Agree on Irving. He can be quite naive at times, often getting caught in possession and looks like he's not putting in enough effort. I think that's improving though and should continue to do so with Bauben guiding him. Petra's shot was laughable however I can't agree entirely on the ability thing. Yesterday for example he left the full back for dead twice but over hit his cross both times. He lacks compuse at times and needs to learn to lift his head to pick a cross rather than just hitting it.
  14. Agreed. We can't replace the whole team and I think it's obvious where our biggest deficiencies lie. The defence has been very good in the last 3 games so, assuming that they don't go backward massively between now and January, I'd leave well alone and spend any available money on a couple of strikers, two midfielders and a RB if Dumbaya isn't the answer. By all means bring in a CH if there's money left and we can get better than we have though.
  15. Were you at the game yesterday? He was outstanding IMO.
  16. Harrison has been very good in the last two games and the 3 at the back seems to suit him. I would keep him as back up if not a starter. Irving is a talented laddie who I think will flourish with Bauben beside him; I would definitely keep him for the season if possible. Petra's one of those who is very unpredictable, can be pish and good in the same move! Move him on if we can get better but I think his pace and effort are certainly plus points that can be used when required.
  17. Are you suggesting we sign some French players on loan then?
  18. I predict that Marcus Haber will show us why he's a Canadian international and why some Dundee fans hold him in such high regard by getting a header on (or maybe off) target.
  19. Do you mean he lives in Larbert or he's off his nut?
  20. Sorry, thought DF was being a wee bit flippant and not being entirely serious. Didn't realise you were referring to Cardle specifically.
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