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Zak James was born on the 25th April at 7.24 pm, weighing in at 7pounds 2 ounces. No problems with zak or the missus.

Have to admit he's an absolute topper.

Congratulations :D

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I think we need to move to a big boy bed. We were woken this morning to a massive thud followed by screaming... little bugger had climbed out of his cot. Had hoped we'd be able to keep him in his prison cot until he's at least 6 for a few more months!

Steven launched himself out of his cot back in January when he was under 1. That was a shock and took years off me! In his case that was sorted by dropping the base a bit so he can't get out now.

I don't think Thomas could get out of his yet even if he really wanted to but he has never shown any indication of wanting to do so yet anyway. Steven is the much more adventurous and fearless.

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Nah, I had the two weeks paternity leave. I only ever come on P & B on my work computer to pass time when its quiet.



Congrats Cyber! :)

SD - scary huh? Callum is incredibly adventurous - he is scared of absolutely nothing. Daftie.

Ruairidh's the same, nutter!

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When did you all give the little ones anything other than milk. Josh's sleeping pattern has got a bit worse in the last couple weeks (now up 3 or 4 times, was at 1) and we think that it might be that he needs more than milk. He's 16 weeks. Anyone got advice on what to do?

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When did you all give the little ones anything other than milk. Josh's sleeping pattern has got a bit worse in the last couple weeks (now up 3 or 4 times, was at 1) and we think that it might be that he needs more than milk. He's 16 weeks. Anyone got advice on what to do?

This is one of those annoying "all kids are different" answers. The official advice is now from 6 months, before that it was 4 months. I still go with 4 months, personally (as I was told when my first two were babies and they're now 12 and 8 ), but I know some parents who have preferred to wait and had no bother at all. There's countless guides to weaning on the internet and plenty of information available from your health visitor, so have a read through that. Most will give you some useful tips as to what you should look out for to see if your baby is ready. Stuff like, "is he waking in the night after sleeping through for a a while", "are his milk feeds satisfying him during the day for as long" and that kind of thing. You know him better than anyone, the guides that are available are only guides, but they are quite handy and can tell you the best things to start with and so on.

Edited by Mrs M
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We waited until 6 months - there's a school of thought that suggests very few kids actually need solids before 6 months and that the sudden waking through the night/extra hunger thing that happens at 4 months is a growth spurt. I went with that and was glad I did as a couple of weeks later, he went back to sleeping through. Also, waiting until 6 months meant I could do baby led weaning (although I cheated a little with that and did some purees when I was in a hurry) which I would really recommend.

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I'm no expert, but going by some of the forums I post on to do with babies, I'd say yes, very common. It's easy to say in hindsight that I waited it out and am glad I did, but at the time, I was all for cracking open the baby jars!

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I'm with Reina on this one. We waited until 6 months and did baby led with some purees too.

A lady came up to me in a cafe today to tell me I had two beautiful children. :D

Niamh doing much better, can't believe she's 5,5 weeks.

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When did you all give the little ones anything other than milk. Josh's sleeping pattern has got a bit worse in the last couple weeks (now up 3 or 4 times, was at 1) and we think that it might be that he needs more than milk. He's 16 weeks. Anyone got advice on what to do?

My kids were on solids at 12 weeks, add some baby rice, or get some breakfasts and give them some with a few ounces of milk in it.

Give them something just before bed time and it helps them sleep through the night. (untill they both comedown with chickpox)

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My kids were on solids at 12 weeks, add some baby rice, or get some breakfasts and give them some with a few ounces of milk in it.

Give them something just before bed time and it helps them sleep through the night. (untill they both comedown with chickpox)

My eldest was 9 weeks when we first tried a bit of baby rice with him. He could not go longer than an hour and a half to two hours between feeds. He was a particularly hungry baby from around 3 days old though. That said, I wouldn't do it again under any circumstance. He now has asthma and eczema, and there is an awful lot of evidence that suggests a link between these conditions and the early introduction of solid foods. Further studies in the states (that I haven't actually read, I've just been told about) also links solids before 4 months extreme problems, including brain damage. Frankly, that scares the shit out of me, so while I know other people swear by it, I'd never do that again.

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