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Everything posted by Jamie_M

  1. Don't think Ayr will get through the playoffs so unlikely unless we draw them in the cup.
  2. Very concise. Good account for all the 'outside looking in' commentators that Duffy is doing a good job. You 100% sure on the 1-0 Dumbarton game? Did he not pluck a 3-5-2 from nowhere with both Lamie and Luca playing?
  3. He did, although it wasn't a direct result of the St Mirren game, the contract had been on the table and agreed for weeks, he just finally signed it on that day (allegedly). Had they offered a contract extension on the back of one good win, it would have been preposterous. But handing a new contract before that, on the back of our capitulation at the end of the previous season and our abject failure of a League Cup performance was BAT SHIT FUCKING CRAZY! There was no need for it, it's not as if anyone was likely to try to prise him away (maybe they took Chic Young touting him for the Scotland job seriously!) I would love to think the BOD will get their just rewards by now having to pay him off when they sack him at the end of the season (won't happen though, they fucking love him and are too stupid to see his failings). Unfortunately, it was just the next in a long line of ridiculous decisions from them in charge.
  4. Dish it out, get it back. Too many fans get precious when it's given back. Same fans who revere their own players when they wind up the opposition after a goal (Rowan Vine against Dundee, Gunning against Dundee Utd and Tam O'Ware against St Mirren being notable examples). No issue with Morgan giving it big licks, he was probably getting it tight before it (much like Alan Lithgow giving it back after the hounding he was given before his assist and 2 goals the other week). Rightfully booked but I'm sure he won't give 2 fucks about that. As for Tam's 'throat cut', while the actual gesture was ill-advised and I can see why some St Mirren fans got worked up about it, I thought it was pretty well established now the context behind it (it wasn't a throat cut gesture per se, it was the Undertaker's taunt.) There are a few wrestling fans in the Morton team, they had all been on a night out that week dressed as wrestlers (Tam being the Undertaker) and the celebration was a follow on from that. There's been a few other wrestling celebrations since (Iredale giving a 2 sweet gesture after scoring the winner against Dumbarton). Anyway. Disappointed you lot had an open top bus. A championship train with Portillo on board would have been far more appropriate. Poor show.
  5. Drew on Raw. Teaming up with Ziggler.
  6. Don't think that really affects whether he will or not.
  7. So does that mean they are splitting the away stand as it holds 1600?
  8. When they can be arsed. Which is often after there is no more home games before it at which to buy tickets, making it a ballache for fans getting tickets, especially out of towners. Don't read too much into them not being on sale yet, probably taking 3 days to draft an update for the website. The correct wording of that update should read 'we have declined an allocation.'
  9. If we don't win on Saturday, you would be as well allocating the away stand to your own fans. If we do win on Saturday, you would be as well allocating 2/3 of the away stand to your own fans (know you can't really).
  10. For an absolute hounding if he ever darkens our postcode again?
  11. Or some people still checking the old domain because the site fucked off to a new one without telling anyone. I would have been if i hadn't seen the new link on here.
  12. This... but with the powerbomb to the apron.
  13. He might make his debut tonight against Livingston. Quitongo is injured, who knows how long for. We have no idea what we are hoping for, no idea why we have signed a midfielder out of the blue, and genuinely have no idea where Duffy will try to shoehorn him in, depends what the tombola picks.
  14. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/2341161/dundee-steven-caulker-play-scotland-england/
  15. It was nice of them to effectively cut out the first 15 minutes when we had a go.
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