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Three words - Phil and Teds ;)

I had no idea what you were talking about. A few minutes post-Google and I'm still none the wiser :lol: I have much to learn.

Think you've been out voted on that one several times on here mr x!!

You see now I'm just confused. :lol:

I think the missus hs a particular type of pram in mind. However, so that i can appear clever and impress everyone with my range of pram technical knowledge, can any of you experienced P&Bers give recommendations or features to look for?

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Think you've been out voted on that one several times on here mr x!!

I cant help it if you're all horribly, horribly wrong :P

You see now I'm just confused. :lol:

The subject has come up before and some people on here dont like them. Look into my eyes, dont look at them, hear only my voice ... you want a Phil & Teds buggy :lol:

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That's very helpful, thank you for the info :)

There have been times she's been wanting to go through the system like a freight train and then times where she just wants an apology. She's expressed concerns about having another baby at KDY hospital but am I right in saying you don't have a choice if that's your area/town? I get what you're saying about seeking assurances from higher up until we were satisfied but would it not have been easier to just do a quick scan and then we have an answer? would the scan at that point not have possibly pre-warned staff that the baby was going to be big and that a C-Section might have been the only option or would it have been a case of knowing it was a big baby but still to try the regular delivery methods? I would have thought the scan would have shown if he was back to back, how big he was, if it was possible for a baby of that size to be delivered vaginally and/or if his size could cause any complications. I wasn't aware that small details such as us requesting a last minute scan would have been documented? with this midwife admitting she was new it would be our luck that it isn't documented. I'll have a word with my other half tonight and see if she wants to go ahead with making a complaint. She was given a leaflet about making a complaint towards the NHS but with our 8 month old starting to get the knack of rolling about we've had our hands full. Going to be bedlam when he starts walking and running about.

Someone would have had to organise/authorise the scan. It would be interesting to find out if you had asked midwife and it went no further or if medical staff were involved in the decision. If it was me I'd want to see my records to see what was documented. There will be the midwife's record and also medical notes as it was obviously not a normal delivery. It should be clear from them who was consulted and ultimately who made the decision. If no mention in medical notes it could be that they were not made aware of your concerns and that would be why no scan was performed. Clearly it was a medically managed labour rather than a midwife led one so ultimately Doctors would make all decisions - they can only do so if made aware of things though

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Someone would have had to organise/authorise the scan. It would be interesting to find out if you had asked midwife and it went no further or if medical staff were involved in the decision. If it was me I'd want to see my records to see what was documented. There will be the midwife's record and also medical notes as it was obviously not a normal delivery. It should be clear from them who was consulted and ultimately who made the decision. If no mention in medical notes it could be that they were not made aware of your concerns and that would be why no scan was performed. Clearly it was a medically managed labour rather than a midwife led one so ultimately Doctors would make all decisions - they can only do so if made aware of things though

All this talk about medical notes has brought back something else that was said. When the original midwife came out to visit us we naturally queried why they hadn't came out the following day when my other half was originally let out of hospital. Because of the complications she was told midwifes were required to give her an injection in her leg for 5 days to prevent blood clots. Was advised the wrong discharge date was put on the notes (these things happen so we let that slide) so they were unaware she was home. What knocked us for 6 is what she said after that...."so I see he was born vaginally". No word of a lie this was on her notes so if this has came from the hospital then this is naturally a concern and further worries us what else is on the documents regarding the birth.

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Raithie, the more you say, I feel a case review would be of huge benefit to younas you have loads of questions on the whole thing which is inderstandable. I'm not a midwife and ayrgirl has given you some great pointers

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Raithie, the more you say, I feel a case review would be of huge benefit to younas you have loads of questions on the whole thing which is inderstandable. I'm not a midwife and ayrgirl has given you some great pointers

Certainly from the replies I've had it seem taking it a further step would be beneficial. Thanks for all your replies thus far guys, much appreciated :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

How's she getting on Shuggie? 25+4 today, had a midwife appointment this afternoon. Got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, which is always nice and reassuring. Have a consultant appointment in a few weeks to discuss c-section date. The joys... Feeling pretty uncomfortable now and still have 3 months to go...

