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Pregnancy And Parenting

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Those of you with Sky - the Baby Whisperer programmes are back on Discovery Home and Health in the mornings. It's really interesting watching her theories being put into practice. How funny that I was reading about the pick up put down technique last night when Callum decided to have the worst night of sleep since he was a newborn and the programme I'm watching at the moment (I recorded it last week) is about an 8 month old baby that wouldn't sleep through the night and they're using this technique to rectify it. It seems to be working, too...

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Just want to share 1 piece of wisdom with you all from my own experiences.

If your child has a particular toy / comforter etc.. that they take to bed with them or use to make them feel better please please buy more of them to have as spare.

Our youngster takes 'raggit' to bed with her and she is a rabbit comforter we got from Mothercare when she was born. We bought two and have lost one.

We have repeatedly lost the one we have left and it is a total nightmare if they are screaming for their best pal in the world and you cannot find it. We once lost it in Brighton and got a phone call to say it had been found when we were halfway back up the road.

Cannot for love nor money find another one as they have gone out of stock although now she is 3 it is about time we try to wean her off it but it may prove too tough.

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  • 3 weeks later...

:o How old is he?! Glad it's going well - I've not started with that yet... I've noticed in the last week or so that he's been feeding more often, so I think the time might have come. I'm holding out in case it was just a growth spurt, but we don't seem to be coming out of the other side of this one. The lack of sleep seems to confirm that we might need some 'real food'...

Think his bairn is the same age as mine and mine's only 18 weeks :o

4 month growth spurt for us... all the fun. Guess that's why some people want to wean now.

I am happy to wait and keep things simple with just me milk for now! biggrin.gif

Boy issitting on my knee just now, didn't fancy going to sleep rolleyes.gif

How's things?

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Just want to share 1 piece of wisdom with you all from my own experiences.

If your child has a particular toy / comforter etc.. that they take to bed with them or use to make them feel better please please buy more of them to have as spare.

Our youngster takes 'raggit' to bed with her and she is a rabbit comforter we got from Mothercare when she was born. We bought two and have lost one.

We have repeatedly lost the one we have left and it is a total nightmare if they are screaming for their best pal in the world and you cannot find it. We once lost it in Brighton and got a phone call to say it had been found when we were halfway back up the road.

Cannot for love nor money find another one as they have gone out of stock although now she is 3 it is about time we try to wean her off it but it may prove too tough.

So far he just cuddles a muslin, and seems to have no idea it's a different one every time he is sick on it etc. He is only 4 months though :)

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I was thinking about you the other day, wondering how you were getting on. How are things? :) All is well here, the wee man is 6 months old (scary how quickly time is passing!) and he's been on solids for 2 weeks.

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I was thinking about you the other day, wondering how you were getting on. How are things? :) All is well here, the wee man is 6 months old (scary how quickly time is passing!) and he's been on solids for 2 weeks.

Things are good thanks, have not been on here for ages! (As you may have noticed )

Wee monkey is keeping me plenty busy. Am hoping that this 4 month growth spurt will end sometime...

His sleep has been a bit all over the place after his 16 week jabs, almost settled back down now, he refused to go to sleep till after midnight for a week laugh.gif 1.30 am was the record.

It doesn't seem that long ago that we were waiting for them to be born!

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SD Junior No 2 survived a trip to Palmerston yesterday, an early penalty save and then a Bob Harris free kick goal without being tempted into the world so I expect we have a week or two yet. Better not decide to arrive during the NFL playoff tonight!

SD junior No 1 slept until nearly 9am this morning. Perfect bliss of a long lie :D He's now lying in his cot whilst I try to get him to have a morning sleep and let me nip out to the shop. Going to visit his great granny this afternoon.

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Thanks. Been about but not posted as ive had a lot of stuff going on. Missus not haviong a good pregnancy spewing loads this time. Wee man looking forward to being a big brother.

Congratulations baldy.

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OMG that soon SD?! Good luck! :D

She was 37 weeks on Friday and is measuring 40 weeks apparently (so it's big!). We're presuming, though possibly entirely wrongly, that this means sooner is more likely than later.

