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Our daughter has just turned 4 years old and she has really gone backwards with sleeping through the night!!

She used to go to bed around 7.30pm and sleep pretty much through to 6.30am other than the usual occassional mumps and moans when she would nearly wake up and just needed settled back down.

Recently, however, she has taken to not wanting me to put her to bed and when she does, after I have read a story she starts crying as she wants to see her mum!! Also she has started waking up during the night and howling if I go to see to her, insisting that her mum comes through and sleeps on her floor. She has also taken to saying she doesn't want to sleep in her own bed and asking to come through to ours.

Very very frustrating (especially for me) as I have always been the one who is good at putting her to bed and she likes her bedtime ritual of stories etc. with me.

Last night she was back to how she had been which was good, but I suspect it may have only been as she was knackered as we had a halloween party and she was up a bit later, but I hope not.

Just had to let you know.

Have you tried asking her why? Obviously not at the time, but maybe over breakfast the next morning, ask her why she wants Mummy to sleep on her floor. As Reina said, maybe somethings upset her, or shes suddenly decided shes scared of the dark. If it is something like that, you could think about getting a night light, if she hasnt already got one, or maybe one of those teddies thats also a night light.

Of course, at that age, she could just be pushing the boundaries and trying to exert some control over the two of you.

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Have you tried asking her why? Obviously not at the time, but maybe over breakfast the next morning, ask her why she wants Mummy to sleep on her floor. As Reina said, maybe somethings upset her, or shes suddenly decided shes scared of the dark. If it is something like that, you could think about getting a night light, if she hasnt already got one, or maybe one of those teddies thats also a night light.

Of course, at that age, she could just be pushing the boundaries and trying to exert some control over the two of you.

We have been asking over the last couple of weeks why she has suddenly started as nothing has changed in her life and she can't tell us. She also promises to behave as we have explained to her it is not doing any good to anyone's home life!!

She has all the things like night lights, music, favourite toy and I think she may be trying to impose herself as you suggested!!

I am out walking the dog as she was at it again for over an hour and a half tonight and my head is bursting trying everything to reaasure her!!

Will keep at it for now as we both refuse to molly coddle her to sleep.

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We have been asking over the last couple of weeks why she has suddenly started as nothing has changed in her life and she can't tell us. She also promises to behave as we have explained to her it is not doing any good to anyone's home life!!

She has all the things like night lights, music, favourite toy and I think she may be trying to impose herself as you suggested!!

I am out walking the dog as she was at it again for over an hour and a half tonight and my head is bursting trying everything to reaasure her!!

Will keep at it for now as we both refuse to molly coddle her to sleep.

We went through a similar stage with my wee one. She refused to let anyone put her to bed except me which put a lot of strain on us, for something so simple. So you have my sympathies. My Mrs was terrified If i was out and she had to do put her to bed. We were determined not to let her dictate her bedtime routine like yourself and it came good within a couple of days of trying.

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Had our last "Parentcraft" class last night. Felt they were quite helpful, I feel more confident about it arriving now. On which note, 11 weeks until the due date today :) Not long at all.

We have a relaxation class to go to tomorrow and she has a feeding class on monday, and that's all of them.

Excitement is still building up.

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19 weeks and 4 days today, it's now a boy, should have seen the welt on the wee man.

Back of the fucking net.

Three weeks on thursday untill our 20 week detailed scan. Can't wait to to see the midwife again etc, find out how the little'n is doing & hopefully find out the sex.

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Three weeks on thursday untill our 20 week detailed scan. Can't wait to to see the midwife again etc, find out how the little'n is doing & hopefully find out the sex.

We have ours a week on Friday. I had a scan at 18 wks last time as I'd had a bleed and during it the baby turned and gave us a full frontal and I'm sure he wiggled it at us just to make sure we couldn't miss it! This time, so long as this one isn't an exhabitionist we aren't going to find out. Up until a fortnight ago I was but I've changed my mind.

A couple of people I know are covered by hospitals in Glasgow and I think they no longer tell you the sex of the baby. We still bought a neutral pram, painted the nursery yellow etc just in case.

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They refuse to tell you in my area. I didn't want to know anyway - finding out for ourselves when he was born was brilliant - one of the bits about the birth I remember most vividly - he was plonked on my chest as soon as he was born and the midwife didn't say anything and we got to see what sex he was. It was fantastic. :)

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They refuse to tell you in my area. I didn't want to know anyway - finding out for ourselves when he was born was brilliant - one of the bits about the birth I remember most vividly - he was plonked on my chest as soon as he was born and the midwife didn't say anything and we got to see what sex he was. It was fantastic. :)

I didn't get that as he wasn't breathing and the pediatric team had to work on him and then he was taken to SCBU.

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I didn't get that as he wasn't breathing and the pediatric team had to work on him and then he was taken to SCBU.

Had a similar experience with my second. He was actually put on my stomach, but they whipped him straight away again because he wasn't breathing. He's not stopped being trouble ever since!

I had to give my eldest a telling off yesterday. I know he's 12 and I know he'll hear words he's not meant to be using, but frankly "Hey, leave my dick alone" isn't what you expect him to shout, even if his little brother is taking pot-shots at his undercarriage.

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