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Thanks everyone. We've decided on a name :) Alice.

Lovely! Traditional, no daft spelling, no one pronouncing it wrong or asking "How do you spell that?" and she won't have half a dozen other girls in her class with the same name! It's very pretty. :)

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Congratulations dhd. I approve of simple classic names too.

Only just over a week till due date for us. Watching a pampers advert the other day, Anna informed me she doesn't want her sister to be a "brown baby" leading a slightly awkward conversation.

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Congratulations dhd. I approve of simple classic names too.

Only just over a week till due date for us. Watching a pampers advert the other day, Anna informed me she doesn't want her sister to be a "brown baby" leading a slightly awkward conversation.


How did you manage to deal with that?

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Lovely! Traditional, no daft spelling, no one pronouncing it wrong or asking "How do you spell that?" and she won't have half a dozen other girls in her class with the same name! It's very pretty. :)

She will however have to deal throughout life with drunks and people who think they are funny shouting "Alice, Alice, who the f*** is Alice?" every time they hear the name, like everyone else I know called Alice has to!

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How did you manage to deal with that?

Clumsily, probably. :lol:

I tried to explain why it won't be. Then tried to explain that it doesn't matter what colour anybody is (left out that dad may be slightly suspicious if the baby was)

She likes the Simpsons so might us Troy Mclure's famous DNA video to help!

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Lol at the brown baby!

Congratulations dhd!

My baby is 9 months this week. First tooth came through, started clapping hands and bum shuffles across living room in space of 36hours.

All still at nursery full time due to me being ill but they love it

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Congratulations dhd. I approve of simple classic names too.

Only just over a week till due date for us. Watching a pampers advert the other day, Anna informed me she doesn't want her sister to be a "brown baby" leading a slightly awkward conversation.

See when the next one has arrived and you take Anna to the hospital to see the him/her, you should find a "brown baby" and say "here is your new brother/sister" just to see the look on her face!

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See when the next one has arrived and you take Anna to the hospital to see the him/her, you should find a "brown baby" and say "here is your new brother/sister" just to see the look on her face!

I'm not sure how I approach asking for the baby without sounding like a massive racist!

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Finally got to the 12 week scan, baby due 5th June.

It was absolutely terrifying waiting to go into the scan, it sounds horrible but i was expecting something awful. Thankfully the wee one wouldn't sit still so they could screen shot for a measurement. Im sure it did a headspin at one point and finished in a "you just got served" position.

Absolutely buzzing about the next 6 months and have just started looking into prams, christ they're expensive!

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Wife's 14 (I think) weeks gone - wee yin due May 13, which is the same birthday as Joe Louis (yas!) and the Rev. Jim Jones (not so sure). Poor bugger's been a sick as a dog the whole way thru so far. Moved to the US in March, so having to try and fathom out the American healthcare system which is far more terrrifying than the thought of having kids at the moment. Our gyno is called Randy A Fink though, which lightens the mood somewhat.

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After our near miss recently I seriously suggest to anyone that's expecting a child to get their missus tested for group b strep, despite any midwife reluctance. It's not particularly well documented but its a nasty c**t of a thing.

Our wee one apparently picked up an infection that would've led to meningitis because of it. An absolute nightmare of a few days but thankfully we got her seen to quick enough and she's on the mend.

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