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My girlfriend is 10 and a half weeks gone, I already have two boys aged 17 and 15. The sleepless nights are worrying me a tad, I managed the last time getting up throught the night with both of them but I was in my early/mid twenties then. This one is due a couple of weeks before my 40th birthday. Still giddy as a school girl though. :-)
all the best. My brother become a Dad again at 48, he loves it
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Well i managed to a couple of photos of wee Orlaith Rose when she had pulled her wee neo shades off yesterday, and she's a little miniture clone of our youngest Rhiannon,





She needs a double exchange blood transfusion to try and get rid of the anti-bodies as her billi levels got aggressively high, but the issue with that is if she doesn't get the transfusion she wouldn't make it, but with getting the transfusion it puts her in a 1 -50 risk of developing further more serious issues including brain damage and breathing problems. She had the first one over the course of the day yesterday so she has to have 2 blood tests to check these billi levels, the first one should be ok, but it's the second one that will give us a true indication of wether the levels have started coming down, so she still needs to be breathed for until these transfusions are done, and she'll be under the lights for the forseeable future,

she's also been getting feed and fluids through other lines in her body,

As much as some of our others have been here before, it really doesn't get any easier, and i just want to breakdown every time i see the wee soul lying there as i feel completely helpless, it's soul destroying :(

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She needs a double exchange blood transfusion to try and get rid of the anti-bodies as her billi levels got aggressively high, but the issue with that is if she doesn't get the transfusion she wouldn't make it, but with getting the transfusion it puts her in a 1 -50 risk of developing further more serious issues including brain damage and breathing problems. She had the first one over the course of the day yesterday so she has to have 2 blood tests to check these billi levels, the first one should be ok, but it's the second one that will give us a true indication of wether the levels have started coming down, so she still needs to be breathed for until these transfusions are done, and she'll be under the lights for the forseeable future,

she's also been getting feed and fluids through other lines in her body,

As much as some of our others have been here before, it really doesn't get any easier, and i just want to breakdown every time i see the wee soul lying there as i feel completely helpless, it's soul destroying :(

I feel your pain mate, I sat everyday at the bedside of my grandaughter for 5 weeks. Helpless doesn't come close, all the best
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It's not a fib.

If you're not talking bollocks, which I highly doubt, then there is no way you should be feeding a 10 week old child solids, let alone one that was six weeks premature.

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If you're not talking bollocks, which I highly doubt, then there is no way you should be feeding a 10 week old child solids, let alone one that was six weeks premature.

Our wee girl is 5 months and just started on solids this week (mushed carrots are so appetising). Anything earlier than 4 months is a fairly daft move.
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If you're not talking bollocks, which I highly doubt, then there is no way you should be feeding a 10 week old child solids, let alone one that was six weeks premature.

The health visitor kept bringing up the fact he's prem. He's 10 week's old now and healthy how long is it brought up?. We're giving him a smooth paste 5week's and 1 day before he's ment to have it he swallows and digests it ok so I see no problem in giving it to him.

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The health visitor kept bringing up the fact he's prem. He's 10 week's old now and healthy how long is it brought up?. We're giving him a smooth paste 5week's and 1 day before he's ment to have it he swallows and digests it ok so I see no problem in giving it to him.

First Google result.


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I was just reading about baby development. They smile at 6-8weeks Ollie was doing it at 2week's. He's holding his head up unsupported if you sit him on your knee and he looks about he's started to straighten his back aswell so for being a prem baby he's advanced.

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The health visitor kept bringing up the fact he's prem. He's 10 week's old now and healthy how long is it brought up?. We're giving him a smooth paste 5week's and 1 day before he's ment to have it he swallows and digests it ok so I see no problem in giving it to him.

Are you sure it's a baby?


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Talk about wrapping a baby on cotton wool.

Seriously? Your health visitor isn't doing her job properly if she has not given you the proper information regarding the dangers of solids before 16 weeks. I'm sure some advise nothing but milk before 20 weeks.

Guidelines are there for a reason.

Edit: And the chances are that it was wind, not a smile.

Edited by Adam
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Seriously? Your health visitor isn't doing her job properly if she has not given you the proper information regarding the dangers of solids before 16 weeks. I'm sure some advise nothing but milk before 20 weeks.

Guidelines are there for a reason.

Edit: And the chances are that it was wind, not a smile.

Your health visitor should be fucking sacked in fairness,

my last 3 were prem, so i know a fair bit about it, the medical people take into account the premature time effectively disregard it, and add it to their actual age to come up with a corrected age.

I don't usually like calling people liars, but at best thats exactly what you are Cracowjambo, and at worst your a downright arsehole, after reading some of the shite you've posted here!!!

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