If he or she is not here by next Saturday morning I've a decision to make about whether or not to go to Dunfermline. If she's not actually IN labour though I'll probably go. Unlike Dingwall the week before it's not almost in a different country! I can be back in two hours. We'll see how things develop.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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It seems that my son has forgotten how to go to sleep the past few days. Recently he has been a bit of a nightmare to get down at night but the past couple of days he has just not wanted to go for a sleep in the afternoon, even though he has never normally been a problem to get down at this time of the day.

Running short of ideas.

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It seems that my son has forgotten how to go to sleep the past few days. Recently he has been a bit of a nightmare to get down at night but the past couple of days he has just not wanted to go for a sleep in the afternoon, even though he has never normally been a problem to get down at this time of the day.

Running short of ideas.

At the age yours is the sleeping pattern I found to be a total nightmare.

My 3 year old has started asking me to sleep on her floor to keep her company at night and I am running out of excuses to get up and say I will be back soon (which I obviously do not do!).

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At the age yours is the sleeping pattern I found to be a total nightmare.

My 3 year old has started asking me to sleep on her floor to keep her company at night and I am running out of excuses to get up and say I will be back soon (which I obviously do not do!).

The pair of us don't know what to do. It was going on two hours after his bedtime that we actually finally got him down to sleep last night and that was after both of us going in and sitting with him for ages, just cuddling him.

It's been like this for a while now, although last night was the worst night so far. He was farting quite a lot last night when we were both cuddling him so perhaps he has a sore wee stomach? Got an appointment at the Docs tomorrow so I'll mention it to him then.

In the end I just got him up this afternoon. Tried the cuddling tactic again but he wasn't interested. He was getting quite upset (big sobs) and there didn't look like there was much chance of him settling. Hopefully by getting him up means that he will be uber tired tonight and will settle down easily. I have Fives tonight so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

We also have another tooth through so maybe that is giving him a bit of bother?

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He's getting a nice dose of Calpol before he goes to bed tonight.

Thats fair enough for Adam but won't help the wee man.

Sounds pretty much like just a small upset, ours is pretty prone to coughs and has one at the moment. She coughs in her sleep which you don't know until you have got up to check on her and she is still sound asleep unaware of the trudging back and forwards you are doing??

I bet the docs say it is virus, nothing you can do - just keep giving calpol etc.. etc... that always winds worried parents up.

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Thats fair enough for Adam but won't help the wee man.

Sounds pretty much like just a small upset, ours is pretty prone to coughs and has one at the moment. She coughs in her sleep which you don't know until you have got up to check on her and she is still sound asleep unaware of the trudging back and forwards you are doing??

I bet the docs say it is virus, nothing you can do - just keep giving calpol etc.. etc... that always winds worried parents up.

Adam's getting the gin!

I think it's actually one of us has taught the wee man bad habits - cannot leave him to cry, picks him up and cuddles him, gives him more milk and so on - so he's used to getting him. "One of us", I hasten to add, does not refer to me. :rolleyes:

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Adam, have you tried him on a single bed? We couldn't get Ruairidh down anywhere apart from out bed, move him to the cot and all hell broke loose. I was keen to put him on a single bed about 4 months back but everyone kept saying it was too soon. Well that was rubbish as I moved him onto his own full size single bed just after Christmas and he's sleeping great. Decided against a toddler bed as everyone I spoke to said it'd been a waste of money so his Gran and Grampa got him a single bed and I've put a bed guard on it.

Anyway, I was in the attic in the pitch black looking for my nappy wraps tonight after the sillica burst out his disposables overnight due to the heavy nappy. We'll see how the washables go tonight.

He can now proudly show you were his tummy is, where the planes go and where his willie is!

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Congratulations baldy.

cheers :huh::lol::lol::lol: edit to say feck me i thought it was you when i saw your location but profile pic gave you away ;)

the missus is finally over the sickness woo hoo a nights sleep. Starting to feel the wean moving about. :D

Edited by savagecabbage
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SD Junior No 2 survived a trip to Palmerston yesterday, an early penalty save and then a Bob Harris free kick goal without being tempted into the world so I expect we have a week or two yet. Better not decide to arrive during the NFL playoff tonight!

SD junior No 1 slept until nearly 9am this morning. Perfect bliss of a long lie :D He's now lying in his cot whilst I try to get him to have a morning sleep and let me nip out to the shop. Going to visit his great granny this afternoon.

Get her into eating a pineapple or try a good hot curry.

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