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What do people recommend for teething? Wee man has teeth about to come through and he's very grumpy.

Bonjela, apply vigorously with your finger, Massaging the gums will feel really nice. I also agree that Calpol should be a last resort, best used if they're running a temp or if the pain is really stopping them settling at night. It's great stuff and works a treat but the more you use it, the less it works!

None of our three got on with teething toys of any any shape, size or description and we tried plenty! give them a feeding spoon though, and they'd fight you to the death for the right to chew on it, especially as the back teeth come in.

not sure what age your kid is, but these avent cups (from 12 months with the plastic beaker, you can get a rubberised one from 6 months)AV6095Avent.jpg

are brilliant on a few fronts. The anti-leak system is great and you can get the lids on really tight so they can have one all the time without soaking the house and themselves. fill it with water (avoid juice as it's counterproductive) and they will get relief from the coolness of it on their gums, and they can chew on the end. It's a great way to get them onto water without the confusion using a bottle teat. It'll help them realise the difference between thirst and hunger too.

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Metanium or bepanthen, or is that just Callum? :ph34r: :ph34r:

No, my eldest would get horrendous nappy rash and diarrhoea every time a tooth came through. His wee bum would blister. Thankfully, he always seemed to do two teeth at a time so it only had to do it half as often as a lot of other kids - well, I say "he". He was actually fine and it never seemed to bother him in the slighest, it was us that were on clean-up duty!

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LM, the mess is part of the fun and also the learning! Strangely he got out the bath tonight saying he needed to do a poo on his potty, sat on it, farted and went back into bath!! First time in months he's looked at potty.

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LM, the mess is part of the fun and also the learning! Strangely he got out the bath tonight saying he needed to do a poo on his potty, sat on it, farted and went back into bath!! First time in months he's looked at potty.

:lol: Exactly! Let's be honest, if you really can't handle cleaning up pee, poo, puke or snot, you really should think twice about having your own children and just adopting teenagers instead. They're just as disgusting, but at least they can clean up after themselves.

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:lol: Exactly! Let's be honest, if you really can't handle cleaning up pee, poo, puke or snot, you really should think twice about having your own children and just adopting teenagers instead. They're just as disgusting, but at least they can clean up after themselves.

Exactly.....but when have you ever heard of teenagers tidying up after themselves?!

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Thanks for the advice folks. My other half says that the books she's read all say not to use bonjela :unsure: but you all think it works, so I'm more inclined to use it.

I can honestly say that I've never read that anywhere. I can't see a problem if you're using age-appropriate, sugar-free teething gel and following the instructions correctly, but he's your son and if she's not comfortable using it, then of course she shouldn't just because a few people on a football website say it's alright! Give your health visitor a call to clarify if it helps. If it's a brand issue, there are other brands of teething gel around. Bonjela is just one of them, Dentonox is another.

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Thanks for the advice folks. My other half says that the books she's read all say not to use bonjela :unsure: but you all think it works, so I'm more inclined to use it.

We used calgel. It certainly seemed to provide instant relief.

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I have never ever read anywhere that you shouldn't use bonjela. Having said that, we were recommended one when he was particularly grumpy - Anbesol - and it was absolutely brilliant. I actually use it for myself when my wisdom teeth are bothering me.

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I have never ever read anywhere that you shouldn't use bonjela. Having said that, we were recommended one when he was particularly grumpy - Anbesol - and it was absolutely brilliant. I actually use it for myself when my wisdom teeth are bothering me.

I always think that sounds like a treatment for piles! :lol:

We used Calgel and powders but he wasn't really too bad. He had a molar come through a couple of weeks ago and he was in agony and I had to give him calpol in the end. He was running a temp with it too.

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I think it was Dentonox we used but whatever it was they withdrew it from sale for a period when we needed it due to some problem with one of the additives.

That said we never used the teething gels all that much and found the cool things that you keep in the fridge utterly useless. Thomas was never all that bothered with his teeth. He had his moments but it was never a major issue and he had no interest at all in chewing the cool gel things. We did occasionally use the dentonox on the dummy trick though.

Steven has been much slower in actually getting teeth. Even now at 16 months he only has four on the top and two on the bottom and very little sign of anything else coming through. Thomas had way more than that at this stage. Steven was stirring a lot last night though. Might have been his teeth bothering him, we'll see.................

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Madison simply will not sleep whatsoever unless she is being held!!!!

When he was really wee (first 6 - 8 months maybe) Thomas had to be cuddled off to sleep. He used to go to sleep each night on my shoulder walking round the room and made a noise like an engine running down while he drifted off! :D It was a pain but I also loved it.

Steven has never been like that, he's the complete oppposite in that respect. He doesn't like being held for long and in 16 months has only once fallen asleep on anyone. He likes to fall asleep himself. He contorts himself into a weird position with his head thrown back and falls asleep himself. He used to be an absolute nightmare to get to sleep for his first 9 or 10 months but now he's really easy. You can just put him to bed and he'll chuck himself on the pillow and sleep as long as he has his sooky bear to hold.

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Madison simply will not sleep whatsoever unless she is being held!!!!

She's taking the piss (technical term) out of you. Try cutting the physical contact down gradually, Lie her on your knees and rock her too sleep, then beside you, maybe on the couch or in a bouncer and rub her eyes and eyelids gently down the way. the trick is to not be playing with her but not have her realise you're trying to get her to sleep either. once the physical contact is minimal, then start putting her to bed at the same time every day with a really set routine, stick with it even though it will probably a mean a few days of her kicking off big style. you can go in and do the rubby nose thing again but don't lift her. listening to your child crying themselves to sleep can be really distressing but it's worth it in the end for all concerned!

their were many nights of walking round the house like a zombie with our first over my shoulder to get him to go back over before realising it was counter productive.

edit to add* along the lines of what SD ended with, getting them to associate and take comfort from a bed time baby really helps, and i quite like the mangy loved look that such teddies get after a few years of being squashed and slavered on!

Edited by gingapar
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She's taking the piss (technical term) out of you. Try cutting the physical contact down gradually, Lie her on your knees and rock her too sleep, then beside you, maybe on the couch or in a bouncer and rub her eyes and eyelids gently down the way. the trick is to not be playing with her but not have her realise you're trying to get her to sleep either.

Doing it graduall will take forever I fear :lol:. The slightest suggestion that you are about to leave her on her own and she screams the place down.

Once the physical contact is minimal, then start putting her to bed at the same time every day with a really set routine, stick with it even though it will probably a mean a few days of her kicking off big style. you can go in and do the rubby nose thing again but don't lift her. listening to your child crying themselves to sleep can be really distressing but it's worth it in the end for all concerned!

We try to put her to bed at the same time every day to get her in to a routine but shes not having any of it so shes been kicking off for days now. But I find her crying herself to sleep is the hardest thing. It is VERY difficult not to go and pick her up!

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