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Seriously? Your health visitor isn't doing her job properly if she has not given you the proper information regarding the dangers of solids before 16 weeks. I'm sure some advise nothing but milk before 20 weeks.

Guidelines are there for a reason.

Edit: And the chances are that it was wind, not a smile.


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Your health visitor should be fucking sacked in fairness,

my last 3 were prem, so i know a fair bit about it, the medical people take into account the premature time effectively disregard it, and add it to their actual age to come up with a corrected age.

I don't usually like calling people liars, but at best thats exactly what you are Cracowjambo, and at worst your a downright arsehole, after reading some of the shite you've posted here!!!

Disregarding all that, how's the bairn?

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Your health visitor should be fucking sacked in fairness,

my last 3 were prem, so i know a fair bit about it, the medical people take into account the premature time effectively disregard it, and add it to their actual age to come up with a corrected age.

I don't usually like calling people liars, but at best thats exactly what you are Cracowjambo, and at worst your a downright arsehole, after reading some of the shite you've posted here!!!

If the health visitor was worried she would say something. I don't know why I'm a arsehole I've had 2 kids prior to this one and my daughter was on jars early aswell it done her no harm. I seriously never knew every baby was the same and you've got to follow set rules on how to bring them up.

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I noticed the advice changed between my two kids. Scott was born in 2005 and the advice then (which we ignored) was to keep him on milk until 6 months. My wee girl was born in 2010 and we were told to wait till she was a year old. A year!

Our system worked fine. Baby sleeps all night whilst on milk - good job. When the baby starts waking during the night due to hunger (around 4 months, maybe) then time for a jar of dinner. Go from there.

My mum insisted that as soon as we had teeth we were on mince and tatties. I hate mince and tatties.

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Disregarding all that, how's the bairn?

It's pretty much as you were mate, only thing different from this morning is that she's had her second exchange transfusion and again, waiting on a second set of blood results to see how the billiruben levels are sitting,

just a waiting game game really, and a feckin torturous one at that, really know i can't go through this again :(

cheers for all the well wishes btw, i do appreciate it, ye's are all a good bunch!!!

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I noticed the advice changed between my two kids. Scott was born in 2005 and the advice then (which we ignored) was to keep him on milk until 6 months. My wee girl was born in 2010 and we were told to wait till she was a year old. A year!

Maybe you're confusing the advice here - you are supposed to keep babies on formula or breastmilk until they are one, and solids should be slowly introduced at around 6 months. Milk should be their main source of nutrition until they are one though, they get everything they need from it - the solids are only a supplement up until around a year.

While it is true that no two babies are the same, there is increasing evidence that introducing solids too early causes problems later in life - allergies, digestive problems etc. No solids should be given before 16 weeks as babies' digestive systems are not fully developed before then, and the ideal is to wait until 6 months. It's particularly dangerous to give premature babies solids early and you need to follow their corrected age. Cracowjambo is quite clearly a troll, though.

Edited by Reina
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I don't understand the rush to get them on solids anyway. The mess, the nappies and the waste are all horrendous. The longer the wait, the better, IMO! My son started just before 6 months and he was ready, but although I started my daughter at 6 months, she wasn't interested in the slightest before she was 8 months.

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It's pretty much as you were mate, only thing different from this morning is that she's had her second exchange transfusion and again, waiting on a second set of blood results to see how the billiruben levels are sitting,

just a waiting game game really, and a feckin torturous one at that, really know i can't go through this again :(

cheers for all the well wishes btw, i do appreciate it, ye's are all a good bunch!!!

Well at least the first transfusion has gone off fine.

One of our grandsons was very premature (8/9 weeks, something scary like that), me and Jacksgranny were up the walls, (nobody else seemed too concerned, we assumed it was because they didn't grasp the dangers of being that premature), anyway, long story short everything worked out o.k., he was booted out of the premature baby unit as he was the most far advanced (n.b. not actually ready to be released, but most far advanced) of the inmates to make way for an even more serious case!

He's now at primary school

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My littlest came in to bed with us again last night. She managed to kick me whilst sleeping. Let me just say she caught me with a glancing blow, barely even catching the nut.

Tears. Real tears.

My deepest sympathies. :lol:

Josh was through with us at 3 this morning. He's a nightmare with his sleep just now.

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Wee update on Orlaith-Rose, 13 days today, and still being tube fed, her billiruben is creeping up again so we expect her to be back under lights again, setting her back for another few weeks.

A long road again it seems to get her home, just want the wee doll out of hospital and with her family!!



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