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Fantastic :D How did he get on? :)

Surprisingly he wasn't remotely interested in the actual football! :o

He did however, enjoy himself immensley meeting and smiling at people pre-match, then gave us a stinky nappy to change, before loving stomping along the terrace for most of the first half. He sat in his buggy for the second half, falling asleep for the last 25 mins or so. He woke when we scored the late equaliser at the sound of the cheering but went back to sleep within a few seconds.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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I was shopping for baby clothes on Sunday. A strange experience.

I've never done that yet.

We had a few baby clothes before Thomas was born that the wife and her mother had obviously bought at some point. About five minutes after he was born though we had more than enough baby clothes to last him until he's at least 18 months old! And his brother now has the use of most of them too. We didn't get nearly as much clothes given for him, presumably because people realised we'd still have the first lot.

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Surprisingly he wasn't remotely interested in the actual football! :o

He did however, enjoy himself immensley meeting and smiling at people pre-match, then gave us a stinky nappy to change, before loving stomping along the terrace for most of the first half. He sat in his buggy for the second half, falling asleep for the last 25 mins or so. He woke when we scored the late equaliser at the sound of the cheering but went back to sleep within a few seconds.

:lol: Bless him. :) Sounds like Callum's first trip to a match (although he didn't do the stinky nappy!) - he was just chuffed to bits about seeing so many people in one place. He loves company - the only time he's grumpy is when he's in the house with me by ourselves... :rolleyes:

We've just been swimming (which was great for me as my legs are sore after the mad run I did yesterday) and he's shattered now - he fell asleep in the car on the way home and I've just left him there. I've managed to park my car so that I can see him from my couch, so I don't have to keep getting up to check on him! :smartass

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Surprisingly he wasn't remotely interested in the actual football! :o

He did however, enjoy himself immensley meeting and smiling at people pre-match, then gave us a stinky nappy to change, before loving stomping along the terrace for most of the first half. He sat in his buggy for the second half, falling asleep for the last 25 mins or so. He woke when we scored the late equaliser at the sound of the cheering but went back to sleep within a few seconds.

Callum went to his first game at 8 months - a pre-season friendly in Blyth. It is only now that he is beginning to really get into the football. However, he will be 10 this year and ironically it looks like we will be relegated. I hope yours isn't as long getting interested in it.

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Callum went to his first game at 8 months - a pre-season friendly in Blyth. It is only now that he is beginning to really get into the football. However, he will be 10 this year and ironically it looks like we will be relegated. I hope yours isn't as long getting interested in it.

Both of ours attended their first games within a few weeks of being born. Now 5 and 3 (nearly), I cant persuade either of them to go.

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Had a wee chat with Cameron last night about becoming a big brother.

After taking in what I had to say he replied 'I no like babies Daddy'

This could be a long process.


I'm sure he'll be fine once baby is here!

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Had a wee chat with Cameron last night about becoming a big brother.

After taking in what I had to say he replied 'I no like babies Daddy'

This could be a long process.

Oh dear.

At least us having two so close together did away with that issue. Thomas will never really have been aware of being an only child.

Both of ours attended their first games within a few weeks of being born. Now 5 and 3 (nearly), I cant persuade either of them to go.


How did you manage? Was this Palmerston? Or did you pop along to a local game (or Queens playing at Annan or something)?

We were fine at the weekend there but then I had access to an office for nappy changing and the ability to bring a pram in up the tunnel, etc. Did you just take them through a turnstile?

Depending on weather, and bath timings, I may take Steven to Palmerston tonight for the Play for Your Club thing.

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Oh dear.

At least us having two so close together did away with that issue. Thomas will never really have been aware of being an only child.


How did you manage? Was this Palmerston? Or did you pop along to a local game (or Queens playing at Annan or something)?

We were fine at the weekend there but then I had access to an office for nappy changing and the ability to bring a pram in up the tunnel, etc. Did you just take them through a turnstile?

Depending on weather, and bath timings, I may take Steven to Palmerston tonight for the Play for Your Club thing.

First games for both were at the Annan pre-season tournament, so they were just wheeled in in their buggy :D

We took Molly to Palmerston a few times when she was a baby, just lifted her over the turnstyle. By the time Ethan came along, Molly was old enough to decide she wanted to stay with Grandma, so he does too. Although, I think we did take him to one home game last season.

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Had a wee chat with Cameron last night about becoming a big brother.

After taking in what I had to say he replied 'I no like babies Daddy'

This could be a long process.

I remember that conversation with my eldest. He just said "No. I don't want a brother or sister" and walked off. :lol:

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Our poor wee man isn't too well today. He has been very clingy and his poos have been nasty. I don't think it is anything serious though, I've been to the park with him twice today to play football and he has loved it. He could really use with a good sleep but that would just bugger up his routine so he is not sleeping before he goes to bed tonight.

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Our poor wee man isn't too well today. He has been very clingy and his poos have been nasty. I don't think it is anything serious though, I've been to the park with him twice today to play football and he has loved it. He could really use with a good sleep but that would just bugger up his routine so he is not sleeping before he goes to bed tonight.

Nasty Poo's = teething

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Is this an actual fact? My son has been teething for a very long time and every so often we get nasty poos, had one earlier on today :(

My eldest had awful diarrhoea whenever he was teething and it's quite common from what I gather.

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Thomas has been taught to say "Choo Choo" in the past week, especially when playing with his train. Last night he was playing with some other toys on the floor whilst I was feeding his brother and his mother was in the bath. I looked at him and said "Choo Choo" and instead of just repeating it back as he usually does, he turned round, moved his talking phone and his talking car out of the way, picked up his train, turned back to me, then waved it in the air and shouted "Choo Choo".

So proud. :D

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Thomas has been taught to say "Choo Choo" in the past week, especially when playing with his train. Last night he was playing with some other toys on the floor whilst I was feeding his brother and his mother was in the bath. I looked at him and said "Choo Choo" and instead of just repeating it back as he usually does, he turned round, moved his talking phone and his talking car out of the way, picked up his train, turned back to me, then waved it in the air and shouted "Choo Choo".

So proud. :D

That's superb!

Whilst we are bigging up our kids, I've got Charlie playing football quite well now. My Mum bought him a mini football (you know the leather ones?) and I kick it down the hall to the front door and he dribbles it back up to me waiting for me to kick it back down the hall again. It's brilliant fun! When we do this at the park he tries to pick up the ball for some reason though. Perhaps he is telling me that he wants to play outfield at indoor football and he wants to be a keeper outdoors.

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