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How's she getting on Shuggie? 25+4 today, had a midwife appointment this afternoon. Got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, which is always nice and reassuring. Have a consultant appointment in a few weeks to discuss c-section date. The joys... Feeling pretty uncomfortable now and still have 3 months to go...

Much better now! She's seeing the physio regular now, still in the crutches, but much happier.

Now I'm driving here, there and everywhere picking up bits and pieces for her, Madi and the baby. Stressed but happy to do it.

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25 and 4 here too, had trace at day care last week after baby had gone quiet. Trace disc thing no sooner on and it booted it! I see consultant week on Monday and hoping to be discharged to midwife but I think he'll want growth scan at 32 weeks before he decides.

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That's us at 21 weeks today. Got our 20 week scan last Friday and it's a boy! :D

Wife has started having food cravings today. The first craving is for a food she's NEVER eaten, and that she's actively hated for years.

What was it, you may ask? Fillet steak :D :D :D

Straight out to the butcher's thank you very much!

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Calum nearly 4 months old now, had just got the hang of sleeping for most of the night, then got the runs. Has been shitting more or less constantly for 14 days now, up 3/4 times a night, running on about 4 hours sleep max at the moment. Fucking grim and sooo frusutrating. Poor wee guy wakes up crying cos he's shat himself, you change him and then he spends an hour crying because he's tired. Wish you could just say "Well if you're tired pal, go to feckin sleep"

Feel so sorry for him, Paedo at the hospital can't find anything wrong with him (he's not even dehydrated) and reckons it's not massively uncommon for babies to have the runs for up to 21 days.

Christ, hopefully it clears up soon as it's becoming a bit of a strain on us both.

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Anyone else refuse to find out the sex baby? We did first time around, and have agreed to again this time. Itching to find out now though!!!

Anyway, 23 weeks in now and buzzing.

We didn't find out. The other half wanted to but I refused. She came round to my way of thinking and it will be the same next time.

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Calum nearly 4 months old now, had just got the hang of sleeping for most of the night, then got the runs. Has been shitting more or less constantly for 14 days now, up 3/4 times a night, running on about 4 hours sleep max at the moment. Fucking grim and sooo frusutrating. Poor wee guy wakes up crying cos he's shat himself, you change him and then he spends an hour crying because he's tired. Wish you could just say "Well if you're tired pal, go to feckin sleep"

Feel so sorry for him, Paedo at the hospital can't find anything wrong with him (he's not even dehydrated) and reckons it's not massively uncommon for babies to have the runs for up to 21 days.

Christ, hopefully it clears up soon as it's becoming a bit of a strain on us both.

Never heard of that before - but I suppose if he's not dehydrated that's a plus. His bum is bound to be sore though.

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Calum nearly 4 months old now, had just got the hang of sleeping for most of the night, then got the runs. Has been shitting more or less constantly for 14 days now, up 3/4 times a night, running on about 4 hours sleep max at the moment. Fucking grim and sooo frusutrating. Poor wee guy wakes up crying cos he's shat himself, you change him and then he spends an hour crying because he's tired. Wish you could just say "Well if you're tired pal, go to feckin sleep"

Feel so sorry for him, Paedo at the hospital can't find anything wrong with him (he's not even dehydrated) and reckons it's not massively uncommon for babies to have the runs for up to 21 days.

Christ, hopefully it clears up soon as it's becoming a bit of a strain on us both.

Is he breast or bottle fed? My wee one is, amongst other allergies, intolerant to lactose and constant runs is one of the symptoms. If bottle fed you can get alternative formulas on prescription and if breastfed it's a case of limiting dairy intake. If it doesn't clear up it's an angle worth pushing as they don't like diagnosing it as the formulas are pretty expensive on prescription.

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Anyone else refuse to find out the sex baby? We did first time around, and have agreed to again this time. Itching to find out now though!!!

Anyway, 23 weeks in now and buzzing.

I've found out with all of mine, my son flashed us at a scan at 18 weeks so we didn't really have a choice!

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