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SD, how's Thomas now?

Shuggie, you adjust to not so much sleep! We're getting 5 hours through the night now and normally she feeds and goes straight back down for another 3 to 4 hours. What makes it long though is that she has reflux so although she feeds and falls asleep we then have to sit with sleeping baby upright as if we lie her down too soon after feed she vomits!

That's Niamh 7 weeks, passed so quickly! She's got her routine check at the GP on Thursday and I'm also going to have her weighed. Gaviscon has really helped the reflux so long as we keep her upright after her feed.

Thomas is continuing to improve. Was a wee bit out of sorts and tearful for much of Saturday presumably due to upset in his routine but he was much brighter yesterday. His feet and hands have big bruises where they had cannulas in and took all the blood test samples. And he has three big round circular marks on his chest which we haven't managed to wash off yet where the monitors were attached to him.

Steven came back home from his grandparents yesterday though so they are back to terrorising one another!

The reflux thing is horrible but Gaviscon really really helped in Steven's case. Miracle stuff. He was on it for about three months before we took him off it to see how he got on and never went back to it. Might even have been able to come off it earlier but we never tried. It's surprising how quickly that resolves itself.

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Shuggie, you adjust to not so much sleep! We're getting 5 hours through the night now and normally she feeds and goes straight back down for another 3 to 4 hours. What makes it long though is that she has reflux so although she feeds and falls asleep we then have to sit with sleeping baby upright as if we lie her down too soon after feed she vomits!

It's not so much of an issue for me to be honest. I suffered from insomnia for about 2 years, so I'm used to coping without sleep, but it's taking a toll on my girlfriend, shes not so used to it. I keep telling her her body will adjust to less sleep.

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In fairness, she's just given birth and her hormones will be all over the place. Telling her she will adjust will do nothing to help! ;) Give her some chocolate and a hug!

I've found that Asda's Caramel Shortcake Mini Bites have been fantastic for my hormones. Not so good for my waistline!

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Thomas is continuing to improve. Was a wee bit out of sorts and tearful for much of Saturday presumably due to upset in his routine but he was much brighter yesterday. His feet and hands have big bruises where they had cannulas in and took all the blood test samples. And he has three big round circular marks on his chest which we haven't managed to wash off yet where the monitors were attached to him.

Steven came back home from his grandparents yesterday though so they are back to terrorising one another!

The reflux thing is horrible but Gaviscon really really helped in Steven's case. Miracle stuff. He was on it for about three months before we took him off it to see how he got on and never went back to it. Might even have been able to come off it earlier but we never tried. It's surprising how quickly that resolves itself.

Glad to hear he's continues to improve.

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Thomas is continuing to improve. Was a wee bit out of sorts and tearful for much of Saturday presumably due to upset in his routine but he was much brighter yesterday. His feet and hands have big bruises where they had cannulas in and took all the blood test samples. And he has three big round circular marks on his chest which we haven't managed to wash off yet where the monitors were attached to him.

Steven came back home from his grandparents yesterday though so they are back to terrorising one another!

The reflux thing is horrible but Gaviscon really really helped in Steven's case. Miracle stuff. He was on it for about three months before we took him off it to see how he got on and never went back to it. Might even have been able to come off it earlier but we never tried. It's surprising how quickly that resolves itself.

Cracking news SD

Ava had to be re-admitted to the Borders General Hospital last week with possible acid reflux, she constantly cries. The 24hr Ph test came back negative and we were told "it's just the way she is". She is fed through a nasal tube, so our next goal is to have her feed with a bottle. I'm just loving the granda cuddles i get :D

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Had Niamh's 6-8wk check today with the GP and she's perfect, laid and smiled at her big brother while the doctor did her checks. She's grown 1.5cm and gained another 1lb so she's 9lb 15oz. Happily following the 25th percentile. Got some more gaviscon for her.

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Yeah, that's good news SD.

Congrats Well Chick. Can't imagine the prospect of going to work in Georgia for a few months looks too good now, eh? :P

Bit of an extreme tactic to get out of it though :lol:

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Steven now has chicken pox!

Doesn't seem to be bothering him terribly much fortunately.

