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My second was 7lb 14oz, but he had massive feet and hands.

My son Callum has really small hands and feet, but is a beast at 21 pounds and 6 months.

On the more general point of baby size, even the size at birth doesn't give a good indication of how they'll grow. My wife's pal had an enormous 11 pound baby who's only 12 pounds after 3 months.

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I think with potty training you really have to wait until they are ready otherwise it just ends in tears on both sides (from my vast experience of course... :rolleyes: ). That's certainly the advice I've been given. If you wait until they're properly ready, they practically do it themselves.


This. We didnt have any problems potty training either of ours, but we did wait until they seemed ready, rather than trying to force it.

At first we were using the training pants/pull ups. She was going well and was telling us when she needed to go. So we then took the next step and put her in "big girl pants" as things were moving along nicely enough at that time and the training pants were dry for the most part. The second we done this she reverted straight back. We took the step to move back to the training pants for a while at which point she then started doing everything in the training pants again and would not use the potty at all. This has pretty much been the cycle for the past 8 months. When she's at her dance class and her playgroup she'll ask to go if she hears other kids ask. When she's at home it's a bit of a battle.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

P.s we tried the let her run about in the house with no pants on but she ended up just pissing on me when sitting on my knee.

LM has already said a lot of the things I was going to. We used training pants too, for a while. The one thing we didnt do, and it was on advice from someone else, was go back. Once the nappies were gone, they were gone. Same with the training pants. A friend of Mrs X tried potty training her son and when he didnt get it straight away she stuck him back in nappies. A few months later she try again, but after the first accident stuck him back in nappies again. He was nearly 4 and still not potty trained last time Mrs X spoke to here. She was generally a lazy, useless cow mind you :rolleyes:

Well most of the "Poirots" on here guessed from my line of questioning, but I wasn't going to confirm anything because, well, it was far too early.

Anyway, many thanks.

Congrats :thumsup2 and to LM and Adam too

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So, Mariah Carey's twins are called Monroe (girl) and Moroccan Scott (boy).

She's a fucking fruitloop, that one.

Edit: Thanks, Mr X!

Joint nationality?!

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Joint nationality?!

I've been wondering if there's any Scottish connection with her, what with the daughter being Monroe as well, and then I realised that she's actually just an annoying bint who probably thought "Monroe" was a bit more original and up to date than "Marilyn".

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Niamh slept 10.30pm to 6am! I was relying on her getting up at 4am to watch the results! :lol:

She was also 7lb 14oz yesterday up from 7lb 8oz on Monday and is now over birth weight!

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So, Mariah Carey's twins are called Monroe (girl) and Moroccan Scott (boy).

She's a fucking fruitloop, that one.

Edit: Thanks, Mr X!

Monroe was for Marilyn, her favourite icon. Moroccan was for her favourite hash.

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We are now planning a trip to the US after the birth so her parents and family can see the baby. After doing little research it apears some aitlines will alow you to tavel when they aren't even 3 weeks old :blink:, Surely that can't be safe. Anyway, we aren't looking to go as soon as that, we have agreed to wait about 3 months.

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We are now planning a trip to the US after the birth so her parents and family can see the baby. After doing little research it apears some aitlines will alow you to tavel when they aren't even 3 weeks old :blink:, Surely that can't be safe. Anyway, we aren't looking to go as soon as that, we have agreed to wait about 3 months.

You wouldn't be able to get their passport within 3 weeks. But it is perfectly safe for them to fly whenever, according to the midwife that took the classes we went to.

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I think we need to move to a big boy bed. We were woken this morning to a massive thud followed by screaming... little bugger had climbed out of his cot. Had hoped we'd be able to keep him in his prison cot until he's at least 6 for a few more months!

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I think we need to move to a big boy bed. We were woken this morning to a massive thud followed by screaming... little bugger had climbed out of his cot. Had hoped we'd be able to keep him in his prison cot until he's at least 6 for a few more months!

How about tacking an mdf sheet to the top of the cot?

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Hang a wee bottle between the bars and you're set!

:lol: So instead of shopping for cots in a couple of months time what you're saying is that I should be looking at rabbit hutches?

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Zak James was born on the 25th April at 7.24 pm, weighing in at 7pounds 2 ounces. No problems with zak or the missus.

Have to admit he's an absolute topper.

Is this the first time you've been allowed on the computer? :unsure: That does not bode well for me in November!


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Is this the first time you've been allowed on the computer? :unsure: That does not bode well for me in November!



Nah, I had the two weeks paternity leave. I only ever come on P & B on my work computer to pass time when its quiet.


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