Now should we hope Thomas gets it or not? :unsure: On the one hand it would be nice to get it out of the way also and they do say it's better to get it early. On the other hand he's far from 100% at the moment anyway and the doctor said if he shows any sign of it he should be whipped in straight away in case it has any effect on his airways.

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Forgot to give an update on the potty training from my post a few weeks back. After more tears and tantrums we finally cracked it. She woke up one morning (10 days or so ago) and we've only had one or two little accidents since. And they were only not getting her to the toilet/potty quick enough.

I am complete bag of nerves today. Hannah has her first dance display tonight and I'm terrified she'll freeze. She's been doing brilliantly with her dancing and it's really brought her on with her social development and that's been the main thing I wanted her to gain from it. It turns out though she's one of the top dancers in her group (age range from 3-5) according to the teachers and is quite advanced for her age in ballet and tap. I just hope she goes out and enjoys it and has some fun.

Edited by Adolfo Rios
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Guest The Phoenix

Steven now has chicken pox!

Doesn't seem to be bothering him terribly much fortunately.

Now should we hope Thomas gets it or not? :unsure: On the one hand it would be nice to get it out of the way also and they do say it's better to get it early. On the other hand he's far from 100% at the moment anyway and the doctor said if he shows any sign of it he should be whipped in straight away in case it has any effect on his airways.

Send Steven up to neutral ground at Doubletree Dunblane Stadium until the dust settles.

Seriously though, I hope all is/turns out well.

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Aw, hope she really enjoys it Adolfo :)

She sure did. Brought the house down too with the last dance which was Bohemian Rhapsody. Her guitar solo (with inflatable pink guitar) was like she had been possessed by Hendrix. At one point she jumped down on to her knees arched her back and had the guitar above her head playing away. She stopped just shy of setting the guitar on fire. She even got her own special cheer when she came out to choose the raffle tickets :lol:

Pwoud. Vewy Pwoud. :D

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Send Steven up to neutral ground at Doubletree Dunblane Stadium until the dust settles.

Seriously though, I hope all is/turns out well.

He's much better now. Spots starting to crust over and no longer contagious. Had a bad night on Friday, partly because he was itching so much and partly because it was so warm here. Otherwise, he's barely noticed to be honest and they weren't that bad. Most spots were on his back with three or four on his face and the odd one on his tummy and legs.

No sign of Thomas taking it yet which is a surprise but I guess we'll need to wait to the end of the week to be sure he isn't going to get it given the incubation periods.

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She sure did. Brought the house down too with the last dance which was Bohemian Rhapsody. Her guitar solo (with inflatable pink guitar) was like she had been possessed by Hendrix. At one point she jumped down on to her knees arched her back and had the guitar above her head playing away. She stopped just shy of setting the guitar on fire. She even got her own special cheer when she came out to choose the raffle tickets :lol:

Pwoud. Vewy Pwoud. :D

What a little star! :D

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She sure did. Brought the house down too with the last dance which was Bohemian Rhapsody. Her guitar solo (with inflatable pink guitar) was like she had been possessed by Hendrix. At one point she jumped down on to her knees arched her back and had the guitar above her head playing away. She stopped just shy of setting the guitar on fire. She even got her own special cheer when she came out to choose the raffle tickets :lol:

Pwoud. Vewy Pwoud. :D

Aaw .. cool

Talking of proud moments, Molly was riding her bike without stabilisers yesterday :) Not a big deal, but given how desperate she was to learn and how quickly shes picked it up after a slow start, it was still a proud moment

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Madison is now 16 days old.

Her appetite isn't all that great. Intead of the normal 2/3 ozs every four hours or so, she is going throughmuch less, less than 2ozs anyway. Weare going to mix it up a little bit incase shes drinking too much at a time. Little and often. Hopefully that does the trick.

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Madison is now 16 days old.

Her appetite isn't all that great. Intead of the normal 2/3 ozs every four hours or so, she is going throughmuch less, less than 2ozs anyway. Weare going to mix it up a little bit incase shes drinking too much at a time. Little and often. Hopefully that does the trick.

Get some mince and tatties into her, that'll do the trick! :P

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